Dear Parishioners, this new website is under construction. We hope to have it up to speed very soon!
Step into Grace 
Where strangers become friends 
We are an Open and Affirming church. Every one of every age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental ability, or economic status is invited to join us as together we live out the Gospel message of love, forgiveness, service, and justice. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey- you are welcome here.
Morning Prayer 
September 20, 2020 
10:00 AM

The Rev. Libby Wade, Officiant
and Preacher

Lector: Robert Forman
Intercessor: Jainee McCarroll, John and Ellis Ericson
Responder: Sue Gore
Counters: Rick Gore, Tom Doy


Morning Prayer,
(Sundays at 10:00 AM)
To join this Zoom meeting,
or call +1 646 558 8656 US
(New York),
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
(Meeting ID): 177 160 858
(Password): 917937

Tuesday Bible Study
will not meet again until Tuesday, September 29, when a new 6-week series will begin.
 A new Zoom link will be provided before the first gathering.
See article in this edition of Tuesday's Child for more info.

Books and Bread at 7:00 PM
This is a recurring meeting
To join this Zoom meeting,
(Meeting ID): 370 191 823
(Password): 385337

Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Find your local number: Click here

Centering Prayer
Thursdays 5:00 PM
This is a recurring meeting
To join this Zoom meeting,
(Meeting ID): 203 314 800
(Password): 578877

Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
To find your local number:

Third Sunday Supper 
Every third Sunday at 6:00 PM
This is a recurring meeting
To join this Zoom meeting
(Meeting ID): 778 608 743
(Password): 729107

Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
To find your local number,

Be safe. Be well. Hope to see you soon.
Outdoor In-Person
Holy Eucharist at Gideon’s Garden
Sunday, September 27, 2020,
10:00 a.m.
Followed by
The Blessing of the Animals
at Taft Farm on
September 27.

Details concerning protocol
are below

Matthew 20:1-16

Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with the laborers for the usual daily wage, he sent them into his vineyard. When he went out about nine o’clock, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace; and he said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ So they went. When he went out again about noon and about three o’clock, he did the same. And about five o’clock he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, ‘Why are you standing here idle all day?’ They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard.’ When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager, ‘Call the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last and then going to the first.’ When those hired about five o’clock came, each of them received the usual daily wage. Now when the first came, they thought they would receive more; but each of them also received the usual daily wage. And when they received it, they grumbled against the landowner, saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’ But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? Take what belongs to you and go; I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?’ So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
We All Are One in Mission -
 arr. James Biery
Creation Season - September Worship
Renewing, Repairing, Restoring

A reflection on Creation Season from our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry begins with a quote from the first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Philippians:  My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better; but to remain in the flesh is more necessary for you.  Bishop Curry writes, “There are a lot of good hymns and spirituals about heaven and how wonderful it will be to rest from our labors and be there with the Lord.  And this is true.  The apostle Paul, when he wrote his letter to the Philippian Christians, was in prison and didn’t know if he was about to die.  If so, he said, that would be just fine: ‘To die is gain.’  But he went on to say that, although this world and its problems can be tiresome, he needed to stick around because there was still work to do.  To remain, for Paul and for us, was ‘necessary for you.’  Now, ‘you’ isn’t just our loved ones, or even our neighbors, co-workers and folks we meet.  ‘You’ is also the world in which we live and breathe, the vineyard in which we toil.  To ‘remain in the flesh’ is hard work, because it calls us to be ever more intentional in our care for all around us, including creation itself.  German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer once affirmed that ‘it is only by living completely in this world that one learns to have faith.’  This world, and all that it holds, is in God’s hands.  But as long as we remain in the flesh, then by God’s call it is in our hands as well.  Liberating, life-giving God, help us to know that we and the world you have created are truly the work of your hands.  Give us knowledge and wisdom to care for your handiwork now and for future
generations.  Amen.”   In our worship on Sunday, September 20, when we sing “He’s God the Whole World in His Hands,”  I hope we’ll be comforted by that image, while keeping in mind Bishop Curry’s image of God calling us to hold the world in our hands. 


Outdoor In-Person
Holy Eucharist at Gideon’s Garden
Sunday, September 27, 2020, 10:00 a.m.

As we continue to exercise caution, our regular Sunday worship will still be on Zoom for the foreseeable future, with one exception. On Sunday, September 27 (weather permitting) at 10:00 a.m., we will gather in person at Gideon’s Garden for a service of Holy Eucharist, our first in almost six months. This will give us an opportunity to celebrate Gideon’s Garden, its bountiful harvest, and its faithful staff and volunteers. After much prayer and careful consideration of theological, safety, and practical issues, Bishop Fisher has authorized consecration and distribution of bread at an in-person worship service. Making use of state, local, and diocesan guidelines, Grace leadership has developed protocols for September 27.

Seating for this worship service will be through reservation on a first-come, first-served basis. To make a reservation, please call or e-mail the Church Office (413-644-0022, [email protected]) no later than Thursday, September 24.

Details about how we will gather safely:

· Please do not come to in-person worship if you are not feeling well or if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last two weeks.
· Plan to arrive 15 minutes before the service begins.
· Wear your own face mask. Everyone over age 5 must wear a face mask that covers both nose and mouth.
· Observe 6 feet distancing at all times with anyone other than your household unit.
· Chairs will be provided for 30 people, some under a tent, others outside the tent, so that household groups are 6 feet apart. You may bring your own chair to set up outside the tent, if you wish.
· A paper service leaflet will be provided. Please take it home to recycle.
· No food or drink will be provided. Please bring your own water, if you need it.
· Please plan to use the bathroom at home before or after the service. One portable toilet will be on-site for emergency use with instructions for sanitizing after use.
· Ushers will meet you near the street to check you in, dispense hand sanitizer, give you a service leaflet, and guide you to seating. Please remain in your car until an usher is free to check you in.
· If we reach a maximum of 50 people, we will have to turn away others.
· You are welcome to greet others while remaining masked and keeping at least 6 feet away.
· There will be instrumental music and possibly a vocalist spaced far away from the assembly, but no congregational singing.
· Communion will be brought to you at your seat by the Celebrant, who will wear a mask. Instructions will be given during the service.
· Following the service, you will be asked to leave promptly. Please do not engage in prolonged conversations at Gideon’s Garden. An usher may dismiss people individually to allow for social distancing.
· If weather does not allow us to gather that morning at Gideon’s Garden, an announcement will be sent by 9:15 a.m. to those who have registered to attend.

This is a rather complicated procedure, but there will be people to guide you on Sunday, September 27. Please know these steps are taken out of an abundance of caution and in a spirit of love and respect for one another. Questions? Contact the Rev. Libby Wade, Sr. Warden Kathy Clausen, or Jr. Warden Rick Gore.

We supply this list so you may contact members of our congregation who are at home
or in a nursing facility. Please hold in your prayers and reach out as you can.

BLAKELY, Rosemarie           (413) 243-0485
21 Crossway, #108
Lee MA 01238
BOWENS, Marina              (310) 398-2484
c/o Maryella Satinover      (310) 749-9424 (cell)
11908 Windward Ave.
Mar Vista, CA 90066
BREASTED, John        (413) 429-8123
Fairview Commons       Cell (413) 854-3977
151 Christian Hill Road
Great Barrington MA 01230
BROOKS, Jane         (413) 243-3367
165 George Street
Lee MA 01230

CRAWFORD, Ruth   (413) 243-2575
125 Woodland Road
Lee MA 01238
LEP, Kimball Farms,  
235 Walker Street, 
Lenox, MA 01240. 
FRYE, Vonnie          (413) 637-7432
PineHill Assisted Living at Kimball Farms
235 Walker St. Apt #32
Lenox, Ma. 01240
GORE, Barbara        (413) 243-4261
50 Stockbridge Road
Lee MA 01238

GRAMMER, John         (413) 258-4212
Fairview Commons
151 Christian Hill Rd,
Great Barrington, MA 01230

HAIDER, Meredith       (413) 551-7319
5 Fox Hollow Road #409      
Lenox, MA 01240                                 
KEENE, Sara            (413) 528-4152
The Egremont Village Inn
17 Main Street
P. O. Box 275
South Egremont, MA 01258

TURNER, Barbara     (413) 243-8904
130 High Street
Lee MA 01238 
In this time of quarantine and physical separation you are
still being prayed for.
If you would like to receive specific healing prayers please contact:
The Rev. Ted Cobden 413-528-2247
Pennie Curry        413-429-7093
Sue Gore           413-243-2273

Please include in your daily prayers this week:
Members of the Parish Family: The Rev. Ted Cobden, Linda White, John Breasted, Edna Leavenworth, George Raymond, Ed Hutchinson Pam & Bill Drumm, The family of Richard Gore, Sr., Mimi and Dick Alford, Doreen Hutchinson, Barbara Turner, Pennie Curry, Frank Vogel - Polizzi, Mark Anderson, Elizabeth Holland, Janet Zimmerman, Stacey, Claire and Mark Thomas, Richard Edelstein, Connie Garber, Ruth Crawford, Marcia Doelman, Dindy Anderson, Tom Murray, Paula Doyle, John Grammer, Aidan, Andrea, the Rev. Steve White, Maureen Terry, Gino Furio, Meredith Haider, Debbie Holmes, Mary Booton, Jainee McCarroll and Vonnie Frye. 

Others we love: Kristen Mary, cousin of Jainee McCarroll, Sally and Don, sister and brother-in-law of Cynthia Pease; Evie De Melker, daughter of Rev. Ted Cobden; Karen La Rocque, friend of Sue Gore; Donovan Buck, nephew of Pennie Curry; Susan and Dan Gray, Beth Grady, niece of Deborah Holmes; Alice Fitch, Rose Blakely's sister; Fred Bunce, father of Mary Booton;Khali Zabian; Matt Alford, son of Mimi and Dick Alford; Wendy Reeve,
sister of Cathy Haywood; Keiron Lee, daughter of Doone Marshall; Anne Peters, Debbie Losaw, daughter of Rosemarie Blakely, Ashley Gangell, Zeke Hills, brother of The Rev. Francie Hills, Jane Williams, John Belizzi, Carole Chapple, Christy Yeo, Cooper O'Brien, Rosalind Haywood, Colonel John Tryon, nephew of Anne Andrews and all who serve our country. 

Those who have died: Bill Alford, brother of Dick Alford; Elinor Hamill; Neil Brandt, brother of Linda White; John Turner, husband of Barbara Turner; Leslie Albert, friend of Margaret Layton and Sarah Sieber; Andrew S. Artz, brother-in-law of the Rev. Janet Zimmerman; Kathy Happ, sister of Doug and Gary Happ; Fred Bunce, father of Mary Booton; Marion Chapin Andrews; Chuck De Melker, husband of Evie Cobden De Melker; Rev. Stephen Chinlund, friend of Jainee McCarroll and John and Ellis Ericson; Joy Saville, mother of Andrea White; Richard Gore, Sr.; Locke Larkin, brother-in-law of Maureen Terry; Charles Olegar; Marianne Felch, friend of Janet Zimmerman; Pat Edelstein; Anthony Aiuvalasit, friend of Janet Zimmerman; Patrick Barney, nephew of Mark Anderson. 
Our world: For those who suffer from the COVID-19 virus; for those who have died from this virus and those who mourn; for those who provide care and comfort in this pandemic; for all who suffer from the loss of jobs and income in this time; for all who are anxious about their future and our world; for all who offer time and treasure to support those who need to know love; for all who are alone and all who reach out to care.

The many ministries of our local community and the Diocese of Western Massachusetts:
especially for our partners at St. Paul's, Stockbridge and the Rev. Sam Smith; Christ Trinity, Sheffield and the Rev. Erik Karas; and our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas J. Fisher; the Mampong Babies' Home in Ghana; St. Mark's, Leominster; Commission on Ministry

The Church's wider mission: Faith Alive; The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS)

And we offer thanks: for all those celebrating birthdays or anniversaries this week:
Michael Frye, 9/16

We ask your prayers as we begin the search to find a new rector for Grace Church...

