We expanded our team to welcome six new attorneys who bring their dedication and talents to our firm and our clients.
We continued our GIVING BACK initiative with sorting and packaging food at the RI Food Bank and "adopting" two families in the spirit of the holiday season.
Four of our partners were named 2019 Lawyer-of-the-Year by Best Lawyers for the Providence metro region. Read more.
Josh Celeste showcased the firm in the member-spotlight video as part of the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce’s celebration of 150 years! See the video.
We shared our tombstone of selected deals covering mergers and acquisitions, purchases and sales, banking and finance, and more. See our latest deals.
Our blog posts focused on M&A, the anticipated changes to LIBOR in the banking-finance world, and a host of labor and employment issues from non-competes to questions (not) to ask pregnant employees. Read our blogs.
Bob Duffy was included in the Super Lawyers’ Top Ten List for Rhode Island.
The top ten are compiled from a multi-phase selection process including peer nominations, evaluations and independent research. Contact Bob.
Gregory Tumolo joined the firm as senior counsel and head of the employment law team. With over a decade of experience in RI and MA, Greg provides employers with creative and cost-effective solutions to grow their businesses and effectively manage risk. Contact Greg.
Stacey Nakasian authored a guest article in Providence Business New with advice for businesses to review the terms of their account agreements to determine what exposure they might face. See full article.
Duffy & Sweeney again was included in the BEST LAW FIRMS list compiled by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers for Rhode Island.Read more.
Duffy & Sweeney, LTD | 1800 Financial Plaza | Providence, RI 02903 | 401.455.0700 | duffysweeney.com