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emmanuelManage Your Weight With This Simple Technique
By Emmanuel Brown, personal trainer

  If you're like most people these days you're probably looking for the fastest and easiest way to manage your weight. You might not have time to go to the gym or put together a meal plan that would help you reach the weight you've been hoping to reach for the past 5 or 6 summers. 

That's all understandable, but what many people fail to realize is the fact that you can actually tip the scale in your favor by simply removing a single substance from your diet. That substance is processed sugar and its probably making you gain weight this very moment. That is if you're like most Americans who consume way too much of it on a daily basis. 

When I say processed sugar I'm not talking about the sugar that's in your fruit or any organic food. Processed sugars are the sugars that are in things like junk food and fruit juices. Some fruit juices are natural and aren't a threat to your health. But many fruit drinks that are promoted as healthy drinks are actually more unhealthy than you think. 
The most common label used for processed sugars is "high fructose corn syrup". When you consume too much of this sugar your body ends up depositing it as fat because it can't be properly utilized. 

This is the main reason why junk food makes you fat. It's called "junk" food for a reason, and people who consume high amounts of it will eventually learn the hard way unless something is done about it. 

What you can do today to lose a few pounds is simply replace one or more of your daily fruit drinks with water. Another technique you can use is to replace one or more of your daily junk food snacks with a fruit like bananas or apples. 

If you're a person who travels a lot and is unable to store fruit and keep them fresh, snacks like peanuts and cashews are your best bet. You can carry them around all day and not have to worry about them spoiling.

  If you're super motivated to lose as much weight as possible and you're willing to make a big change right away then try cutting out processed sugar for a whole week or 2. If you go from consuming large amounts of processed sugar to not consuming it at all for at least seven days you're guaranteed to see visible weight loss results fast. 

The longer you go without consuming it the more weight you will lose until your body gets to a point where it no longer has any stored fat that's caused by unnatural or processed sugar. Other things such as excessive carbs and unhealthy fats can cause a person to store visible fat in there body. 

If you cut processed sugar out of you diet and you still have stubborn fat that you want to get rid of its time to hire a fitness professional to put together a more customized weight management plan for you.

Cut out the sugar and add in a personal trainer.  Contact Emmanuel today! 
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Looks like we've finally turned the climate corner.  Temperature's holding in the 50's and 60's during the day.  Great for outdoor exercise.

It bears reminding, the CDC recommends 10,000 steps a day as moderate exercise.  Get out and enjoy springtime!
Need a trainer to help you Spring forward?
They will meet you at your home, office, outside or elsewhere.

Scroll down to see amazing insight from personal trainers Emmanuel, Julia, James and Bryan.
See you at the gym!
P.S. Click those share buttons at the top to spread the news!  Thx!
3 Summer Shape Up Tips
Summer is coming up and it is time to lose some extra pounds that as all normal human being, you have probably put on yourself during cold and nasty New York winter.  

As a personal trainer with many years of experience, I have some tips and trick in my purse that I would love to share with you. 

Tip number 1: Add an extra activity into your daily routine

Do you drive? Park two blocks further than you usually do. 

Do you have an elevator in your building? So just use stairs instead of using an elevator. 

Wake up 10 mins earlier and do simple bodyweight squats, push-ups, jumping jacks. Even more, do those exercises when you have a small break at work, before bed or anytime you have a chance to shake those extra pounds up. 

Tip number 2: Stop snacking! Yes yes, you've heard me right. When people snack they do not realize how many extra calories they could add to their diets. 

Seven almonds here, a piece of sugar-free cookie there, extra protein bar with a cup of Caramel Macchiato from a coffee shop and here we go 400 extra calories are already inside and making their way to your fat storages. 

I did not want to drop a bomb here but you should switch your tasty Caramel Macchiato with, for instance, Americano with Unsweetened Steamed Almond or Coconut Milk. 

There are also many different sugar-free options for Flavored Syrops which would make your low-calorie coffee taste delightful so I bet you would not even feel any difference. 

Tip number 3: Join the gym, or if you already a member squeeze into your schedule 1-hour full body workout. And I think my advice of the day is to hire a personal trainer. Look at it this way, when you pay for services you would probably want to get them not just throw your money to the wind. As well as a professional personal trainer will help you to get in shape so much faster than you doing it on your own.

 Stay Healthy my friends. Julia Dars.

