Diocese of Louisiana
EDoLA News for April 2017
The clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana gathered for their official portrait after the Chrism Mass and Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows on Monday, April 10, 2017.
More photographs from the service can be found
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Celebration of New Ministry
The Rev. Ashley Freeman to be Installed Rector of St. Patrick's
The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Jr.
Bishop of Louisiana
Celebrates the Installation of
The Reverend Ashley Freeman
As Rector of St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, Zachary
Tuesday, May 2 at 7:00 pm
Your prayers and presence are requested
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church
1322 Church Street
Zachary, Louisiana 70791
(225) 654-4091
Clergy: Red Stoles
Reception following
The 2017 hurricane season is almost upon us. We encourage all our churches and parishioners of the Diocese of Louisiana to make or update their storm season plans. Follow our post on
Facebook during National Hurricane Preparedness Week or go to
our website to view a wealth of preparation tips and resources.
Upcoming Diocesan Events
May 2 at 7:00 pm Celebration of New Ministry & Installation of the Rev. Ashley Freeman as Rector of St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, Zachary More information here
May 3 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Clergy Day: Effective Pastoral Care as a Key to Parish Health and Growth Clergy register here
June 2-3 130th Annual Gathering of the Episcopal Church Women More information here
Upcoming Bishop Visitations
Click here for the schedule |
News from the Episcopal Church
Follow the news from the Episcopal Church Public Affairs Office by clicking here.
Easter Message from the Presiding Bishop
"Behold your King comes to you Triumphant and victorious is He Humble and riding on a donkey."
Click to go to video on the Episcopal Church website.
News from Around the Diocese
Follow the news & reflections from around the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana by clicking here.
Clergy Transitions
[Photograph from the St. Paul's Facebook Page] On Easter Sunday, St. Paul's, New Orleans, said farewell to Bishop-in-Residence, the Rt. Rev. Duncan Gray. He and his wife Kathy are returning to Mississippi after serving two years in the Diocese of Louisiana. The people of St. Paul's presented him with a handmade shepherd's spoon. Picture with Bishop Gray is the Rev. Rob Courtney, rector of St. Paul's.
The Rev. Dan Krutz is serving as full-time supply priest at St. Francis, Denham Springs.
The Rev. Don Brown is serving as full-time supply priest at St. Augustine's, Baton Rouge.
Trinity Church, Baton Rouge has called John Tober as their new curate and day school chaplain. He will graduate from the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in May and begin serving at Trinity on July 1. He will be ordained to the transitional deaconate in June.
St. Paul's, New Orleans, has called the Rev. Liz Embler to serve as the new associate for congregational development. In May, she will graduate from the School of Theology at the University of the South, Sewanee and will be ordained to the priesthood in August.
The Episcopal Church Women to Hold 130th Annual Gathering from June 2-3
ECW: Embrace the Community & World
The Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Louisiana will hold the 130th ECW Annual Gathering at St. Augustine's, Metairie, June 2-3, 2017. The theme this year is: "ECW - Embrace the Community and World." The Scripture focus comes from the Gospel of Matthew, "I was a stranger and you welcomed me." (Matt. 25:35B) Indeed, all are welcome to join us at the Annual Gathering for Christian fellowship, worship, learning and fun! So, do not be a stranger; embrace and celebrate with us the divine spark that God gives to each of us.
The Rev. William Miller, a popular author and rector of Christ Church, Covington, will be Saturday's keynote speaker. Miller is the author of The Gospel According to Sam and The Beer Drinker's Guide to God. He is a dynamic speaker, innovator, and Jazz enthusiast who recently moved to Louisiana following tenures at churches in the Dioceses of Texas and Hawaii.
Proclaiming Hope in the Age of Mass Incarceration
Prison Ministry Conference
The 2017 Prison Ministry Conference- Proclaiming Hope in the Age of Mass Incarceration was held from March 27-29 at St. James, Baton Rouge. Pictured above is Deacon Charlie deGravelles (pictured above) who opened the conference speaking on his 27 years of ministry at the Louisiana State Penitentiary and on prison reform. To view pictures and highlights from the three-day conference,
click here.
Walking to Jerusalem With Christ Episcopal Church, Covington
In the season of Lent, the parishioners of Christ Church, Covington, made a spiritual journey walking to Jerusalem to prepare body, mind, and soul for the Easter Resurrection. This a story about building relationships, both in person and virtual. It is also a story about dogs.
From the Congregational Consultants
Understanding the "Careful, Sacred, and Responsible Management" of Stewardship
by David Warrington
When I mention stewardship, I feel as if some people only think about money and run in the other direction. I have noticed that others, however, think of stewardship in a very broad and positive way. Understood in this manner, stewardship is our "careful, sacred and responsible management" of:
the church's physical assets,
the well-being of our clergy so that they can be shepherds for our congregation
our care for and about the well-being of our members,
our support of ministries which have been chosen by our parishioners and may include music, outreach, Bible studies, etc...
and, the growth of our congregation's membership
Tending to these responsibilities is what stewardship is all about and I believe it requires a year round effort. A permanent, rotating committee within or appointed by your vestry can serve to keep your congregation focused on stewardship as your church grows and changes.
And yes, by all means, there is a number six. As we focus on and strive to accomplish these five objectives, broader financial support will follow.
One goal of the Congregational Consultants for Communication & Technology is to inspire all Episcopalians to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God through social media. This challenge is yours to accept if you dare. Use one or more of the hashtags:
#Episcopal, and your church name.
Show off your church's stained glass windows
Take a picture of your favorite stained glass window. Share the photograph with your friends on social media. Tell the story represented and why the window means so much to you.
Bonus challenge (continued from last month):
Help a technologically challenged person set up an email account and teach them how to use it. Help them get connected with family and to their church's email list.
[Photograph by the Very Rev. David duPlantier found on the Christ Church Cathedral Facebook Page] Beautiful Easter Altar at Christ Church Cathedral
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115