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"Let Food Be Thy Medicine"

January 2019

Jean Varney
Jeannie Varney
 Nutrition Consultant


Welcome to the Eat Right Be Fit Live Well monthly link roundup.
Each week I read many interesting articles relating to nutrition, fitness and wellness. Here are some of my favorites from the past month. While every article may not be relevant to your personal circumstance, I hope at least one will spark your interest and provide you with a healthy tip you can incorporate into your daily routine.  



How to Fix Your Gut Bacteria to Prevent Heart Attacks:   In this short podcast, Cleveland Clinic's Dr. Stanley Hazen explains the link between your gut bacteria and obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and other chronic diseases. He offers suggestions on what to eat to avoid all of the above. (Dr. Hyman Blog)

A Study Shows Frequent Red Meat Consumption Leads to Heart Disease:  Eating red meat (pork, beef and lamb) increases the level of TMAO in our blood, which contributes to heart disease, increased blood pressure and obesity. Still want that bacon burger?  Consider a turkey burger topped with hummus instead. (Reports Healthcare)

Are Some Fruits More Fattening Than Others?   Is your whole fruit consumption making you fat? I'm pretty confident it's not. Juice and dried fruit may be though. While whole fruit shouldn't take the place of your non-starchy veggie consumption, you can and should enjoy 1-3 pieces a day. (Nutrition Diva) 

Huge Global Studies Find Low-Carb or Keto Diets Could Lead to Shorter Lifespan:  Are you substituting whole grains and legumes with animal protein to lose weight? If so, I hope you'll reconsider ... unless of course you want to shorten your lifespan. Yes, eliminate the processed carbs but do include whole intact grains and legumes in your diet DAILY. (Blue Zones) 

Researchers Say Most Alzheimer's Disease Cases Are Preventable-Find Out How:  "90% of us can avoid getting Alzheimer's" This doesn't surprise me. The foods these researchers suggest we include in our diet are good for the heart. What's good for the heart, is good for the brain. Conversely, the foods they suggest we avoid for brain health are damaging to the heart as well. (Blue zone)

Swapping Beef for Plant-based Protein Could (literally) Save Lives:  Swapping animal protein, particularly red meat, with plant-based proteins just a couple times a week can significantly improve your health while causing less environmental damage. Replace your filet with a bowl of lentil soup and a salad or enjoy a tofu and black bean fajita instead of a chicken filled tortilla. (The Fast Company)

Don't Want Antibiotics Sprayed on your Citrus? Sorry - It's About to Expand, Big-time:  "The Trump administration has given the go-ahead for agricultural operations to spray antibiotics on nearly a half-million acres of Florida citrus, a move some scientists warn could increase the problem of antibiotic resistance in people and in the environment."  I'll stick to California Grown organic citrus for now. How about you? (The Florida Phoenix) 

3 Reasons You Should Kick Your Diet Soda Habit:    Consider  water or seltzer flavored with fresh fruit to quench your thirst. Your brain, heart and waistline will thank you.  (The Cleveland Clinic)

How to Eat Rice and Potatoes without Spiking Your Blood Sugar-Add Lentils:  If you enjoy white rice or potatoes but fear the negative metabolic effects of these comfort foods, eat them with lentils or beans to prevent a spike in your blood sugar. (Endocrine web news)

Mediterranean Diet Prevents a Leading Cause of Blindness, Study Suggests:  Concerned about your eyesight? Here's what to eat to significantly reduce your risk of AMD, the leading cause of blindness in the US. (Science Daily)

Gardening Could Be the Hobby That Helps You Live to 100:  Let nature nurture. I'm already planning and dreaming about my spring garden. YUM! (The BBC)

How to Redesign Your Days to give you back a Few Extra Hours Every Week:  For many of us, the new year brings a resolution to change. Often this change requires adding more to our already busy schedule. Here are a few tips to help you fit more into your day without overtaxing yourself. (The Fast Company)

About Jean Varney 
Jean Varney is the founder and president of Eat Right, Be Fit, Live Well LLC, a health and nutrition consulting firm committed to empowering men and women to improve their health through sustainable changes to their diet and lifestyle.  Based in the Washington DC metropolitan area, Jean coaches clients nationwide by phone and in person.  She focuses on helping individuals make smart choices about the foods they eat in order to maintain high energy levels, avoid unwanted weight gain and decrease their risk of heart disease, cancer, type II diabetes and other chronic illnesses.  Jean received her training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City.  To learn more about her practice, please visit her website at: