Coventry's product and service initiatives assist workers’ compensation professionals in adapting to ever-changing
industry needs
The role of the Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) has evolved in response to the opioid epidemic, new dispensing practices, high dollar medications, regulations, and a growing recognition that all medications affect the health of an injured worker.
Make better-informed decisions
with Smart Prior Authorization
First Script® includes an enhanced prior authorization (PA) process that provides claims examiners with approval or denial recommendations based on clinical, jurisdictional, cost, and utilization history to assist with informed decision-making.
Custom rule configuration
Billed amount l Brand/generic
Compounds l Daily dosage
Diagnosis codes l MED logic
DAW codes l Jurisdiction
Historic medical data
Orange Book detail

See how Smart PA recommendations can help your claims examiners make better-informed decisions
To learn more about our products and services, just contact us at 800.790.8662 or