During our Morning Prayer worship on September 20, we will commission the Search and Profile Committees. Please continue to pray for these members of our parish.

Chair: Lee Cheek
Chaplain: Ted Cobden
Vestry Liaison: Holly Murray
Members: Monique Kirchoff, Jainee McCarroll, Sarah Sieber

Co-chairs: Pennie Curry, Robert Forman
Chaplain has not yet been assigned.
Vestry Liaison: John Cheek
Members: Sally Brooke, John & Ellis Ericson, Meredith Haider,
Andrea White

Thank you, all of you, for being willing to do this important work on behalf of Grace Church.


Here's the link to the Transition Manual provided by the Diocese of Western Massachusetts.
Join us for
Centering Prayer ONLINE
every Thursday
5:00 - 6:00

Encouraging a practice of silence and stillness we focus on practices of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina using scripture, art and music. All are welcome.
To join this Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 203 314 800
Password: 578877
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
To find your local number: Click here  
Video Series Premieres on Saturdays:
Voices of Faith

Mr. John Cheek, member of Grace Church in the Southern Berkshires in Great Barrington, talks about the power of music in his life of faith. Here is the link to it on the Grace website:
Sponsored by the Diocesan Vitality Committee, supporting the vitality of congregations across our Diocese, Voices of Faith features lay people from congregations from across Western Massachusetts. The videos will be sent out via email on Saturday mornings. They will be cross-posted on the Diocesan Facebook Page, Twitter feed and and YouTube channel.

The Vitality Committee hopes the videos can lift us out of silos of congregational life, help us deal with social-isolation, and even open us to the broad diversity of our Diocese, and the diversity of experiences that people have with God.
Announcement from the Communications Office

Summer Compline: NEW Days & NEW Link

Bishop FIsher

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday @ 8:00 PM

Compline Leaders for Summer 2020
MONDAY: The Very Rev. James G. Munroe
TUESDAY: The Rt. Rev. Douglas J. Fisher
WEDNESDAY: The Rt. Rev. Mark Beckwith

Summer Compline
Please do not post this info on Facebook or Twitter; e-news is fine.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 5008 6637
Passcode: 501604

Dial by phone
+1 929 205 6099 

In this time of fear and anxiety, it can be easy to miss the daily blessings that are right in front of us. Being grateful is not just for good times. Being grateful is even more important when fear sets a place at your table and heartbreak seems to be in your every breath. Because by being grateful we become aware of all the ways God is working in us. Being grateful is a part of our healing and our deliverance. Being grateful is where our best selves reside.
Gideon's Garden Update
This week we harvested our first crop of acorn squash for Multicultural Bridge!
We have so many!
  Beautiful weather has blessed us at the Garden this week. With the cool temperatures, we are seeing more and more our fall crops coming to the fore. Here is a picture of our pumpkin plants that are flowering.  
In case we didn't have enough lettuce in early summer, we decided to plant some more!
This year we've tried to take better care of our tomatillos. And it's paid off! This week alone we harvested 88 lbs of tomatillos. Here is Timmy working on the long project of picking.
For the link to Gideon's Garden 
Click here for the
Grace Church calendar 
It costs about $1500 a year to support a baby. The Diocese's goal is for one congregation to support one child for a year.
To donate to support babies at the Mampong Babies Home in Ghana please send a check to Grace Church, PO Box 114, Great Barrington, MA 01230.
Support Ascentria Care Alliance
Donate or call to learn about volunteering

