Volume I Issue 17 ~ January 13th, 2019
1. Academics Spotlight
With final exams starting this week, many of our teachers took the opportunity to have students work in groups to problem solve and review together. Mrs. Mitchell's calculus class worked cooperatively to review derivatives and work through the problems as a team. Mr. Hill's class
had students working in groups to review for the final with a competitive game of Kahoot. Good luck to all our students on their finals this week!
2. Athletics Spotlight
Boys Basketball continued their winning streak with wins versus both Redondo and Leuzinger. Come out to Peninsula on Tuesday to watch the boys defeat the panthers.

Girls Basketball lost to Redondo and Leuzinger in two very close and competitive games. The girls look to take on rivals Peninsula on Tuesday.

Boys Soccer lost to Redondo early in the week but ended the week with a 2-0 win versus Leuzinger.

Girls Soccer tied Redondo in a double overtime game and lost to Mira Costa. The girls also beat Leuzinger 6-0.

Girls Waterpolo beat Peninsula 12-2 and are now 1-2 in league and 6-8 overall.
3. Wellness Week
To start the year off right, our BTC leadership group organized Wellness Week last week. BTC wanted to provide students with both a great start to 2019 and an opportunity to relax before finals week. Students had the opportunity to participate in yoga during lunch, leave positive chalk messages for one another around campus, and even relax with a trained therapy dog.
4. Marine Biology Spotlight
Mrs. Wood's marine biology class is always looking for ways to give back to the community and animals in need. Most recently, her classes were awarded with a certificate of support from the Marine Mammal Care Center of Los Angeles. This local care center is based out of San Pedro and is extremely grateful for all of the donations Mrs. Wood and her marine biology students collect. Thank you Sea Kings for giving back to the community and a worthy cause.
5. Reflections Contest Winners
The annual PTSA Reflections contest gives students the opportunity to express themselves through art, photography, writing, music, dance, and more. This week PVHS was excited to honor our 10 students winners from this year's contest. Thank you to all of the students who participated and congratulations to our winners!
6. Musical Theater Showcase
The spring musical is quickly approaching so PVHS drama students took to the stage to perform their annual musical theater showcase. This show gave students the opportunity to perform different songs from a variety of musicals. Be sure to check out their spring performance of Footloose April 12th-14th and 18th-20th.
7. Sea King Spirit Clinic
Our song and cheer team spent the week working with over 50 future Sea Kings during their winter spirit clinic. The week culminated with the opportunity to perform at halftime of the boys basketball game on Friday night. All of our current and future Sea Kings took center court and put on an amazing performance for the crowd.
8. Choreo Spotlight
Congratulations to Laura Storrie, Angela Velazquez, and Alexyss Gordon for their participation in the Palos Verdes Sunset Rotary Club’s Dance Contest which took place on Tuesday, January 8. Original dances were performed and choreographed by Laura (lyrical), Alexyss (lyrical) and Angela (tap). Laura Storrie placed first in this competition and will now progress to the Rotary District 5280 competition in March at Loyola Marymount University with prizes up to $1,000 for the top contestant! Great job girls!
9. Student Spotlight
Senior Marianna Graziadio is a Co-Founder and President of the Equestrian Club at PVHS. This past year she was named Youth National Champion, two Youth National Top Ten AHA, 4 Regional Champions, 2 Reserve Champions and numerous 3rds.

She was also given the AHA “Rider of Excellence Award”, the Outstanding Sportsmanship Scholarship in Arabian Western Pleasure Junior Owner to Ride and was a finalist for the USEF Youth Sportsman Award.

She and her horses won the United States Equestrian Federation National Western Horse of the Year, the United States Equestrian Federation Regional Horse of the Year in 4 different categories, and
she also won 2 Reserve and four 3rd place regional Horse of the Year titles as well.
10. Next week at a glance
  • Don't forget tomorrow starts first semester final exams. Good luck Sea Kings!
  • Stop by Chipotle at the Peninsula Center between 4-8pm to help support our Choreo team!
  • Winter Formal Tickets are on sale starting today in the student store!

  • Zero Period Final, All period review day. Click here for the bell schedule
  • Girls Water polo vs. Redondo
  • Boys Soccer @ Peninsula
  • Girls Soccer vs. Peninsula
  • Girls Basketball @ Peninsula
  • Boys Basketball @ Peninsula

  • Finals for periods 1 and 2. Minimum day release at 12:00pm

Thursday :
  • Finals for periods 4 and 3. Minimum day release at 12:00pm
  • Principal's Forum Presentation at 8:30am in the College and Career Center for all PVPUSD 8th grade families. Come hear from Dr. Tyner about PV High and participate in a Q & A session about life as a Sea King.
  • Girls Water polo @ Mira Costa

Friday :
  • Finals for periods 5 and 6. Minimum day release at 12:00pm
  • Boys Soccer @ Centennial
  • Girls Soccer vs. Centennial
  • Girls Basketball @ Centennial
  • Boys Basketball @ Centennial

Save the date! The next PTSA general meeting will be Tuesday January 22nd with
special guest, PVPUSD Superintendent Dr. Cherniss!

Health and Wellness

Each week, one of our community partners, Dr. Moe Gelbart generously volunteers his time to provide information for our community related to wellness. Dr. Gelbart is the Executive Director of Thelma McMillen Center in Torrance.


