The Monthly Newsletter of
St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
689 Sugartown Road, Malvern, PA 19355
The Rev. Kevin Dellaria, Rector
Our Vision:
We aspire to be a growing community, worshiping together, celebrating our diversity & lay ministries, and offering God's healing love to all people.
Our Mission:
We seek to foster spiritual growth & renewal while spreading God's message of love, healing and peace.
Christmas Services of Holy Eucharist
@ St. Francis-in-the-Fields
December 24 - Christmas Eve
5:00 PM - A child-friendly service with bells, gifts and a special sermon for our young guests.
10:00 PM - A traditional, solemn Mass with a more contemplative tone.
December 25 - Christmas Day
9:00 AM - A simple service of Holy Eucharist in the solitude of
Christmas Morning.
December 30 - The First Sunday of Christmas
8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist
10:00 AM - Holy Eucharist with Lessons and Carols
What Are We Waiting For?
We Americans aren't fond of waiting. Practically speaking, very little of what we need or want takes more than a few hours, at most, to obtain. If Wegmans doesn't stock my favorite yogurt, I can find it at Giant or Acme. Rushed at lunch? I can skip the lines at Wawa and order that hoagie through an app on my phone. Need a song for the big dance? I can download it in an instant from any number of vendors. And what about that lime-green shag throw pillow? Yes, I can have that, too - shipped in two days from a distant warehouse from the website of you-know-who. Just one day, if I'm willing to pay.
That's our life. A life without waiting. And if heaven forbid we have to wait at all, we have a hundred ways to be "productive", or at the very least numb the pain.
But "waiting" has a deep history in the scriptures, among the people of God. It's born of the longing for restoration and renewal. God's broken people, scattered or enslaved, waited for the day when God would vindicate them. Over and over again they waited: In Egypt under Pharoah, during the time of the Judges, in captivity in Babylon, under oppression from Rome. No one could press a button, enter a code and satisfy the longing. Only God could come and save his people. So hope and expectation became the brushes of faith, and waiting became an art. The language of faithful anticipation saturated the prayers of the Psalmist:
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
Psalm 27:14
I wait
for the LORD and keep His way, And He will exalt you to inherit the land;
When the wicked are cut off, you will see it.
for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his
word I hope; my soul wai
I wait for the LORD, my soul does wait, And in His word do I hope
Psalm 130:5
Advent is a season designed to teach us to wait. But rather than whipping out our cell phones to pass the time, this beautiful, liturgical gift admonishes us to wait on the Lord; to direct our gaze to the God who loves and delivers his people.
This Advent, I'm personally committing to learning again what it means to wait on God; to have hopes and expectations that only God can fulfill, and that don't come neatly packaged in two days time. Personal struggles. Fires and floods. Wars and rumors of wars. Weary migrants waiting at the border.
There is no end to the ways we can call on God. In times of darkness, the world needs people who practice the long, lost art of Holy Waiting. It's only a matter of asking. What are we waiting for?
Use Facebook to Connect for Christmas
St. Francis-in-the-Fields will be brimming with preparation and celebration during the Advent and Christmas seasons. The Invite-Welcome-Connect Committee encourages you to share news about upcoming events on Facebook by liking and following the St. Francis Facebook page or sharing the posts on your own page. Invite friends to join us for the Cookie Walk on Dec. 1 from 9 - 11 a.m., Las Posadas on Dec. 16 at 6 p.m., Christmas Eve Services at 5 and 10 p.m., and Christmas Service at 9 a.m. Use social media to spread the word about our lovely church home during this festive season.
IWC also reminds all parishioners to wear your nametag every Sunday, making it easier to warmly welcome newcomers and existing parishioners alike.
Parish Office Closures
Monday, December 24
Tuesday, December 25
Wednesday, December 26
Submitting Weekly Announcements
When submitting blurbs for the insert in the Sunday leaflet, please keep them short and to the point, preferably four lines or less. This helps make room for other announcements. Full-length announcements can be posted in the weekly Parish News that is emailed on Fridays, and the monthly newsletter.
Thank you for your cooperation with this request.
Introduction to the Spiritual Journey
The Rector's Study on spirituality continues on Tuesday, December 4 at 3:30 p.m. with a look at the topic of "Practice as a Virtue". All are welcome!