Ascentria Care Alliance provides resettlement resources for refugees who have received extreme vetting by the U.S., are sponsored by the United Nations, and have been invited to live in our country. 
Ascentria partners with the U.S. Department of State, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and a host of other volunteer organizations to do God's work in caring for the most vulnerable in our world.  
Donate on-line at
or call them at (413)-787-0725 to learn about volunteering.
The Welcome Mat Project by Thistle Farms
Thistle Farms in Nashville, TN. came together with women refugees in Greece to provide an economic platform for women and their families to escape the refugee camps.
Every Purchase Helps a Woman Survivor Heal. Shop Now!
In this unpredictable time, your church continues to give thanks for and need your support. If you are capable of sending in your pledge, thank you. If you are unable to give at this time, we understand. If you are capable of giving a bit more so we can respond to the needs of our community, we are very grateful. If you are in need, please contact a member of the Vestry listed at the top of the newsletter. Since we are not gathering in person in community, we ask that you send your gifts via mail to Grace Church, P.O. Box 114, Great Barrington, MA 01230 or give online by phone or computer to Using your phone you may text the word "GIVE" to 774-252-9246.We are truly all in this life together We pray, trusting that God will see us through this season and beyond.

Thank you for giving generously to support the ministry of Grace. 
The National Football League is opening its 2020 season this week with "Lift Every Voice and Sing" instead of the National Anthem before each game. This piece is familiar to Episcopalians as #1 in our African American Hymnal of the same name. The song also has a local connection. Lyricist James Weldon Johnson had a summer home in Alford (now a private residence) where he wrote his set of seven sermons called God's Trombones. John Cheek has recited the first sermon, "The Creation," at several Easter Vigil services over the years. Johnson served as secretary to the NAACP in NYC and was a friend of W.E.B. DuBois.

To learn more about the history of the song and listen to two of the many different versions available on YouTube, follow the links below.

Pennie Curry, Meredith Haider, and Lee Cheek are Grace Church members who are beginning Sacred Ground, a 10-week film-based dialogue series on race and faith. 

It is being led by Grace Church's 
new interim, The Rev. Libby Wade. This group is fully enrolled, but if you are interested other groups could be formed in the future. To learn more 

Please contact Lee Cheek, co-chair 
of the Bishop's Commission for 
Beloved Community at 

For up-to-date resources and events, visit and follow the 
Beloved Community facebook page: 

For a curated list of educational and theological books on racism 
as well as links to web resources please visit 
Bible Study
Tuesday Bible Study in Collaboration with St. Paul’s
Sermon on the Mount:
A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m.,on Zoom beginning September 29
Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University Divinity School, has built her career on helping Christians understand the Jewish context of Jesus’ life and ministry. Her newest book,
Sermon on the Mount, is a readable and thought-provoking look at these fundamental teachings from Matthew’s gospel. We will use this book (available in paperback, for Kindle, or in an audio version on Audible) as the guide to our six-week study, in partnership with the folks of St. Paul’s in Stockbridge.
The Rev. Sam Smith will teach this Bible Study.
(The Zoom link will be made available before September 29.)
Questions? E-mail Libby at [email protected].

October 14, at 7 PM 
George Raymond will lead our discussion. Meeting will end at 8:30 PM. All are welcome. For more information email Peter at [email protected]
For Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 370 191 823
Password: 385337
Join us online for an evening of laughter and conversation every third Sunday. The ZOOM invite is at the top of the newsletter. For more information contact George Raymond 
413.854.1222 cell 
You can prepare your own supper,
 but Take Out from our local restaurants is suggested. 
Rev. Libby Wade,
Interim Rector
270-519-6934 [email protected] 
An Episcopal Community in the Southern Berkshires
P.O. Box 114  
Great Barrington, MA 01230
Gretchen Fairfield
Office Assistant 
The Rev. Jen Bloesch 
Gideon's Garden
Program Director  
In an effort to care for each other, our church office will be closed until further notice. You can reach the church office by email: [email protected] and by phone 413-644-0022.
Kathy Clausen 413-329-1724
Rick Gore, Jr. 413-441-7036
Sue Gore 413-243-2273
Mary Anne Grammer 413-258-4212
John Cheek 413-446-8863
Dindy Anderson 413-274-3854
Anne Andrews 413-528-2766
Dutch Pinkston 413-274-6566
Cathy Haywood 413-464-6664
Holly Murray 860-977-9198

The Rev. Libby Wade is available for pastoral emergencies. 270-519-6934.

Tuesday's Child Editor Monique Kirchoff 
Associate Editor Kathy Clausen
Please send comments by emailing [email protected]