January 2019 
The Monthly Newsletter of 
St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
689 Sugartown Road, Malvern, PA 19355
The Rev. Kevin Dellaria, Rector
Like us on Facebook 
Our Vision:  
We aspire to be a growing community, worshiping together, celebrating our diversity & lay ministries, and offering God's healing love to all people.

Our Mission: 
We seek to foster spiritual growth & renewal while spreading God's message of love, healing and peace.

 A New Start!
I love new beginnings! The first of each month, the first of the year, a fresh, new book. As strange as it seems, I even love Mondays! Doesn't matter. For me, new beginnings are almost always full of energy and hope.
As we start 2019, I wonder what new beginnings you're thinking of? I know, I know - it sounds like I'm talking about those dreaded "New Year's Resolutions". But recent research suggests that recognizing "temporal waypoints" - like a new month or new year - help us embrace a new habit or commitment, at least for a time. So maybe tying our resolve to the start of a new year isn't so bad after all.
With that being said, our faith life is a great place to consider one or two goals for 2019. Even something as simple as reading through this newsletter can prompt new thoughts and new ideas for growth in our spiritual lives. It could be joining a Bible Study or the choir; serving with Outreach or using your talents with Invite-Welcome-Connect. Maybe this is the year you will start serving at St. Francis as an Usher, a Greeter, or a host for Coffee Hour. Maybe you feel called by God to work as a pastoral visitor, or teach a Church School class. Or maybe you want to break those financial shackles that have bound you up. If so, join us for Financial Peace University (see below) and let yourself be set free.
New beginnings are blessing! So this New Year's Day, give thanks to God for all the great things done in your life until now. Then look ahead, and imagine what life can be in 2019. What can you and God - what can St. Francis and God - do together this year?
Happy New Year!
Fr. Kevin

A New Year's Resolution You Can Keep

The clear benefit of wearing your name tag on Sunday morning i s that it helps us all learn to know each other better.  In spite of knowing this, many  of us simply forget.  So, as  the new year begins, the IWC Committee is going to help you develop the habit of wearing your name tag.  Here's how it will work. 

  1. Pick up your name tag as you enter the building Sunday morning. 
  2. Wear it to the worship service and coffee hour. 
  3. When you're getting ready to leave coffee hour, take off your name tag and put it in the basket which will be available at coffee hour on the table near the coffee pots.  Name tags from 8:00 and 10:00 worshippers will go into the same basket -everyone has a chance to win!
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 weekly.
Diane will retrieve the basket and replace the name tags on the board in the narthex before the following Sunday.
Building new habits is hard.  To encourage you to work on this one, we're creating a Name Tag Game.  Every week you wear your name tag and place it in the basket at the end of coffee hour, you are automatically entering yourself in a contest to win one of the new St. Francis mugs.  Diane will randomly draw a winner each week as she replaces the name tags on the board in the narthex.  You have to play (i.e., Steps 1-4, above) to win a mug.  And if you play, our St. Francis communit y wins, too.

This is how happy you'll be when you're a weekly winner in the Name Tag Game.

Parish Thanked for Backpack Project
Gifts for Philadelphia Homeless
The Outreach Committee again thanks the many caring St. Francis parishioners who supported the recent Backpack Project, continuing a tradition started over 25
years ago. Our parishioners' generosity again provided a large volume of warm clothing and supplies. I feel very fortunate to be able meet and talk with some of those people directly impacted, and I want to pass along how truly grateful they are to receive these gifts.

Thank you very much, Jim Borum

High School Youth Group Happenings

T his has been a busy December for our high school youth!
*  they made wreaths for all the newcomers at St. Francis
*  sold WaWa coupons and Christmas ornaments for their mission trip
*  attended Las Posadas and exchanged white elephant gifts
*  Finally ending the month with Christmas caroling to some of our parish shut-ins

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

   Parish Office Closures

  Tuesday, January 1, 2019 

Submitting Weekly Announcements

When submitting blurbs for the insert in the Sunday leaflet, please keep them short and to the point, preferably four lines or less. This helps make room for other announcements. Full-length announcements can be posted in the weekly Parish News that is emailed on Fridays, and the monthly newsletter.  Thank you for your cooperation with this request.

