President's Message

It's hard to believe how fast time flies. We are entering the fourth year for the new management team here at the ranch. What a great time it's been as we slowly work through our to do list. 
The horses have settled in for their winter break and Victoria is busy getting employee applications, drawing up the 2019 job offers and preparing employee training manuals.  I've been working on new budgets for capital expenditures and maintenance projects for this coming year. This includes the addition of more horses this spring and new saddles and helmets for the kids. We have even set some money aside for some new mattresses! 
So, I'm happy to report that we are pretty much where we wanted to be at this point. We have been encouraged by the positive comments we are receiving as we expand our programmes and work on the ranch.  Thanks to all the guests who make it all possible and we hope to see you this summer. As wrangle Steve loves to say "It's all good".
John Lovelace 
President and CEO 
Flying U Ranch

Wrangler Report

Winter has set in at the ranch. The horses are happily munching away in our home pasture on our high quality hay. This year we had to bring our bales as far away as Alberta.   Angela and Steve do a daily wellness check on both our turned out herd and our seniors that have stayed in for some extra TLC. They have several heated water troughs that are topped up daily to provide fresh water. This helps to decrease the chances of winter colic. With thick winter coats and lots of snug treed shelter places the herd is ready for their winter holiday.

The Flying U Guest Ranch. The business that took root from a rodeo!

This month we will introduce a section called The Legends of the Flying U. Every month we will chronicle stories of the ranch from both earlier and modern times. We will draw from the archives of the U but contributions from our guests are always appreciated. 

Most people will be surprised to learn that the ranch was born out of a rodeo started here 100 years ago.  The ranch back then was called the 70 mile ranch and the rodeo rivalled the Calgary Stampede. As far back as the initial crown patent in 1849 the ranch was a working cattle ranch that went through a succession of owners. By the beginning of the last century the Boyd Family, was "the" prominent industry in the area producing cattle on a sprawling 23-thousand-acre ranch. The ranch hands lived in comparative luxury in the little log buildings and ate home cooked meals announced by dinner bell in the lodge. Then in 1923 the son of the owners, Jack Boyd, hosted an annual rodeo that was famous for prestige and top riders. With this acclaim, the property was converted into a guest ranch and the name was changed from 70 Mile Ranch to The Flying U. Legend has it that the new ranch name came from the U-shaped cabin layout built for the cowboys.  The rodeo days are long over but the ranch continues as Canada's oldest guest ranch with more than 1800 guests in 2018! 

Summer Jobs at the Flying U 

We are looking for enthusiastic people to join our team at the Flying U, Canada's oldest guest ranch. We offer various positions in our ranch from wrangling to guest services to housekeeping while you live/work in the Flying U village on the shores on Green Lake. We offer on the job training, great wages and a wholesome outdoor life of nature, horses, and lakefront activities of swimming, sailing and canoeing.
Our kitchen team is looking for cooks of various experience  for the 2019 season. This is a fast paced environment, preparing meals for up to 100 people per sitting.  We are looking for candidates who have excellent track record as prep to senior cooks. We provide excellent wage and on-site accommodation.   
Our housekeeping staff are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the cabins and ranch buildings. Must be physically fit as the job is physically demanding. Must be able to work quickly and efficiently with little supervision. 
Our servers are the backbone of our guest services. You are responsible for setting up and cleaning up after meals and maintaining the cleanliness of the lodge and interactions with the guests during mealtime.  Serving experience is not required as training will be provided. All servers must take an online Serving It Right course before starting. 
Our wranglers must be able to catch and saddle horses quickly and correctly. Riding and training experience is required. Our wranglers are responsible for starting and training unbroke horses, putting trail miles on green horses and tuning up horses that develop bad habits as needed. Must be able to provide basic equine first aid. A certification in first aid is an asset. 
Activities Staff 
Our activities staff are responsible for organizing our broad range of non equine related activities. This includes (but not limited to) yoga sessions, archery, waterfront activities, kids camp, school groups. This is ideal for teachers for a summer job or University students who would love working with guests.

Mountain Fever Bluegrass Camp

April 24 - 28, 2018

We are excited to once again host the Mountain Fever Bluegrass Camp! 

Mountain Fever Bluegrass Camp is a four-day workshop/jam camp at The Flying U. This camp is for people with all levels of musical experience coming together to create acoustic bluegrass music! It's about learning through enabling musicians to play with other musicians! This will contribute to creating music together in a positive, encouraging setting at the Flying U. There will be many opportunities to learn, share, and create music together with long time friends and with brand new friends too.

Visit their website at to find out more information and be sure to sign up for the email list to get all the latest news.

Flying U Ranch | | 250-456-7717 |
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