St. Clares Wreath and Poinsettia Sale
Your purchase will be available for pickup in the Undercroft at church on Saturday, December 1 between 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM
Newcomers Classes
If you have been visiting St. Francis and are considering making this your church home, I invite you to attend the information session on Sunday,
December 2, Father Kevin and I will meet with anyone who would like to know more about St. Francis after the 10:00 a.m. service in the upstairs library. The session will begin approximately 15 minutes after the service concludes and will last about an hour.
The information session provides an opportunity to meet with me and Father Kevin Dellaria to learn about the history, programs and ministries of St. Francis.
Those who would like to make St. Francis their church home are invited to attend our Service of Welcome during the 10:00 service on Sunday, December 9, and be recognized at the coffee hour immediately following.
If you are interested in attending the information session or in joining St. Francis, please contact me by phone or email, or see me after any 10:00 service.
David Culver
High School Youth Group Happenings
WAWA Hoagie Coupon Sale - $4 each-these make great stocking stuffers and helps support the mission trip.
December 2
St. Francis Christmas Ornament Sale begins!
December 23
Save the date-Christmas Caroling!
Brown Bag Lunch
We welcome Emma Koontz and Robin Meixner from
Friends Association for Care and Protection of Children
to the Brown Bag Lunch on Tuesday, December 4 from Noon - 1PM.
Emma and Robin will share information about the organization, homelessness in Chester County and how the organization is working to strengthen the lives of these families. This being the Christmas season our theme will be "focusing on family homelessness".
For over a century, Friends Association has provided essential social services for children and families. Their programs, which have changed over time in response to the needs of those they serve and the needs of the community, currently focus on homeless or near homeless families with children. They operate one of only three family shelters in Chester County and one of the few homeless prevention programs in the region.
The organization's mission is to strengthen our community by helping the families we serve find or maintain permanent housing and achieve stability and self-sufficiency.
Chester County is one of the wealthiest counties in Pennsylvania, yet on any given day; approximately 684 persons experience homelessness. The causes of homelessness vary among individuals and families, but one of the many factors that contributes to homelessness is the lack of affordable housing.
To help children and families celebrate the Christmas season, the Brown Bag Lunch Ministry will be donating gift cards for $5, $10 or $15 (or other amounts) from Giant and Acme supermarkets or Wawa. We also welcome and appreciate gift card donations from anyone else who wish to contribute. Please contact Shirley Warren at
if you would like to make a gift card donation or have questions.
Thank you in advance for making the Christmas season a little brighter for these families. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, December 4 at noon.
Vestry Meeting
Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 7 PM
Cookie Walk - December 1
St. Francis-In-the-Fields is having a Cookie Walk on Saturday, December 1 from 9-11 am. This is not a cookie exchange so come enjoy some treats even if you don't bake.
Here's how the Cookie Walk works: Parishioners make cookies to donate. Then anyone who comes on Saturday, December 1 will get a box to "walk around the undercroft and fill with cookies for a flat fee of $25.00.
All proceeds will go towards the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County.
Wreath/Swag Decorating Workshop/Party
Please join us
December 2 from 4 - 6 p.m. for a very fun and low key way to welcome in the Christmas season. No real craft experience needed. Bring a wreath of your choice and we will provide the decorations, tools, ideas and guidance.
This year, if you would like to make a swag instead of, or in addition to a wreath, we will have greens for those as well.
Food, drink and fun always accompany this event. Friends of parishioners are always welcome.
Alternative Christmas
Alternative Christmas charity gift cards will be available for gifts on Dec. 9, 16 and 23 between services and after the 10:00.
Las Posadas Celebration
On the evening of December 16, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., St. Francis will retell the story of Mary and Joseph's journey through Bethlehem in the fun, participatory, family festival of Las Posadas ("The Inns").
Las Posadas follows Mary and Joseph on a musical journey through the streets of the city looking for a place suitable for Jesus' birth. Rejected three times, the wandering couple is finally welcomed and those gathered on the journey celebrate with feasting and fellowship!
It's going to be a fun evening, and a new way for many to experience this wonderful story. Everyone gets to play a part! Volunteers are especially needed for the following:
- Youth and Children to dress up "in character" and be part of the procession from place to place. Christmas pageant costumes from the parish are available. Especially needed: Mary and Joseph!