Introduction to the Spiritual Journey

Brown Bag Lunch

We welcome Sallie Dixon, Executive Director, from
Thorncroft Equestrian Center on T uesday, January 8 Noon - 1PM.
Established in 1969, Thorncroft is one of the oldest Therapeutic Equestrian Centers in the United States. Thorncroft specializes in therapeutic horseback riding for both children and adults with mental, emotional and physical disabilities. Thorncroft is here to serve; we provide an environment of love and respect, which allows true healing and growth to occur.
Thorncroft serves 350 students per week. In 2017, the Farm gave out more than $65,000 in scholarship to students who, due to financial constraints, were unable to afford the therapy offered at Thorncroft.
Their mission is to develop the physical and emotional well-being of all people regardless of their individual challenges. We are committed to personal growth and education in an equestrian environment of respect, love and inclusion.
Their success depends upon the enthusiasm and dedication of volunteers! Over 150 men, women and teenagers assist the staff in a variety of ways. They help as side aides and leaders in the ring; they aid in the grooming and tacking up of the horses; they work in both the stable management and horticultural programs; and they assist with office duties. All receive in-service training to better respond to the special needs of our riders.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, January 8 at Noon.

Vestry Meeting 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 7 PM

Book Club

Friday, January 18, 7:30 
Sworn to Silence, Linda Castillo
After 16 years, Kate Burkholder returns to Painters Mill, Ohio as Chief of Police. Her Amish roots and big city law enforcement background make her the perfect candidate for this position. When the first body is discovered in a snowy field, Kate vows to stop the killer before he strikes again. But to do so, she must betray both her family and her Amish past
Friday, February 15, 6:30
Pizza and Video night.
No book to read, just an evening of fellowship.
If you wish, you can bring something to share. A bottle of soda, bag of popcorn, etc. The cost of the pizza will be shared by everyone.

Our Annual Parish Meeting and Vestry Election will be held on Sunday, January 27, after worship. One service of Holy Eucharist will be held that morning at 9:00 a.m. The state of the parish, ministries report and other presentations will be made.
The deadline for committee reports is Friday, January 11. ALL reports are due to the office that day or they will not be included in the Annual Report. Please respect the deadline!!
Nominations to Vestry and Diocesan Convention and
Delegates to the Deanery

Biographies for those nominated to Vestry

Sharon Donohoe
Sharon Donohoe and her husband, Frank, have been married for 47 years and members of St. Francis in the Fields for the past 13 years. Sharon was born and raised in Philadelphia. Graduated from Cedar Crest College and embarked on a short lived career as an Assistant Buyer of children's clothes for the Gimbel's department store chain. She then moved on to banking. She started as a bank teller in Downingtown and retired 40 years later from PNC Bank, in 2013, as a Senior Vice President and Trust Director.
The Donohoes have lived in their Malvern home for the past 28 years and spend their time between it and their cabin in the mountains of Western North Carolina. They golf, hike, and fly fish.
Sharon joined the Vestry in 2016 and assumed the role of Accounting Warden in 2017. Sharon is also a member of the Altar Guild, serves as a Greeter, Counter and volunteers among various St. Francis functions.
Although Sharon was raised as a Roman Catholic and was not religiously affiliated for many years, joining St. Francis was a way of spiritually dropping anchor in a community that cared for each other and the communities around it.
Dan Goff
Dan Goff and his wife, Amy, have been members of St. Francis since 2010. They have two children: Simon (Great Valley High School) and Charlotte (General Wayne Elementary School). He grew up in Torrington, Connecticut and Towanda, Pennsylvania. He graduated with a bachelor's degree from Villanova University. Dan is a Manager of Customer Care for Brite Realty Services in Exton. He previously served as a second and third grade and a preschool teacher at St. Francis.
Grace Wingfield
I joined St.Francis with my family after moving from Maryland about 10 years ago.  I have been involved through the Art Show Committee, as a Greeter, and through Church School.  I have enjoyed getting to know members and the support of the community.  
I teach in the Upper School at The Episcopal Academy and also enjoy service work there.  My husband Ted and I have two daughters and live in West Chester, PA.   
Anne Crowley
I have been associated with St. Francis since 1995. Currently I am a greeter and Bellingham driver and help with community events such as Malvern Blooms. In the 1990s I was on Vestry for one term. At the Diocesan level, I served on the Spiritual Growth Committee. 
My interests are personal spiritual formation, community outreach and interfaith engagement. I was raised and educated in the Catholic tradition. I became an Episcopalian in the mid-80s and later was a member of the Unitarian Church.
Professionally I have background in education, government, business and non-profit leadership. I am a graduate of Newton College, University of Dayton, UVA and the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation.
I have served as a board member with various PTA's, civic groups and parishes.  I was appointed to the Chester County Board of Health and elected T/E School Board Director.
I am married to Jim and we have two adult sons.  In retirement I enjoy spending time with family and friends, hiking, playing cards, walking our dog Audie, reading and traveling.
Biographies for those nominated to Diocesan Convention & 
Delegates to the Deanery 

Tony Fernandes
Tony has been a member of St. Francis since 1996. During this time, he has participated in a variety of ministries including Fellowship, Church Gardens, Reading with the Rector, Vestry, and Growth and Evangelism. Currently Tony serves as an Intercessor, and is part of the Men's Group, IWC, and Greeter ministries. His longest service has been with the Greeter ministry which he currently leads and first joined 20-years ago.

Tony has lived in Malvern for 28-years with his wife, Sharon. They have two grown children, both of whom regularly attended church school and the youth group. Tony recently completed a long career as a water resources engineer with Aqua Pennsylvania.

Caralee Crary
Caralee Crary is a transplant from Massachusetts when she chose to attend a Christian University outside of Philadelphia, PA. Caralee's relationship with God began in high school and has been her strength and grounding in being a life long learner of God's word and her interests. Her career as an adult includes teaching at a Montessori school for ten years, acting as St Christopher's youth director in Gladwyne for five years, and most recently practicing psychotherapy for the last fifteen years.  
Caralee spent years involved in outreach with ECS, Habitat for Humanity, and various nonprofit organizations in Philadelphia. Caralee currently serves at her church, St Francis in the Fields, as Vestry member and Worship Committee liaison, Flower Guild, a Reader and server for Communion, and Church Farm School representative to help support youth there through church collections and volunteerism. Caralee lives in Malvern with her spouse, two sons, and puppy.

James Watson
Livelong member of St. Francis in the Fields, baptized and confirmed in the parish.
James served for three years on the Stewardship Committee and has been an alternate delegate and has attended one prior convention and this year's Deanery Plenary meeting.
James grew up in East Goshen Township and lives with his wife Mareile and boys Luke and Paul in Media. He is a Graduate of Westtown School, Hobart College (BA History), Widener University School of Law (J.D.), and Temple University School of Law, LLM in Trial Advocacy.  James has been in private practice for 23 years and focuses his practice on UM/UIM, claims, personal injury, and insurance litigation.
James is a member of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Bars, the Eastern and Middle District Courts of Pennsylvania, and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

FPU is coming to St. Francis!

Do you worry over money? Do you struggle trying to keep up with the lifestyle you think you should have? Do you wonder if you'll ever be able to retire. Do you wish you could give more, but instead have trouble just meeting the monthly bills?

You are not alone! Money issues (and money troubles!) are far more common than anyone suspects. They rob people of joy and fill our lives with fear and anxiety. But there is hope! There is a tried-and-true program that can help you live like you never have before.  Financial Peace University (FPU) is a popular, life-changing, 9-week course on personal financial management that has helped thousands of individuals and families live less stressful and more abundant lives. 

Fr. Kevin and Donna Dellaria, graduates and facilitators of FPU, describe their experience with the program. "We were so blessed to find FPU. We began working the program right at the start of 2004. Over the next 14 months, we paid off over $20,000 in short-term debt, increased our parish pledge by 300%, set aside an emergency fund, and saved enough money to travel across country as we decided which seminary to attend. We would never have imagined how much impact a few, simple changes in our financial life would make. FPU is truly 'life-changing'."

