January 10, 2019        Issue 137
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Presbytery Staff

Ed Thompson
General Presbyter
Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk, Associate for
Congregational Support

Rocky Poole
Financial Administration/Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate Presbyter for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Ministry

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Mark Miller
Bluestone Facilities Director

Sarah Specht
Bluestone Program Director

Amy Robinson
Office Administrator/Communications
Prayer List for Churches
Week 2 - January 13
DuPont City Presbyterian Church, Belle
Hughes River Pres. Church, Cairo
Westminster Pres. Church, Charleston
In Kenya: Gichira (GAY' she-RAH") Presbyterian Church

Week 3 - January 20
Marsh Fork Pres. Church, Dry Creek
Pickens Presbyterian Church
Valley Bend Pres. Church, Beverly

In Kenya: Kabiru (KahBEE'roo) Presbyterian Church

Nurturing Faith Ideas
Nurturing Faith Ideas are weekly suggestions and activities from the Presbytery's Nurture Committee to link worship and home and to nurture faith development in the family. They are intended for all ages and family types. Add one to your bulletin each week or put them in your monthly newsletter. They could also be sent via email or added to a Facebook page. In 2019, they are organized around a common theme each month. Ideas for the entire year can be found  here.

January 13
Epiphany, a time of wonder, a time of awe, is a time to recognize that God is here on earth with us through his son, Jesus Christ. God gave us a gift on that day so long ago - the knowledge that our God walks with us every day. Share that gift with all you meet.

January 20
We are often searching for something. Three men who are wise, who know how to read the signs are also searching - for a star - and they come to Bethlehem using their God-given talents. It was an incredible experience for them. We have been called to use our God-given talents as well. What talent might you have that will help people "find God?"
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On our Home page
You will find located on the Home page of the website (scroll down past the banner, introduction and grant buttons) direct links to recent newsletters, the Pray For church list and Nurturing Faith Ideas for the year and more. Please let us know how we can improve the website and whenever you encounter any problem with it. Thank you.

Click on an underlined title to go to the full article
Ed Thompson
This month is named after Janus perhaps because in January we look backward to the past year as well as look forward to the year ahead. Here is a look at what I achieved on my 2018 goals as well as what my 2019 goals are.
Clerks of Session should have received a letter outlining year-end information. It includes information on covenant renewal for Temporary Supply Pastors, Commissioned Pastors and Lay Supply Pastors (including annual reports for Commissioned Pastors); the Statistical Report; Session Records Review dates/locations; and more. Please contact the Presbytery office if you did not receive your letter.
Information on:  Deadline for 2018 benevolences
Important dates for employee tax forms
2019 IRS standard mileage rates
April 6 at First Presbyterian Church, Charleston
"Being Church Today" is the theme of this year's Festival of Faith, a day of learning opportunities, fellowship and worship. Brian McLaren (right) will present the keynote on " Being Church in a Time of Division." There will also be workshops, a Presbyterian Publishing House bookstore, several mission/ministry partners and more. Complete information and registration will be emailed later this month. 
Feb. 2 in four Presbytery regions
This event  for youth in grades 6-12 and their adult advisors will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Church sites are First Presbyterian Church, Clarksburg; Highlawn Presbyterian Church, Huntington; Old Stone Presbyterian Church, Lewisburg; and Village Chapel Presbyterian Church (with assistance from South Park Presbyterian Church), Charleston. Free, but bring a brown bag lunch. Register by Jan. 24.
Feb. 9. 16 and 23 at sites around the Presbytery
Would you like to know more about why Presbyterians do what we do as part of our worship? Find out at this course. It is offered three different Saturdays in three different locations in the Presbytery - the choice is yours! C ost is $10. Registration is Jan. 24 so as to allow time to complete the advance assignment, which is not required but is helpful preparation. 
Educator, Clergy, CRE, ALP Retreat
Feb. 18-19 in Charleston
"When the Bible Raises Your Blood Pressure: Faithful Wrestling with Challenging Texts" is the focus of this retreat for Christian educators, pastors and authorized lay preachers. Frances Taylor Gench of Union Presbyterian Seminary will be the retreat leader. The retreat will be held at Saint John XXIII Pastoral Center in Charleston, beginning with lunch on Monday and concluding with lunch on Tuesday. Information and registration forms have been sent to potential participants. For more information or if you fall in the above categories and did not get the information, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at [email protected] or 304-645-4568.
While in conversation with a middle school counselor and a school nurse, both admitted to spending $500+ a month  to take care of the students in their care. Can you donate any of these supplies to the Presbytery office for area schools or to your local school? 
Information from your Resource Center

