EDOLA News for February 2018
Volume 12, Issue 2
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Bishop Thompson's Ash Wednesday Sermon

Click here  to listen to Bishop Thompson sermon on Ash Wednesday, February 14 at Christ Church Cathedral.
Catch up on Bishop Thompson Lenten Reflections

Click here to read week 1 on Luke 1-2

Click here to read week 2 on Luke 3-5 

Click here to read week 3 on Luke 6-9:27

About the Good Book Club
The Good Book Club is an invitation to all Episcopalians to join in reading the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts during Lent-Easter 2018. Episcopalians will start reading Luke on Sunday, February 11 and read a section of Luke's Gospel every day through the season of Lent. The entire season of Easter will be devoted to daily readings from the Book of Acts. Already, individuals, congregations, and organizations are committed to being a part of the Good Book Club, and we hope you'll join the journey too!

The Good Book Club website ( lists the daily readings, as well as available resources to support people as they read the scriptures. Resources also will be available in Spanish at
Upcoming Diocesan Events:

March 1-3
Godly Play Core Training
Christ Episcopal Church, 120 S. New Hampshire St, Covington
More information and registration 

March 1-3
Walking the Mourner's Path: Grief Counseling Training
Trinity Episcopal Church, 1329 Jackson Ave, New Orleans 
More information 

March 2-3
Men's Retreat with keynote speaker the Rt. Rev. Jake Owensby, Bishop of Western Louisiana
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
More information and registration 

March 21
Chrism Mass
Christ Church Cathedral, 2919 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans

April 22-24
Senior High Rally
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
More information soon

April 28
Stepping Stones Retreat: Prayer
St. James Episcopal Church, 205 N Fourth St, Baton Rouge

Upcoming Bishop Visitations:  Click here for the schedule
News from The Episcopal Church
General Convention Seeking Legislative Aides

Excerpt from a letter to General Convention deputation chairs from Betsey Bell , Manager of Operations and Administration, Office of the President of the House of Deputies

Legislative aides provide a crucial role in the timeliness and success of our legislative process. Both alternate deputies and volunteers who attend at their own expense, are eligible to be legislative aides.  Here is a link to an article explaining the role, as well as the link to the application.  Applications are due by March 16th.  
Top Headlines from the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs 

Here are the top headlines from the Episcopal Church Office Of Public Affairs. To view all press releases, click here.

Episcopal Church teams with ecumenical partners for 2018 Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

There is still time to register for Evangelism Matters March 15-17

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry calls for Good Friday Offering to support ministry in Anglican Province of Jerusalem and Middle East

News from Around the Diocese
Follow all the news from around the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana by  clicking here .
Clergy Transitions

The Rev. Jerry Phillips   has accepted the position of chaplain at St. James Place, Baton Rouge, effective January 1. He will continue to serve as priest-in-charge of Church of the Nativity, Rosedale. 
Celebration of the Rev. Absalom Jones and the Rev. Richard Allen

View the recessional: "Wade in the Water" played by Luther Gray on drum and Hannibal Lokumbe on trumpet at the celebration honoring Absalom Jones and Richard Allen on Saturday, February 17 at Trinity Episcopal Church New Orleans.

A service to celebrate the Rev. Absalom Jones and the Rev. Richard Allen was held on February 17 at Trinity Church, New Orleans.

Rev. Absalom Jones (1746-1818) was the first black Episcopal priest and the pastor of the first black Episcopal congregation. Rev. Richard Allen (1760 - 1831) founded the first national black church in the United States, the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Both men were born into slavery and their lives and legacy are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and their commitment to the causes of freedom, justice, and self-determination. They were ministers, educators, writers, and two of America's most active and influential black leaders. We honor them for their faith and persistence in laying the groundwork for all of us today to worship freely in the church of our choice.

The service was sponsored by: Curtis Sisco Chapter of The Union of Black Episcopalians with support from Racial Reconciliation Commission of EDOLA, Historic St. James A.M.E. Church, Louisiana Conference of A.M.E. Church, St. John's A.M.E. Church and Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans.

Stepping Stones Retreat

The first in a series of retreats for young adults was held at Chapel of the Holy Spirit on Saturday, February 17. The retreat called Stepping Stones focused on self reflections.  Dr. Mark Leggett presented on therapy.  The Rev. Bridget Tierney presented on Spiritual Direction.  The Rev. Watson Lamb presented on theological reflection, EfM model.  

The next Stepping Stones retreat will focus on prayer and will be held on Saturday, April 28 at St. James, Baton Rouge. Click here for more information.
Saving Our Coast: Tree Planting in Manchac, LA
Photographs provided by Eleanor Berault from All Saints', River Ridge, and Nicole from St. John's, Kenner.

On February 17, members of All Saints', River Ridge; St. Augustine's, Metairie; St. John's, Kenner; and St. Martin's, Metairie, volunteered with the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation to plant 600 trees in Manchac, Louisiana, in an effort to restore the Louisiana wetlands and protect homes and businesses from flooding and storm surge.

The newly formed Environmental Ministry Committee of the Diocese of Louisiana is committed to saving our fragile Louisiana coast. Every Friday, they will share articles to educate and inspire. Look for the posts on Facebook and on the EDoLA Blog
Photo of the Month
Puppy Blessings and Ashes to Go

[Photograph by Kristen Wheeler, Christ Church, Slidell] Christ Church is one of the churches in our diocese that offers Ashes to Go. Click here to listen to a radio interview of Father Harry Jenkins discussing the importance of the ministry to the church and the community. 
More News on the EDoLA Blog:

The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115
(504) 895-6634 |  |