Diocese of Louisiana
EDoLA News for September 2017
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines for Annual Convention
October 3, 2017
October 12, 2017
October 18, 2017
Pre-Convention Meeting at St. Augustine's, 3412 Haring Rd, Metairie. Budget documents will be
uploaded soon here.
2017 Assessment Study Committee Report and Recommendations
from the Very Rev. Craig Dalferes, Assessment Study Committee Chairman
At our last Diocesan Convention (2016), a resolution was passed calling for the creation of a committee to study Canon 22, as revised, and to take a look at its overall impact on the finances of the Diocese, as well as its impact upon the congregations which comprise the Diocese of Louisiana. We have completed our study; our findings can be found in the attached document. This was a collaborative process involving participation from both clergy and laity across our Diocese. We learned a lot, and at the end of the day, have a few recommendations, which Convention may want to consider when it convenes November 3 & 4, at St. James' in Baton Rouge.
As part of our work, we sent a survey to each congregation in the Diocese of Louisiana. In many cases, members of our committee made personal visits to visit with congregational leaders. The feedback we received was very helpful, and we attempted to summarize the results in our report. In addition, we've created a "Dropbox," containing all of the survey responses we received, as well as additional resource material. I encourage you to peruse these documents for yourself: http://bit.ly/edola-assessment
Finally, please know that this report, along with its recommendations, was received and endorsed by the Executive Board at its most recent meeting September 9, 2017.
I am grateful for the hard work of our committee, and the numerous souls across our Diocese who took the time to help us in our work. We greatly appreciate your help, and we hope our work will be helpful as we move into God's future for this wonderful Diocese. Again, many thanks to all who worked so hard in this effort.
Read the
2017 Assessment Study Committee Report and Recommendations
Upcoming Diocesan Events:
October 6-8
Episco-ALIEN: Senior High Rally at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center.
October 18 at 6 p.m.
Pre-Convention Meeting
St. Augustine's, 3412 Haring Rd, Metairie
This is the only in person meeting. The
meeting will be videoed and made available for viewing.
October 25 from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Clergy Day
All Saints', 100 Rex Dr, River Ridge
Morning and Lunch: Clergy only. Discussion about changes to Pension Fund.
After Lunch at 1 p.m.: Clergy and one representative from each congregation. Discussion about changes to property insurance.
October 26 at 6 p.m.
Installation of the Rev. Tommy Dillon as Rector of St. Margaret's
St. Margaret's, 12663 Perkins Rd, Baton Rouge
November 3-4 Diocesan Convention St. James, 205 N Fourth St, Baton Rouge
News from The Episcopal Church
House of Bishops Gather in Alaska for Fall Meeting
The House of Bishops gathered in Fairbanks, Alaska from September 21 - 26. This is the first time the bishops have held their meeting in Alaska. The theme of the meeting was
Culture, Creation and Reconciliation: Bishops in the Jesus Movement.
Hurricane Relief Updates from Episcopal Relief & Development
The 2017 Atlantic Hurricane season has emerged as one of the most destructive in recent history, with Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose and Maria causing major damage from Texas to Florida, Georgia and throughout the Caribbean.
Follow here to stay up to date with the most recent developments from Episcopal Relief & Development and learn how you can help.
News from Around the Diocese
Follow the news & reflections from around the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana by
clicking here.
Clergy Transitions
The Rev. Liz Embler-Beazley was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests on Saturday, September 9 at St. Paul's, New Orleans. She is serving as the associate for congregational development at St. Paul's. The Rt. Rev. George D. Young, III, Bishop of East Tennessee, was the celebrant. The preacher was the Rev. Caroline Vogel.
View more photographs here.
The Rev. Chris Capaldo was installed as the rector of Church of the Holy Communion, Plaquemine, on Tuesday, September 5.
View photographs here.
The Rev. Tommy Dillon
has been called to serve as rector of St. Margaret's, Baton Rouge. He has served as priest-in-charge since September 2016. He will be installed on Thursday, October 26 at 6 p.m.
Deacon Charmaine Kathmann
was appointed to serve as a deacon at All Saints', River Ridge, effective September 3. She has previously served as a deacon at St. Mark's, Harvey, and St. John's, Kenner.
Ben Nobles has been named a deacon postulant in the Diocese of Louisiana. He is a member of Trinity Church, New Orleans. He will attend the Iona School for Ministry.
The Rev. Dan Puchalla
has entered our diocese as newly licensed priest from the Diocese of Chicago. He will serve as a supply priest.
St. Francis Episcopal Publishes 65th Anniversary Cookbook to Benefit Rebuilding Efforts
by Alana Bishop
St. Francis Episcopal Church is announcing the arrival of it's new, one-of-a-kind cookbook including 244 mouth-watering recipes complied over the church's 65-year history. Printed by Morris Press Cookbooks, profits will benefit the rebuilding of the church, which sustained damage during the August 2016 flood. The hardback cookbook features a church history section with pictures and tabbed dividers. Each recipe includes the contributor's name, so it's easy to find the recipes of friends and loved ones. More details and a sample recipe can be found at
www.cookbooks4sale.com. Cookbooks make great gifts for Christmas, birthdays, weddings, showers, graduation and Mother's Day, especially for those whose cookbooks flooded. They are $20 each and can be mailed for an additional $5.
Sales will begin Sunday, October 1, at 10:45 am at St. Francis after the congregation celebrates the birthday of their patron saint. The church is located at 726 Maple Street in Denham Springs. Cookbooks will also be available at the ECW Baton Rouge Deanery's meeting at Grace Episcopal in St. Francisville on October 7 from 9:30 am - 2 pm. Sales will continue at the Casual Worship Center of First United Methodist Church, 316 Centerville St, NW, Denham Springs, starting October 8 from 9:30 - 11:00 am or call St. Francis' church office at 665-2707 or via email at
Caffeinated Church Conference
Thank you to the 55 people from churches across the Diocese of Louisiana who gathered at St. George's on September 16 for the Caffeinated Church Conference. Mike Orr, Communication Director of the Episcopal Church of Colorado, led the day guiding participants in the hows and whys of church communication. A list of resources from the day can be found on the Caffeinated Church website by
clicking here.
One goal of the Congregational Consultants for Communication & Technology is to inspire all Episcopalians to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God through social media. When posting, use one or more of the hashtags:
, and your church name.
Challenge for the Month of October: Talk About Your Church's Christian Formation Programs
As we approach the 180th Annual Convention where we will talk about Christian Formation, tell us about the classes you are taking at your church. Tweet notes about what you are learning, post photographs or share posts from your church.
[Photograph by Joseph Clavijo] Joey is a deacon postulant in his second year of study at the Iona School for Ministry. This is what his desk looks like when he prepares for class. |
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115