Game On - Younger Youth Retreat 2019
March 1-3 at Cedar Lakes Conference Center
The Younger Youth Retreat is for those in grades 6-8 and their adult advisors. Throughout the weekend, led by youth members of the Presbytery's Youth Council, younger youth will explore who they are as children of God and the resources their faith and faith communities have to offer as guides along the way. While life really isn't a game and everyone doesn't play video games, we will use images and aspects of gaming to explore these topics. Information, with registration forms, will be sent to church leaders next week.
These programs  are provided through the Presbytery's Leadership Development Coordinating Team for interested church leaders, particularly those who may have limited resources for continuing education, though all are welcome to attend.  Each course, led by a leader in the field, is an independent opportunity to gain skills in particular areas of ministry.
This summer's Presbyterian Youth Triennium will be held July 16-July 20, on the campus of Purdue University. Our presbytery's delegation will gather the evening of July 15 for community building and preparation before leaving early on July 16. 
The McKinnon Presbyterian Church met for the final time on Sunday, December 30, 2018 and is now offering a gift to another small church in the Presbytery: its Hymn Technology HT-300 Hymnal Plus, available on a first-come, first-served basis. Interested congregations may contact the Stated Clerk at 304-744-7634 or [email protected].

We invite you to print and include this newsletter in your bulletins, give it to your congregation and distribute widely. We hope it is helpful for your congregation and community. Click for JANUARY news in the format of your choice:  two-sided colortwo-sided black-and-whitecolor booklet or  black-and-white booklet.
Healing the Wounds of Privilege webinar - 50% reimbursement still available
2 p.m. Monday
Presbyterian Outlook presents this 90-minute webinar to help congregations and pastors address the challenging topic of privilege/social divisions; it's particularly useful for predominantly white congregations who want to explore the concept of privilege and consider whether a loving response is possible. Cost is $29.95 (including on-demand replay), but the Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation is still offering to reimburse $15 of that. Email a copy of your paid registration to [email protected]
WVSU UKirk touches student lives across a broad spectrum of denominations, faith traditions and even non-believers. UKirk at WVSU is an all-volunteer ministry. The goal is to acknowledge the students by letting them know that we know they are there and that we care.
Several items are available at the Presbytery Office for ministers or churches who are interested. They include older editions of the Book of Common Worship, a congregational set of hymnals and fellowship rolls. Additionally,  Richard Lamb, an Honorably Retired minister member of the Presbytery, is offering books and filing cabinets to any ministers or churches who would like them.
The Westminster College Young Presbyterians Scholarship  is worth $19,000 annually for up to four years, for a total up to $76,000. PC(USA) congregations may nominate two qualifying graduating seniors. Nominations from pastoral staff or congregants due Feb. 1; student applications due Feb. 15. 
By George Hohmann | For the Gazette-Mail
"It's almost like we're part of an invisible economy," said Rev. Edward Thompson, head of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. in West Virginia, which has 127 churches. "Even those of us who are intimately involved in the church don't think about and don't really notice the overall economic impact our churches have on our communities and our state."
Background check consent form updated
The provider we use for background checks has updated their  consent form and reporting due to updated federal and state requirements. Our consent form, located in the Documents section of the website, has been updated. 
Editor's Note:
In order to keep the PWV Newsletter  fresh,  articles sent 
for publication will generally run for two consecutive issues.  
If you wish for a piece to continue to run, please update (with fresh content, new wording and/or a new or different photo) and resubmit,  so that news stays  fresh and interesting. 

Presbytery of West Virginia, 520 Second Avenue,  South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634, Fax (304) 744-7649, 

Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM