Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
The  Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

EDoLA News from November 2017
Volume 11, Issue 10
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Recap of the 180th Annual Convention

Bishop's Address to the 180th Annual Convention
Click here to view Bishop Thompson's address to the 180th Annual Convention of the Diocese of the Episcopal Church of Louisiana.

Click here to view photographs from the 180th Annual Convention.

Election Results

  • Secretary of the Diocese: Marsha Wade (St. James, Baton Rouge)
  • Treasurer of the Diocese: Les Bradfield (Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans)
  • Executive Board:
    • The Rev. Ashley Freeman (St. Patrick's, Zachary)
    • Lauren Anderson (St. Anna's, New Orleans)
    • Owen Cope (St. Luke's, Baton Rouge)
  • Standing Committee:
    • The Rev. Fred Devall (St. Martin's, Metairie)
    • Janice Zitzmann (St. Augustine's, Metairie)
  • Sewanee Board of Trustees: The Rev. Ralph Howe (St. James, Baton Rouge)
  • Disciplinary Board:
    • The Rev. Watson Lamb (Chapel of the Holy Spirit, New Orleans)
    • The Rev. Jeff Millican (St. Martin's, Metairie)
    • The Rev. Minka Sprague (Retired)



Passed as Amended


Convention Survey

If you attended the 180th Annual Convention, we want your feedback. Click here to take a short survey. The planning committee relies on your feedback to make our Conventions the best it can be.

181st Annual Convention Announced

The 181st Annual Convention will be held October 26-27 at St. Martin's Episcopal School, Metairie.

Join us for a Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in June 2018

June 7-19, 2018 - A Journey to the Holy Land

You are invited to join other pilgrims from The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Together, we will visit the places of his birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection. Our experienced personal guide Iyad Qumri, will lead us in exploring ancient places, vibrant markets, and modern museums in a land that is suspended between East and West, past and present.

Registration and deposit due: December 8

More information on the pilgrimage and registration forms can be found by clicking here.

For a sneak peek at the pilgrimage, click here to check out the videos the Rev. Rob Courtney created during the 2014 trip.

Click here to download the application and for more information.

The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana desires to fund not-for-profit agencies that create, manage, and expand educational opportunities for African American children within the Diocese of Louisiana. Not-for-profit organizations and agencies are eligible and encouraged to apply.

The period of funding is for one calendar year (January through December), and grants may be applied for annually. Programs that receive Gaudet funds may be required to submit an external program evaluation, quarterly financial statements, an end of year Income & Expense statement, and/or periodic progress reports.

Applications may be submitted December 30, 2017, through January 31, 2018.

Upcoming Diocesan Events:

November 29 at 6 p.m.
Installation of the Rev. Andrew Thayer
Trinity Church, 1329 Jackson Ave, New Orleans
Clergy: red stoles
More information here

November 30 at 9:30 a.m.
World AIDS Day Prayer Breakfast
St. George's, 4600 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans

December 16 at 10 a.m.
Ordination of Gina Jenkins and Stephen Shortess to the Sacred Order of Deacons
Christ Church Cathedral, 2919 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans

December 18 at 2 p.m.
Ordination of the Rev. Bobby Hadzor to the Sacred Order of Priests
Trinity Church, 1329 Jackson Ave, New Orleans
Clergy: red stoles
More information here

December 20 at 6 p.m.
Ordination of the Rev. John Tober to the Sacred Order of Priests
Trinity Church, 3552 Morning Glory Ave, Baton Rouge
Clergy: red stoles

Upcoming Bishop Visitations:  Click here for the schedule
News from The Episcopal Church
Episcopal Evangelism Grants Available for Local and Regional Efforts
Application deadline is December 15
[November 9, 2017]  The application process is now open for the new Episcopal Evangelism Grants Program, designed to fund local and regional evangelism efforts in the Episcopal Church. 
"This program will encourage our whole Church to share resources, catalyze imagination, and ultimately cultivate a network of evangelists who can learn from each other and connect with each other," explained the Rev. Canon Susan Brown Snook, Chair of both the Episcopal Evangelism Grants Committee and the Executive Council Committee on Local Mission and Ministry.
The Episcopal Evangelism Grants program is coordinated by the Local Mission and Ministry Committee in collaboration with the Episcopal Church's Evangelism Initiatives Team.
"Evangelism isn't some scary practice only 'other' Christians do," said the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, Presiding Bishop's Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation and Creation Care, and a member of the Grants Committee. "Evangelism is the heart of Christian life, and we hope this program will light a fire and connect Episcopalians who are creating unique, authentically Episcopal ways of seeking, naming and celebrating Jesus' loving presence everywhere."
The Committee seeks proposals focused on several goals:
  • To create and spread resources that equip Episcopalians and churches to become evangelists and storytellers in daily life.
  •  To create opportunities for people who are not part of a faith community to build their own loving, liberating, life-giving relationships with God in Christ.
  • To aim for lasting, broad impact.
  • To employ innovation and creativity.
  • To promote churchwide learning, understanding and practical application.
Episcopal institutions (congregations, dioceses, provinces, schools, monastic communities, Episcopal organizations and other Episcopal affiliated entities) are eligible to receive these funds. Regional collaborative partnerships with non-Episcopal entities are welcome, but an Episcopal entity must serve as the project leader, active manager, and reporting agent. Those associated with a seminary or formation program are encouraged to explore funding through the Episcopal Evangelism Society at

