March 2019
In this edition of the Florida Mine Safety Program e-newsletter, you'll find information recapping the Second Annual Surface Mining Emergency Response Training and Competition.

Looking Back: Competition Highlights

We had an amazing time at our Second Annual Surface Mining Emergency Response Training and Competition in Havana, Fla on Feb. 25-28! The competition included an array of amazing teams, vendors, sponsors and non-competitors. To view photos from the competition, click here.

Congratulations to the following award winners: 

Overall Grand Champion
Vulcan Materials - Vulcan Black Team
Field Exercise Competition
First Place: Vulcan Materials - Vulcan Black
Second Place: Mosaic Four Corners
Third Place: Carmeuse Luttrell

First Aid Competition
First Place: Vulcan Materials - Vulcan Black
Second Place: Carmeuse Luttrell
Third Place: Nyrstar East Tennessee

Knot Tying Competition
First Place: Michael Solomon - Argos 
Second Place (tied between the following): Christ Armstrong - Mosaic South Fort Meade; Steve Vani - Nutrien White Springs; and Michael McBride - Mosaic New Wales
Third Place (tied between the following): Trent Childress - Mosaic Wingate Creek and Chris Sisco - EP Minerals TN

The second and third place trophies for the knot tying competition will be sent out to all winners shortly. Stay tuned for more photos from the event, which will be posted on our Facebook page soon. Be sure to "like" our Facebook page here for updates!  
Making Headlines: WCTV Coverage

WCTV, Tallahassee's CBS-affiliated TV news station, produced a story on our Second Annual Surface Mining Emergency Response Training and Competition. Click the image below for a look at some of the competing emergency response teams and an interview with Sam Pierce, MSHA's Southeastern District Manager. 

WCTV: Mine Competition Rescue
Making Headlines: WTXL Coverage

WTXL, Tallahassee's ABC-affiliated TV news station, also made an appearance at our Second Annual Surface Mining Emergency Response Training and Competition. They spoke with some of the emergency response team members and mining professionals at the competition, who shared why this event is so important.

Click here to take a look at the full article on their website!
Register Now for Holmes Meeting

Registration is now open for the 2019 Joint National Meeting and Training Seminar of the Joseph A. Holmes Safety Association and the Holmes Mine Rescue Association. The conference will be held on June 18-20 at the Wyndham Virginia Beach Oceanfront in Virginia Beach, VA. This meeting will provide a variety of safety and health and mine rescue workshops presented by national and international experts representing all sectors of mining.

To register for the conference, click here.
The Florida Mine Safety Program (FMSP) aims to educate those who partake in mining operations by assisting mining companies and mining contractors with their health and safety training. For more than 30 years, the program has operated as a federally-funded grant program under the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), whose mission is to prevent death, disease and injuries in the mining industry. This is done through a variety of training courses, conferences and informational seminars offered by FMSP. These courses highlight proper emergency evacuation plans, health and safety standards and more. FMSP diligently works to ensure that miners working in both Florida metal and nonmetal operations are aware of the health and safety standards and are effectively trained to take precautionary measures. Through a collaborative effort, FMSP and MSHA Educational Field and Small Mine Services (EFSMS) work together to reduce the frequency and severity of mining accidents and ensure a safe environment for all.

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