You, too, can take these steps to change your life, as Financial Peace University comes to St. Francis for the first time in 2019.  Fr. Kevin will facilitate this course on Sundays from Feb. 10 to Apr. 7, 11:45 to 1:45, at St. Francis. Cost of the course starts at $69.99. For more details, costs and registration, visit our FPU class page:

Special Deal for High School Juniors and Seniors: If you are in 11th or 12th grade, what you gain from FPU will change the course of your life for the better. As Dave Ramsey says, it will "change your family tree". Fr. Kevin's deal with you is simple: 1.) Sign up for the course and pay the basic fee of $69.99 (see class page for details), and 2.) Attend and participate for all 9 weeks. At the end of the 9 weeks, if you have been faithful in attendance, you will be reimbursed your cost for the course. (Once the class is over, a $9.99 ongoing monthly membership to FPU is available at your expense.)

St. Francis Art & Music Festival
February 22-24

The 2019 Art & Music Festival will be held Friday, February 22 through Sunday, February 24.  Mark your calendar now for the following events.
Friday, 2/22
6:00 - 9:00 pm. - Art Preview Reception (ticket required). Meet the artists and enjoy wine and catered small plates. This is your first opportunity to view and purchase art work. Tickets are $20 for adults or $30 for both Friday and Saturday evening events.
Saturday, 2/23
10:00 a.m. - Pastel demonstration by Tara Will, juror for the Art Show
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Art Gallery open to the public
5:00 p.m. - Musical Revue and Reception (ticket required). Featuring members of the St. Francis choir and other local talent. A wine and cheese reception will follow. Tickets are $20 for adults or $30 for both Friday and Saturday evening events.
Sunday, 2/24
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. - Final exhibition and sale of art.
Tickets are available for purchase after the 8:00 and 10:00 Sunday services, online at the 2019 Art & Music Festival section of the St. Francis website ( or can be purchased at the door on the day of the event.

Spring Retreat - March 25-27
Fr. Kevin is planning a spring retreat at beautiful Mt. Asbury Retreat Center (Newville, PA) for the dates above. Cost is $177/person, double-occupancy. Hotel quality rooms and all meals are provided. Information on the retreat is available on the information table near the stairs. Space is limited. Deadline for registration is Monday, January 21, 2019. Make checks payable to St. Francis. A minimum of 15 retreatants are needed to reserve the venue. See reverse for registration details.

Thank you

"To: The Altar Guild,

Thank you for donating the beautiful altar frontal in my mom's memory.  She would have loved the design and especially the tree of life.  It was so nice seeing so many of you after all these years and to hear what my mom's friendship meant to you.  She loved St. Francis and being a member of the altar guild.  Thank you for remembering her!  And for the lovely altar flowers you sent home with me. 

Love Kris Kelly Weghoust" 

Bible Study 

The weekly Lectionary Bible Study is on Wednesdays at 10 am, followed by Holy Eucharist at 11:15. At most meetings, this group discusses the lessons for the upcoming Sunday. Anyone is welcome to attend.  
Church Farm School

The Griffin Clothes Closet at Church Farm is in need of men's sweaters and hats for winter. Please donate if you can! Thanks Sheila Rees for serving CFS and letting us know of the need! Please direct questions to Caralee Crary.

Donate Your Time and Talent

Want to get personally involved?  If you are over the age of 18 and want to donate your time and talent to the 100% volunteer team at the West Chester Food Cupboard, please email Charlotte Cain at
Money and food is welcome too, because no one should go hungry.
Thank you!
431 S. Bolmar Street, West Chester, PA  19382
Altar Flowers

Did you know that you can dedicate the Sunday Altar Flowers in honor of a friend or family member, in remembrance of a loved one, or for some other special recognition? Altar Flower dedications are just $50.00, and helps provide a fresh arrangement each week. The form for dedicating Altar Flowers can be found on our parish website at:

Sunday Lessons  

If you would like to read the lessons for Sunday, click on the link below. 

Lectionary Page

Fieldnotes Deadline - February

The deadline for the February Fieldnotes is  
Monday, January 28, 2019!. 

For the calendar of events, please click the link below to the website.

St. Francis-in-the-Fields Calendar