A Message from Bishop San
Reaffirmation of Pastoral Directive
The Governor of the State of Maryland, Mr. Larry Hogan announced modifications to his ‘Stay at Home’ directive to reflect a ‘Safer at Home’ public health advisory and gradual re-opening of certain sectors of public life including houses of prayer.
I wish to point out that the operative words in his address were, “advisory”; “may begin to safely” and “do everything to keep their congregants safe…”. I am extremely confident we will be guided by his advisory as we have done in deference to previous communications. However, I am convinced as a diocesan family we are not ready to open safely and as such the Pastoral Directive extending the closure of churches for in-person physical worship remains in effect through
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Stock Up Now on Sanitation Products
The Bishop is encouraging churches to use this time, as we head toward a phased reopening, to stock up on cleaning and sanitation products that are often hard to come by.
The Bishop has been participating in a multitude of Zoom meetings and services including today's House of Bishop's meeting "Setting a Table in the Wilderness". He has enjoyed taking a course
"Difference: The Power of Faith in a Conflicted World" with the Archbishop of Canterbury. In addition to celebrating Eucharist weekly at home, the Bishop tuned in this past week to services at Christ Church Easton and St. Peter's Salisbury along with a service at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Baltimore to hear Bishop Sutton celebrate in honor of Thurgood Marshall.
Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
More from the Office of the Bishop
Invite Welcome Connect Digital Gathering
Bishop San
strongly encourages Clergy and lay leaders to register for the Invite Welcome Connect digital gathering being held on June 10th at 3pm. Everyone in the Diocese is invited to register for this free online event!
Led by Mary Parmer, the gathering will present ideas for "navigating these challenging and uncertain times" by reflecting on how faith communities can continue to invite, welcome, and connect in the virtual world in which we find ourselves for the foreseeable future. Mary Parmer was one of our guest speakers at this years Diocesan Convention and was scheduled to return to our Diocese this Fall. The Fall event has been cancelled in lieu of restrictions on large gatherings, so instead we are inviting everyone to tune in to the June 10th gathering. See you there!
Continue the Conversation...
The Rev. Dr. Barbara Anne Fisher will be sponsoring a free follow-up Zoom seminar to continue the conversation on Wednesday, June 17th from 3:00 - 4:30. Please email
and she will send you the link for the June 17th seminar.
Announcement from Camp Wright
The spread of the coronavirus has been felt by every aspect of community life around the world. The loss of lives is immeasurable and the disruption of economic stability has been crippling. Every person is feeling the strain of quarantining and living life with constraints of the new normal. Camp Wright, the Episcopal Church Camp located on Kent Island, has also felt the sting of this pandemic.
As of last week, the decision has been made to suspend all summer camping sessions for 2020.
This decision was not made lightly; the safety and health of children come first. The staff at camp is saddened, yet is preparing for the day that the facility can once again reopen. [Questions?
Click here
for Camp Wright's Covid 19 Hub.]
In recent years, the camp has become self-sustainable and only receives financial support from donations, group rentals and camper fees. This year, there were no spring group rentals and now no funds from campers will be deposited. In addition to these financial difficulties, the bulkhead on the property is in disrepair. All of these conditions will put a huge strain on the budget and threaten the viability of the camp program.
There is a fund drive in progress so that individuals, churches and businesses may donate if they so desire to keep Camp Wright “ afloat.” The address is Camp Wright, 400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville, Maryland 21666. Or you can click below to support them online.
Please consider helping this wonderful camp that has enchanted campers for decades. It truly is a magical, beautiful place where children and adults learn and live together in a Christian way.
Written by Ann Campbell,
St. Luke's Parish, Church Hill
News from Agape Ministry
Agape Ministry is grounded in unconditional love, the love that God shares with each one of us. Loving unconditionally means making hard decisions sometimes. Many things have changed since we were last together and the Covid-19 Pandemic is forcing us to make some tough decisions. Out of an abundance of caution and in the best interest of the health and safety of everyone, we have decided to cancel Camp Agape for Summer 2020. While we want nothing more than to be together, singing songs, sharing meals, playing games and splashing in the pool-- keeping our campers, our counselors, our staff, and volunteers healthy is the most important thing right now.
We are going to miss seeing everyone at Camp Wright this summer, so much so that we have some fun things coming soon. In June we will be sending each camper a box from Agape Ministry which will include all kinds of things that they can use to do camp at home! We will also include instructions for kids to login and see some friendly faces online each day that camp would have been in session.
We will have camp together again when it is safe to do so.
For now, please keep our camp and campers in your prayers.
The Agape Ministry Committee
National Church Extends Parochial Report Deadline
Parochial Reports were due on March 1, 2020. The deadline has been extended to May 31st. Once the vestry has approved the document, only one authorized signature will be required at this time. When the Episcopal Church ends the grace period, reports will no longer be accepted online.
Noonday Prayer on Our Facebook Page
The Diocese of Easton will continue to offer noonday prayers Monday thru Friday on Facebook. Please take a moment in order to join with others from around the diocese as we lift our thoughts and concerns to God in prayer. Please join us by
visiting our
Facebook page
weekdays at 11:55am.
We also invite anyone in our Diocesan family to sign up to lead one of the days assigned. Please
email us
for a list of available dates and further instruction on how to go live.
Are You Feeling Called to the Priesthood or Diaconate?
The Diocese of Easton is beginning a partnership with the
IONA Collaborative. "Iona Collaborative provides high-quality theological education for the formation of priests and deacons in their local diocesan settings, educating a new generation of ordained leaders who for various reasons cannot attend a residential seminary." If you are feeling called to ordained ministry please contact your Priest or Senior Warden so that they can forward this interest to Bishop San. You may also email
Bishop San directly. Candidates must have an undergraduate degree.
Communication from the Office of the Presiding Bishop
Bishop Marray shared notes from the May 18th Coordination Call with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. You can read the latest notes by
clicking here
The Diocese of Easton would like to congratulate
all of our graduating Seniors!!
This pandemic has changed your senior year in profound and significant ways, but you will all move on to be leaders in your spiritual, collegiate, military and professional lives and we have unending faith in you today and your successes tomorrow. Please join Presiding Bishop Michael Curry as he offers a
homily for the graduating class of 2020. Congratulations to all!!
Celebrating Graduation Resources
The Episcopal Church Faith Formation Department’s Office of Youth Ministry and Office of Young Adult and Campus Ministries have been collaborating with youth ministers, campus chaplains, and young adult ministers around the church to curate resources, ideas, and liturgies to help celebrate those who are graduating from high school and college.
Celebrating Graduation resources
include prayers and blessings, service videos and virtual choirs, worship bulletins and scripture, as well as a collection of resources and ideas for celebrating 2020 graduates during this pandemic.
Read more here.
Zoom Conversation on Family Ministry
Anyone involved in or called to ministry with young families (including children, youth, young adults, and/or parents) are invited to a zoom conversation on Monday, June 1st at 10am. This is an opportunity for sharing of ideas & resources, casting vision, and exploring the potential for collaboration as we head into summer. For more information, including the Zoom link,
email Joanne
Please also feel free to call if you have questions or want to get a head start on the conversation (410-310-6054).
St. Peter’s, Salisbury
Card Ministry
Outreach Committee has been busy trying to help with homelessness and hunger in Salisbury and surrounding communities during this COVID crisis. As part of the Outreach Committee’s work, we have decided to generously support some homeless initiatives in the area including Halo, Christian Shelter and The Joseph House. We are quickly realizing that this is just the beginning of the needs of members of our community.
To address some of the hopelessness of the homeless in our area, Deacon Intern Steph Clayville reached out to our parishioners and started a card ministry. The youth and adults of the congregation have already started to send their beautiful artwork and cards. These cards and pictures will be given to a local shelter to begin a Wall of Hope. Additionally, they will place the cards on the pillows and in their welcome bags if they are new to the shelter. We are also looking at opportunities to spread this card ministry to other shelters and places like our local hospital and food pantries.
If you are interested in writing a card, sending a note of hope, a scripture passage or a drawing, please send to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 115 St Peters St, Salisbury, MD 21801 Attn: Card Ministry. Our hope is that we can work together to fill the hearts of the those in need of hope during this exceedingly difficult time.
Christ Church, Easton - Women of the New Testament Zoom Class
Begins May 20 at 7:00 pm, learn more about the women of the New Testament with group leader Cathy Dodge. Describing the course, Cathy offers:
"As we are encounter women in the Bible and learn of their stories, have you ever wondered, like me, what it meant for them to step forward in faith. Although their lives were very different from ours, how did their decisions or experience mirror our decisions today and what lessons of faith can we learn by studying their stories.
Come explore with me the stories of some of the women of the New Testament. We will be spending time with the Crippled Woman, the Samaritan Woman, the Women with the Issue of Blood, Joanna, Martha, and Mary of Bethany.
We will begin our 6-week study on Wednesday, May 20th at 7:00pm. Each week, a link will be sent to each participant for the Zoom meeting. We will not be using a book for this study. Rather, we will be working through the scriptures and ask that you get a journal to record your thoughts, your insights, and your prayers.
I am truly looking forward to what God will reveal to us about the women whose stories are open to us through His Word." -
Written by Cathy Dodge
To register for "The Touch of Jesus: Women of the New Testament,"
click here
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to
Churches are also encouraged to add joanne@dioceseofeaston.org to their local enews.
Here's what's coming up at the Retreat House. Click the button below for dates and times.
Day's End
Evening Meditation
Listen, breathe, be still. A peaceful way to move into your evening.
Wisdom Circles
Our ancestors gathered in circles around the fire to tell stories, solve problems, seek the common good and celebrate the joys of life. The Wisdom Circle sessions will be held using Zoom video. Wisdom Circles are offered free of charge, though
are gratefully accepted.