Grants are available for up to $2,000 for an individual congregation and up to $8,000 for multi-church, diocesan and regional collaborations.  Groups receiving funding are expected to make a significant financial contribution toward the project, as well.
The Grants Committee will review proposals and make recommendations to Executive Council at its January 2018 meeting. Distribution will occur within four weeks of notification and completion of requisite forms.
Application, criteria, and additional information is available here

Application deadline is December 15 at 8 pm Eastern. 
News from Around the Diocese
Follow the news  from around the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana by clicking here.

Community Mission Appeal Grants Awarded

by the Rev. John Pitzer, CMA Chair
Community Mission Appeal is a program where churches with specific ministries who are in need of financial assistance, go through the process of making application to the diocese. Once all the applications have been submitted, a committee gathers to determine what ministries will be awarded financial help, and the amount to be given to each.  This years committee consisted of Donna Hurley from St. Mark's, Harvey, Renne Cervantes from Christ Church, Covington and Fr. John Pitzer from St. James, Baton Rouge. Like last year, every ministry that made application received a grant. The amount given this year totaled $27,300. The 2017 recipients of this year's Community Mission Appeal are as follows.
Christ Church Cathedral's, Jericho Road program.  In addition to being a housing initiative which has built over 50 homes in the New Orleans post-Katrina era, they work to improve the quality of life for low-income neighborhood residents.  Jericho Road was awarded $2,000
St. Anna's New Orleans, Anna' s Place . They provide various youth programs to promote healing and wholeness of body, mind, and spirit. They serve the youth of the Treme', 7th Ward and Greater New Orleans community.  This is done through arts, holistic healthcare, and education. Anna's Place was awarded $3,000
St. George's, New Orleans, Dragon Cafe.   A program that serves 70 to 100 breakfast meals every Sunday.  This includes our homeless brothers and sisters, the working poor, and persons suffering from mental illness and substance abuse.  Dragon Cafe was awarded $3,500
Christ Church, Covington's, CEEP program.  A four-week summer enrichment program serving children at risk, and living in poverty.  CEEP was awarded $4,250.
St. Mark's, Harvey, MOPS program. This program offers women a place of community, affirmation and mentor-supported learning from the time of their first pregnancy through their youngest child graduating from kindergarten.  MOPS was awarded $4,500
St. Margaret's, Baton Rouge, Laundry Love. They partner with individuals, groups and local laundromats to help wash the clothes and bedding of individuals and families living in poverty.  Laundry Love was awarded $5,000
St. Andrew's New Orleans, Camp Able. A week-long summer camp specifically for persons with special needs.  Camp Able was also awarded $5,000
We have some incredible ministries taking place in our diocese....... and we should all be very proud. The generosity of many of you and your parishioners help to make all this possible.  Thank you.

Take a Tour of Christ Church Cathedral

Free guided tours of the Cathedral are now offered from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. every Thursday.

Have some guests visiting town or just want to get to know the Cathedral a little better? 

Stop in and the Cathedral's Larry Marrione will be proud to show you around while Marc Loudon fills the Cathedral with the sound of their magnificent organ.

Photo of the Month
[Photo from the St. Luke's, Baton Rouge, Facebook Page] On Thanksgiving Day after the morning worship service, the parishioners of St. Luke's packaged over 500 holiday meals for those in need.  St. Luke's partners with Volunteers of America and St. Vincent de Paul to find people in need of a lovingly-prepared holiday meal. It is a Thanksgiving tradition started 13 years ago.

More News on the EDoLA Blog:

The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115
(504) 895-6634 | |