EDOLA News for March 2018
Volume 12, Issue 3
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
The clergy of the Diocese of Louisiana on the front steps of Christ Church Cathedral following the 2018 Chrism Mass.

Chrism Mass

On the Monday of Holy Week, March 26, the clergy gathered at Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans, for a service called the Chrism Mass. At this service, Bishop Thompson blessed the yearly stock of chrism oil (oil used for baptisms) and the clergy reaffirmed their ordination vows. 

Bishop Thompson's Lenten Reflections

Click here to read week 1 on Luke 1-2

Click here to read week 2 on Luke 3-5 

Click here to read week 3 on Luke 6-9

Click here to read week 4 on Luke 10-12 

Click here to read week 5 on Luke 13-16:18

Click here to read week 6 on Luke 16:19-19

Click here to read week 7 on Luke 20-24

Bishop Thompson's Easter Reflections on the Acts of the Apostles

Bishop Thompson has enjoyed the Lenten journey with you and invites you to continue with him by reading the Acts of the Apostles this Easter Season. Look for his weekly reflections on Wednesday morning by email ( sign up here), on the EDoLA blog, or on Facebook.
Upcoming Diocesan Events:

April 22-24
Junior / Senior High Rally
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center

April 28
Stepping Stones Retreat: Prayer
St. James Episcopal Church, 205 N 4th St, Baton Rouge

May 18-19
Episcopal Church Women 131st Annual Meeting
Christ Episcopal Church, 120 S. New Hampshire St, Covington

May 18-19
Deacon's Conference
Solomon Episcopal Conference Center

Upcoming Bishop Visitations:  Click here for the schedule
News from The Episcopal Church
Presiding Bishop Curry: Easter 2018 Message from the Holy Land

"Hatred does not have the last word. Violence does not have the last word. Bigotry does not have the last word. Sin, evil do not have the last word. The last word is God, and God is love."

Filmed on Palm Sunday during his visit to the Holy Land, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry delivered his Easter 2018 Message while standing out side of St. George's Cathedral in Jerusalem.

Top Headlines from the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs 

Here are the top headlines from the Episcopal Church Office Of Public Affairs. To view all press releases, click here.

News from Around the Diocese
More news from around the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana can be found by  clicking here .
Clergy Transitions

[Photo courtesy of St. James, Baton Rouge] The Rev. John Pitzer on his last Sunday at St. James, Baton Rouge.

The Rev. John Pitzer has been called as the associate rector of Trinity Church, New Orleans, effective March 25, 2018. He has served as associate rector of St. James, Baton Rouge.

The Rev. Doug Lasiter  has resigned as rector of Trinity, Morgan City, and St. John's, Thibodaux. 

The Rev. Gina Jenkins has been called as the chaplain of St. Paul's Episcopal School, New Orleans, effective July 1. She will graduate from the School of Theology at the University of the South in May and will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests on June 25 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Paul's, New Orleans.

The ordination of John Boyd and Joey Clavijo to the Sacred Order of Deacons will take place on June 30 at 10 a.m. at Christ Church Cathedral. More information soon.
Louisiana Episcopalians March for Our Lives

We are proud of the youth, clergy, and parishioners who added their voice to the March for Our Lives Movement. Over 80 Episcopalians in the Diocese of Louisiana participated in rallies held on March 24 in Baton Rouge and New Orleans to demand the passing of common sense gun legislation and to put an end to the senseless deaths of innocent people in schools, churches, nightclubs, concerts, movie theaters, airports, and more.

March for Our Lives was a student-led demonstration held in Washington D.C. with over 800 sibling marches across the world, including several locations in Louisiana. The march was organized after the mass shooting that occurred on February 14, 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. 

Photographs and videos from the day can be found by clicking here.

2018 Men's Retreat

Photograph by Mark Berry, Christ Church, Covington

Christ Church, Covington, organized a retreat for the men of the diocese at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center from March 2-3, 2018. The Rt. Rev. Jake Owensby, Bishop of Western Louisiana, was the keynote speaker.

The 2019 Men's Retreat will be held March 22-24.

Photo of the Month
Palm Sunday at St. Francis, Denham Springs

[Photo from the St. Francis, Denham Springs, Facebook page] St. Francis celebrates the Liturgy of the Palms outside their newly restored sanctuary. 

More News on the EDoLA Blog:

The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115
(504) 895-6634 |  |