Weekly Prayers
Please join us on Zoom for a time of focused prayer and contemplation. All are welcome!
Weekly AA Meetings
are now on Zoom.
A Peaceful Walk:
The Retreat House gates are always open ~ please come anytime.
During the COVID-19 crisis, please honor the 6-ft. social distance guidelines.
For more information, call (410) 364-7069,
click the button below
or contact
Francie Thayer
Pastoral Concerns
We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families:
The Rev. Kevin Cross, Rector, Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford. Sandra Marray, Sister of Bishop Santosh Marray. The Rev. Pete Stanton. Dee Rinehart, Director of the Bishops Institute. Art Leiby. Becky Richardson
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Seventh Sunday of Easter (May 24th):
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Mark’s, Perryville, and for their Rector, the Rev. Susan Oldfather.
Pentecost Sunday (May 31st):
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Christ Church, St. Michaels, and for their Rector, the Rev. Steve Mosher, and his spouse, Kirsten.
For additional weeks, please visit our
Communication from the Office of the Presiding Bishop
Bishops Coordination Call May 18, 2020.
Click here
The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry podcast continues May 18th
The Episcopal Church’s
The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry,
is now available. These weekly conversations, featuring Bishop Curry, podcast host Sandy Milien, and a variety of guests, center on ways to live a life committed to living the way of God’s unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial and redemptive love.
Season 3 changes include longer conversations between Bishop Curry and his guests: faith leaders, authors, and thinkers who are committed to following the Way of Jesus in the world today. Framed by the
Way of Love
– those seven practices of turning, learning, praying, worshipping, blessing, going, and resting – listeners will hear stories and lessons about how they can grow closer to God in daily life.
Read more here.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Word to the Church: What Would Love Do?
A Word to the Church regarding the rubric of love during the COVID-19 pandemic from the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church
"In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, we are now at another one of those threshold moments when important and significant decisions must be made on all levels of our global community for the good and the well-being of the entire human family. In this moment, I would ask you to allow me to share with you a Word to the Church: What Would Love Do?"
(Way of Love companion resources available
Click here for video
Habits of Grace
An invitation for you, from Presiding Bishop Curry.
As we learn how to adjust our lives given the reality of the coronavirus and the request to do our part to slow its spread by practicing social distancing, I invite you to join me each week to take a moment to cultivate a ‘habit of grace.’ A
new meditation will be posted on Mondays
through May.
Love God, Love Neighbor: Episcopal Month of Action
In the month of June, join The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations and Episcopal Migration Ministries for Love God, Love Neighbor: Episcopal Month of Action, a series of webinars to learn and advocate with and on behalf of immigrants, DACA recipients, refugees, and asylum seekers.
Newcomers contribute greatly to U.S. communities, enriching our common life, strengthening the U.S. economy, and bringing joy as they join and reunite with families and friends. And yet, immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees face a wide array of challenges, including federal policies and legislation that are outdated and do not address the realities of immigrants in America today. As the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement, we are called to advocate with and for
our siblings seeking safety and a better life in the United States.
Read more here.
Introducing For People, a conversation about finding and holding on to faith in the midst of the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Join Bishop Rob Wright – spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta – each week at the crossroads of faith and life as he draws inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions. For People is Faith for Real Life. New episodes released each Friday.
Listen Now
Ecumenical coalition offers webinar and resources as Pentecost approaches during COVID-19 pandemic
Embracing Evangelism:
A six-part digital course exploring our call to seek, name, and celebrate Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people – and then invite everyone to more. Each session features teachings on Episcopal evangelism, group discussion, and exercises to help Episcopalians understand the ministry and call to evangelism. The full Embracing Evangelism series consists of six video sessions, each under 45 minutes.
Registration is open for the Preaching Excellence Connection. A 3-day training for all those studying for ordination
Episcopal Preaching Foundation
announced a new 3-day preaching seminar open to all those studying for ordination in the mainline Protestant Church, whether in seminaries or other programs.
The May 26th-28th cloud-based program, intended to be the first in an annual series, will feature nationally recognized preachers and academic authorities including the Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church; the Very Rev. Randolph Hollerith, Dean of Washington National Cathedral; and Vanderbilt Divinity School Professor Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, author of many works of commentary on Old Testament and the Hebrew Scriptures. Prompted by the demand for continued learning while many academic institutions are closed due to precautions to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the conference combines elements of established EPF programs, particularly the annual in-person Preaching Excellence Program (PEP) for seminarians and the online moderated preaching groups offered to clergy participants in the EPF’s other annual conference known as “PEP-II.”
Read more here.
Deadline extended for Episcopal Church’s 2020-2021 academic year scholarships Applications due May 29, 2020
The deadline has been extended for educational scholarships from The Episcopal Church for the 2020-2021 academic year. A scholarship applicant must be an Episcopalian and must have the endorsement of his/her bishop.
Eligibility and info here.