House of Prayer 
is a gathering of God's people who value:
Compassionate Community, 
and Relationships

Here is an update of what is happening at
House of Prayer this week!
Worship This Sunday
In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2asking, "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage." Matthew 2:1-2
This Sunday is Epiphany, which is a time for us to focus on the story of the wise men. These "magi" watched the night sky and believed God sent messages to humanity through the movement of celestial bodies. When they saw the star rising they knew the Christ child had been born. They believed the promise of God and took action! We have much to learn from the wise men. Join us Sunday as we discover their story anew!
Pick Up Your Offering Envelopes
2019 contribution envelopes are in the Narthex for you to pick -up. If you need envelopes assigned to you, please contact Jo at or (612) 866-7110.
Simple Supper Menu
Menu for Wednesday, Jan. 9th: Tacos, broccoli salad, taquitos (mashed potato & poblano), and fruit. Come join us at 5:30pm in Fellowship Hall!
Children & Youth This Week
The Sunday School children begin a new unit this week on the Lord's Prayer. Next week the Youth Group will do a service project leading bingo with residents at Martin Luther Campus - please note we will start earlier this week at 6:00pm!
Wednesday Night
Bible Study
Universally recognized as a literary masterpiece, the Book of Job skillfully intermingles poetry and prose to deliver a delightful rendition of creation. The sovereign grace of God is revealed in its glory. Don't think this is only a sad account of life. Let's dive in together and discover what we can in what some say be the oldest book of the Bible.
Six Wednesdays Starting January 16, 2019
6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall - Led by Pastoral Intern, Deanna Bassett
Youth Collecting TP for VEAP
The youth group will be collecting toilet paper until February 13th when we take it all to VEAP. Toilet paper is an essential item for families who visit VEAP for food. Our goal is to collect 1200 rolls of toilet paper - can you spare a square? Donations can be brought to the VEAP bin outside the sanctuary.
High School Retreat at Luther Park
February 1-3 the high schoolers are headed up to camp for a winter retreat! This will be a great chance to enjoy some time out in nature, go sledding or play broomball, build community with the youth group, and dive deeper into our faith. Talk to Ben Whalen for more information and please sign up by January 9.
HOP Preschool Growing
House of Prayer Preschool is growing! New children will begin in January and we look forward to welcoming them to our current group. If you know of someone looking for a Montessori like preschool experience now or in the future, please email Happy New Year to you!
Sign up for Family Mission Trip 2019
Everyone ages 0-100+ is invited to join us for a long weekend in Superior, WI on July 12-14. We'll serve several different organizations in town with a variety of projects and you'll also get a chance to relax on the shores of Lake Superior. Please contact Ben Whalen ( or 612-500-9523) for more information. The deadline to sign up is February 1st!
ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) - Allyssa Hyde
Hello House of Prayer,
I'm Allyssa Hyde. As a member of the HOP congregation, I wanted to share what I have been doing this year. I am participating in the ELCA's amazing program called YAGM. This year of service invites young adults to become the hands and feet of Jesus. I have been serving at the Lutheran Church in Cambodia since September. My position includes teaching English classes and helping the Church with lessons and other day to day operations. It has been absolutely a life changing experience so far and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has to offer. I would love any thoughts and prayers. You can follow my journey through my blog at If you feel called, I would greatly appreciate your financial support as well, you can find this information at
With lots of love, Allyssa (
New Trash/Recycling Cans
Have you noticed the shiny new trash and recycling cans in the Narthex?  The Creation Care Team selected them to help members and visitors become even more conscientious about ways to protect our environment. Please take to separate items as follows: RECYCLING (glass/plastic bottles/aluminum cans), CUPS/NAPKINS (paper coffee cups/napkins) and everything else in TRASH.
Book Discussion Group
Join us tonight, January 3rd, at 7:00 pm in the Fireside Conference Room as we discuss "The Magician's Elephant" by Kate DiCamillo. All are welcome!
Fantasy Football Champion!
In a battle of the Bens, Gnashing of Teeth (Pastor Ben) defeated Seek Ye First Downs (Ben Whalen) in the House of Prayer Fantasy Football Championship. When it comes to winning the league it feels like we have "ben" here before! It was a great season for all involved. Keep an eye out for an announcement for next year.
HOP Fellowship
All Brothers & Sisters are invited for fellowship, devotions and speaker on Thurs., January 10th at 9:00am in Fellowship Hall! Come hear guest speaker Pastor Linda Lund, HOP member and retired HOP pastor, as she discusses "Alaska - The Last Great Frontier." For more information call Noel Sagness (612-866-0833).
Let's Visit!
Would you like a visitor from one of our pastoral staff members? While we often hear of needs within the congregation, sometimes we are unaware of the needs within our family of faith. Pastor Ben or Minister Kelly would be happy to visit any of our members or friends who would like a pastoral visit. These visits could be health related but could be for any reason. Contact the church office via telephone 612-866-8471 or Pastor Ben via email
House of Prayer Lutheran Church of Richfield, MN
 ELCA | (61 2) 866-8471