Happy 2019, and welcome back to school. As it is traditional to reflect on goals, visions, and desired changes, and to make New Years Resolutions, I offer these suggestions for New Year’s Resolutions for parents:

1. Examine your priorities. Most of us put our families as our number one priority, but when we look at how we spend our time, quality time with our children is often lacking. This is especially true for working parents. Be sure to carve out positive time that your children enjoy spending with you, that has no particular accomplishment or goals attached, and that your children experience as pleasurable. You can start with something as simple as having one meal together as a family every week.

2. Catch them doing something right. We spend a great deal of our time setting boundaries, disciplining, and having consequences for behaviors we want to minimize, but it is more important to notice, recognize, and acknowledge positive behaviors. This is important even if the behaviors are only partially in the direction of the desired behavior. Changes are much more likely to occur, and more powerful, when accompanied by positive reinforcement. It is believed that children hear 17 negative comments for every point of encouragement or praise. Help raise your child’s self-esteem and self-worth with positive statements.

3. Model the behavior you would like to see in your child. Monitor your own screen time and cell phone use. Create cell phone free time each day. Limit TV time, and replace it with reading. Review your nutrition and exercise plans. As I have written in previous columns, your children will be more likely to do what you do, not what you say.

4. Ask less questions. By this, I do not mean to talk less, or inquire less. Questions often leave the subject of the questions feeling like they are under attack, or are being interrogated. They get defensive because they do not know what the motivation behind the questioning is. You can achieve a better connection if you express your own feelings, and wait for a response. For example, instead of saying “where were you last night?” you can replace it with “ I didn’t know where you were last night, and that made me really concerned and worried”. Most likely you will get a response, with much less anger and irritation.

5. Listen more. Be willing to listen with what therapists refer to as “the third ear”. In addition to the content of what your child is saying, try to understand the feelings behind their communications, and work hard at validating their feelings. Remember, their feelings are based on their perceptions, experiences, and world views, and are
always a result of how they see things. Being able to reflect on that for them will strengthen the communication, and make it easier for you to help guide them.

6. Carve out time for yourself. Parenting is a tough job, and takes a great deal of devotion and energy. I have heard from many parents who feel taken for granted by those in their family. Make sure your schedule includes time and activities which are solely for your benefit and self-care. Don’t sacrifice things that make you feel good and help energize you. In addition, make sure you and your spouse/partner have time together that is not devoted to family issues.

7. Reduce how over protective you are. While it is your role to provide limits, boundaries, and safety in your children’s lives, they need to make mistakes in order to grow, and learn from them. Don’t feel like you have to shield them from all pain. A poor grade, a painful relationship, a rejection, etc., can be beneficial, and lead to improved choices if handled correctly. I have worked with many parents who, lovingly, have tried to protect their children from all negative experiences, only for those children to go off to college and not have developed an adequate base to take care of their own needs.

8. Manage your expectations. Try to find the balance between encouragement, and having meaningful goals and plans, and making sure that you are understanding your child’s needs and desires. College admission is a good example of this. While we might want to wear a sweatshirt with an Ivy League school name on it, so we feel proud and accomplished, that may not be the best for your child. When it comes to grades, remember, by definition, 50% of the group is below the mean – everyone cannot be in the top 10%. Help your child value themselves for who they are, not necessarily for what they accomplish.

9. Have the courage to set limits and boundaries. I have written about the importance of limits/boundaries, consequences, and follow through. Work hard at being clear and consistent. Your child will seemingly rebel, but will be grateful and feel cared for and safe

10. Remember to reflect on being grateful. Before going to bed each night, reflect on the things, big and small, that you have to be grateful for. Research shows that a short, regular gratitude reflection has many powerful positive benefits.

Remember, if you have issues you would like to see addressed, please email me at askdrgelbart@gmail.com.

Moe Gelbart, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Thelma McMillen Center
General Info
In January 2016, California adopted a new law covering comprehensive health education in public schools, Education Code Sections 51930‐ 51939 (AB 329) called the CA Healthy Youth Act (CHYA). Students in intermediate and high school must receive comprehensive health education and HIV prevention education from trained instructors. Each pupil shall receive this instruction at least once in middle school and at least once in high school. Here are some facts about the CHYA.

Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) is recommending the following steps to take toward initial, immediate compliance, with future consideration of a complete textbook adoption with the release of the new Health Education Framework in 2021:
1.    Selecting curriculum to cover CA Healthy Youth Act requirements (Board of Education approval process)
2.    Determining who will teach the curriculum and in which grades
3.    Scheduling training, parent education events, and public review of curriculum/opt-out procedures

LACOE strongly encouraged us to use the Adolescent Sexual Health Work Group curricula review as a starting point, as they were charged with grading a subset of comprehensive sexual health education curricula for alignment and compliance with the CHYA.

Five of the districts in the South Bay Consortium have selected the same resource, while the others are just beginning this process. Administrators across the greater South Bay have continued to communicate with each other as we move collectively forward towards legislative compliance. PVPUSD will coordinate with LACOE to present information to the Board of Education and entire parent community about the changes.

If you are interested in participating in this Health Task Force work, please complete the following form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=alG_LzE4eUS6iIMJfbVyeR3BiGtsvk5NgKNhK9rVDgpUOEUxVzBNUUxYVzhLRVA4QUJMWkNYOVAzNi4u
600 Cloyden Road, Palos Verdes Estates, 90274 ~ 310-378-8471 ~ pvhs.pvpusd.net