- Willing drivers to bring any who cannot drive at night.
- Cooks to provide refreshments
(Las Posadas, cont.)
The journey begins outside (but the party is inside), so dress warmly! Everyone is encouraged to bring a donation of diapers and/or baby wipes to be donated to the West Chester Food Cupboard. For questions and volunteering, contact Fr. Kevin.
Proposed changes to the By-Laws
The Vestry are proposing to make some minor updates to the By-Laws to make them consistent with current practice. The by-laws with the proposed changes are posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex. The Vestry will vote on them at their December 11 meeting. Any questions should be directed to the Rector or Rector's Warden
Backpack Project Gifts Needed For
Our Brother's Place
Members of the St. Francis parish family are again being asked to remember the homeless people who seek shelter and a way to improve their lives at
Our Brother's Place, a unit of the
Bethesda Project in Philadelphia, as you do your Christmas shopping. St. Francis has supported this very important outreach program for over 25 years, and the needs of those who are helped are as great as they have ever been.
Personal articles most needed include: backpacks or duffel bags, winter jackets and rain ponchos
(all size Large or Extra-large), flannel shirts, sweaters, sweat pants and sweat shirts, underwear (especiallylong-johns), warm socks, knitcaps, scarves, gloves or mittens, and sneakers
(size 9 to 12). Also needed are towels, deodorant, anti-bacterial soap, canned coffee and sugar packets, as well as cleaning supplies such as liquid dishwashing detergent, Pine Sol with lemon, bleach and liquid toilet bowl cleaner.
PLEASE DO NOT WRAP GIFTS! A collection bin will be placed in the Narthex beginning Sunday, November 18. The
deadline for bringing your Backpack Project gifts to the Church is Sunday, December 16. If you would like more information regarding this very meaningful Christmas outreach project, please contact Jim Borum.
Many thanks!
Book Club
Friday, January 18, 7:30
Sworn to Silence, Linda Castillo
After 16 years, Kate Burkholder returns to Painters Mill, Ohio as Chief of Police. Her Amish roots and big city law enforcement background make her the perfect candidate for this position. When the first body is discovered in a snowy field Kate vows to stop the killer before he strikes again. But to do so, she must betray both her family and her Amish past
Our Annual Parish Meeting and Vestry Election will be held on Sunday, January 27, after worship. One service of Holy Eucharist will be held that morning at 9:00 a.m. The state of the parish, ministries report and other presentations will be made.
The deadline for committee reports is Friday, January 11. ALL reports are due to the office that day or they will not be included in the Annual Report. Please respect the deadline!!
Art & Music Festival Save the Date
The 2019 St. Francis Art & Music Festival will take place Friday, February 22 through Sunday, February 24. The event will include an Artist Preview Party on Friday night, Musical Revue and Reception Saturday afternoon and an Open Gallery on Sunday. Stay tuned for more information.
Bible Study
The weekly Lectionary Bible Study is on Wednesdays at 10 am, followed by Holy Eucharist at 11:15. At most meetings, this group discusses the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Church Farm
The Griffin Clothes Closet at Church Farm is in need of men's sweaters and hats for winter. Please donate if you can! Thanks Sheila Rees for serving CFS and letting us know of the need! Please direct questions to Caralee Crary.
Donate Your Time and Talent
Want to get personally involved? If you are over the age of 18 and want to donate your time and talent to the 100% volunteer team at the West Chester Food Cupboard, please email Charlotte Cain at wcfood@gmail.com.
Money and food is welcome too, because no one should go hungry.
Thank you!
431 S. Bolmar Street, West Chester, PA 19382
Altar Flowers
Did you know that you can dedicate the Sunday Altar Flowers in honor of a friend or family member, in remembrance of a loved one, or for some other special recognition? Altar Flower dedications are just $50.00, and helps provide a fresh arrangement each week. The form for dedicating Altar Flowers can be found on our parish website at:
Sunday Lessons
If you would like to read the lessons for Sunday, click on the link below.
Lectionary Page
Fieldnotes Deadline - January
The deadline for the December Fieldnotes is
Monday, December 17!