Breathing bryan
Thanks to social media you can easily find the latest, most innovative WOD (workout of the day) or latest fitness tool on your favorite Instagram page.
When it comes to performance enhancement you'll see thousands of supplements or the latest rage of Nootropics from all kinds of distributors looking to make a profit.
How come we aren't sharing information on what we innately posses?
Two words - NITRIC OXIDE
In 1998, 3 American scientists won the Nobel prize for their astounding work on how nasal respiration along with humming optimizes health and potentially increases longevity.
A simple yet revolutionary approach to improving your body's oxygen use, increasing your health, weight loss, and sports performance-whether you're a recovering couch potato or an Ironman triathlon champion is SIMPLE - breathe through your nose at all times. Except at the end of your endurance or sprint training runs when opening your mouth gives you the psychological idea that you're breathing in more Oxygen and an added adrenaline rush to finish.
In truth, the BEST way to deliver Oxygen to the tissues is by raising the CO2 levels in your blood. CO2 is the bodies most potent hormone enhanced greatly by Nitric Oxide nasal breathing.
Achieve more with less effort: The secret to weight loss, fitness, and wellness lies in the most basic and most overlooked function of your body-how you breathe.
One of the biggest obstacles to better health and fitness is a rarely identified problem: chronic over-breathing.
We often take many more breaths than we need-without realizing it-contributing to poor health and fitness, including a host of disorders, from anxiety and asthma to insomnia and heart problems.
Nasal diaphragmatic breathing!
NOT to be confused with deep inhalation and exhalations. (Yes I have heard of the Wimhof breathing method and have met him and taken his course).
In fact, the opposite is true.
Diaphragmatic Breathing which is deep belly breathing should and can be done while taking quicker less deep inhalations.
Especially if we are talking longevity.
By increasing our CO2 levels it gives the signal to the hemoglobin to release oxygen into the blood stream and straight to the tissues. that's 100,000 miles of blood vessels we are talking about!
Nasal breathing allows you find a calm vibration which raises your vibrational frequency as a whole.
It has a direct effect on your entire nervous system.
Sending you into a constantly calm and tranquil state.
Diaphragmatic Breathing is a skill, it's something you learn with practice.
Instead of breathing shallow breaths in your chest, it takes a little work to bring it into your belly but it's worth the vibration energy.
Face your fears to awaken remarkable new possibilities.
Remember, the thing you are most afraid of, is what you most need to face.
When you choose to face your fears and live outside of your comfort zone then you are free to uncover new and greater possibilities and opportunities.
What's more, you open your mind to 'You' Stress, A type of positive stress that is linked to greater states of vibrational frequency.
In divine essence, it's about restoring harmony within the human systems through the power of Oxygen which is the HAPPY molecule of life.
The ESSENTIAL element for everything!

JamesLean-ing Into 60!

Everybody is getting older. Obvious, right? Not everybody is getting older in
the same way. Also, obvious, right?
Yes, I think so. There are those who are telling you about how they're  getting older all the time! They are actually complaining about it. When  they forget something, they say something like "my mind ain't what it used  to be", as if anything is. You might hear "Oh, I'm getting fat in my old age".

Yet, there are others who are embracing their evolution.

Exercising consistently and eating right. They are sharing their wisdom with the world instead of whining about getting older.

Getting older isn't an option,  enjoying it is.

I say lean into it! Like everything else, if you make the best of it, you feel  better about it. It's the same with getting older. You must try to enjoy it in  order the feel better about it.

How do you do that? The money question. It's an attitude change. That's all. Choose to do it. Go ahead, try. Say it with me. "I love getting older".

It is a choice. I exercise every day. I eat small healthy meals. But most of all  I choose to lean into getting older rather than fight it. 

I exercise every day. Unless I don't. But rather than planning to exercise once or twice a week, I plan to do it every day! Then, when I miss a day, I don't have to beat myself up about it and give up. I just resume the next  day.  

Say it with me, go ahead. "I exercise every day!" Don't worry about it if  it's not true yet. Just exercise today and you're off to a great start. Lean into  it!

By now you're starting to notice a trend. It's all about attitude. Replace your  old thinking with the new. By old thinking, I mean the old phrases and  figures of speech that you use without even thinking about whether they are  true or not. Instead of complaining about the weather, try enjoying it.  No  matter what it is. Go ahead, try it. Say it with me, "I love this freezing rain!"

If you're willing to try this approach, I think you'll find it exhilarating and  full of possibilities. It can free up your mind and your day from all of the  self-defeating habits that you aren't even aware of. 

It can open you up for something new. Like Lean-ing into 60! Or if you're younger than I am, leaning into your own beautiful future! Try it!

Lean into NOW!  Contact James today!


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heartrateLearn Your Body Mass Index (BMI)  


Body Mass Index (BMI) is essentially a height to weight ratio.  Am I a healthy weight for my height.


Figure out your BMI now.

Underweight = < 18.5

Normal Weight = 18.5-24.9

Overweight = 25-29.9

Obese- 30 or higher


Remember, speak to your doctor before starting a fitness program and then seek out the right personal trainer for correct program design.  Enjoy your workout! 


chris Exploring NYC's Personal Training Gyms: 

We'll return next month with another visit

By Glenn Dickstein

By Chris Granville

Gramercy Pilates                               Gotham Gym

Mid-City Gym                                    Thrive 

X93                                                        Remora Fitness

Hype Gym                                            Work Train Fight

Fitness Results                                     Steel Gym

Titan Fitness                                        Atomic Total Fitness

Core Fitness                                         As1Fitness 

Tribeca Health & Fitness                  Velocity Sports NYC