November 2018
The Resilience Roundup highlights announcements, events, and funding opportunities along with links to the previous month's local, state, and national resilience news. 
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CIRCA Hiring Postdoctoral Research Associate to Support CT Resilience Planning
CIRCA is seeking applicants for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to support the Connecticut Connections Coastal Resilience Plan .   The Post Doc will work with a CIRCA science team to develop , test, and apply circulation models in coastal areas to determine levels and patterns of flood risk. Learn more about job duties by clicking on the link below. This position will report to   University of Connecticut’s Avery Point campus   located in Groton, CT.  
CIRCA Hires New Assistant Director of Research
Yaprak Onat is newly hired as CIRCA's Assistant Director of Research to support the Connecticut Connections Coastal Resilience Plan . She will coordinate the planning, development, design, implementation, and evaluation of flood risk mitigation projects for coastal resilience and engage in workshops and training to improve science communication for capacity-building activities. Before joining CIRCA, Yaprak worked on various risk assessment and engineering projects, with topics including tsunami inundation, sea level rise, and wave exposure assessment. Her work is collaborative with scientists, municipal leaders, and members of the indigenous and coastal community. Yaprak holds a Ph.D. in Ocean and Resources Engineering from the University of Hawai‛i at Manoa.
CIRCA Hires New Data Analyst/Programmer
Caterina Massidda is newly hired as CIRCA's Data Analyst/Programmer. Most recently, she worked as research assistant at the School of Marine Science and Technology (SMAST) at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth where she was involved in wave modeling projects as well as data analysis for characterization of the Massachusetts Wind Energy Area. Caterina holds a M.S. and a B.S. in Environmental Engineering from the Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, and a M.S. in Marine Science and Technology from the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA.
Final Report Available for "The Beneficial Use of Dredged Material for Salt Marsh Restoration and Creation in Connecticut" Project
Studies show that wetland habitats act as natural buffers against waves and powerful storm surges. With funds from the Connecticut Department of Housing CDBG-DR Sandy Recovery Program, this project determined the feasibility of using dredge material to restore and construct artificial marshes and islands to decrease erosion and improve drainage.
November 8th Workshop - Working Together for 100% Renewable Energy in CT
11:00am - 2:00pm
224 EcoSpace (224 Farmington Ave, Hartford, CT)

People's Action for Clean Energy (PACE) invites you to a hands-on workshop to accelerate Connecticut's transition to 100% clean, renewable energy. The event features a keynote address from Mark Z. Jacobson, Director of the Atmosphere and Energy Program.
November 16th - Discussion on Legal Strategies for Climate Adaptation in Coastal New England
9:00am - 4:00pm
Roger Williams University School of Law (10 Metacom Ave, Bristol, RI)

Join the discussion at Roger Williams University School of Law for how state and local governments in coastal New England can overcome legal barriers to climate adaptation.
December 1st - National Energy Conference 2018
9:00am - 5:00pm
Event Center Hall, WVU College of Law (101 Law School Drive, Evansdale Campus, Morgantown, WV)

This free public educational program on selected global warming and climate change issues is organized by the West Virginia University College of Law Center for Energy and Sustainable Development and the Allegheny Highlands Climate Change Impacts Initiative. Conference attendees will hear and discuss presentations from experts about recent climate change and energy developments, issues, and best practices.
Local & State News Clips
October 17th, 2018 - Climate Change: A Moving Target in Governor's Race, CT News Junkie

While the issue of climate change hasn’t gained a lot of traction in the gubernatorial debates, recent news events have moved it — if not to the front burner, at least off the back one. The combination of yet another devastating hurricane hitting, this time in Florida and Georgia, and a new interview given by President Trump to 60 Minutes, has stirred the debate about whether human habits have helped create the especially active hurricane season.
National News Clips
October 9, 2018 - San Rafael Marsh Restoration to Boster Sea Level Rise Defenses , Martin Independent Journal

A Marin Audubon Society-led marsh restoration project in San Rafael’s Canal area seeks to pack a double punch on the environmental front by both restoring some of the state’s dwindling wetland habitat and bolstering defenses against sea level rise.
October 10, 2018 - NJ Wants Plan To Slow Severe-Storm, Flooding Damage In 239 Towns, Long Branch Patch

New Jersey wants public input for a comprehensive plan to make 239 towns more resilient to severe storms and flooding, all caused by climate change .
October 14, 2018 - Sullivan's Island Considering Compromise on Cutting Trees Inside Maritime Forest , The Post and Courier

Sullivan's Island may cut small trees and shrubs on land that have accreted there, marking a possible compromise in a long-simmering dispute but running afoul of best practices to battle sea level rise. The land, which accumulated slowly after years of drifting sand along the shore, is currently covered by a maritime forest.
October 18, 2018 - For Southern California Wetlands Threatened by Sea Level Rise, a New Survival Strategy, The Orange County Register

The 2-foot sea-level rise predicted by 2050 threatens to swallow huge chunks of Southern California’s wetlands, resulting not only in the loss of endangered wildlife habitat and popular recreation areas but also key buffers protecting homes and other buildings from the rising and increasingly volatile Pacific Ocean.
October 19, 2018 - A fter Hurricane Michael, Georgia Farmers Debate: Bad Luck, or Climate Change , The New York Times

Many agricultural areas, even ones 90 miles inland like the Moss farm outside Camilla, GA, are increasingly vulnerable to intensifying storms. Scientists,  including those with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,  have linked these storms to rising sea temperatures.
October 25th , 2018 - Exploring the Wilds of the Bronx’s Hutchinson River, Curbed New York

Sea level rise and silt are changing the water levels of the Hutchinson River, while over 300 million gallons of contaminated sewage overflow gushes into its waters every year during rain storms. Meanwhile, two enormous new projects that are quietly being developed by the government could completely change its landscape.
The Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation's (CIRCA) mission is to increase the resilience and sustainability of vulnerable communities along Connecticut's coast and inland waterways to the growing impacts of climate change and extreme weather on the natural, built, and human environment. The institute is located at the University of Connecticut's Avery Point campus and includes faculty from across the university. CIRCA is a partnership between UConn and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP).