
Leveling – and financing –
the entrepreneurial playing field for people with learning differences.

** $100,000 investment **

Over the years you have heard stories from me about how the positive traits of ADHD can provide entrepreneurial superpowers when managed correctly.

Traits such as creativity, empathy, risk tolerance and the ability to hyperfocus on a task are all valuable in the entrepreneurial and business world. David Neeleman, founder of Jet Blue, and Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, are clearly success stories demonstrating what can be accomplished through grit and determination despite – or because of - having learning differences.

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Distraction Podcasts

What have we been up to?
So much!

Check out our latest podcasts on gratitude, happiness, success factors, stigma and so much more. Check us out!

Send us your feedback and ideas for future podcasts to , and please take our survey .
Dr. Hallowell Summer Adventures

Entering Our 13th Year!!

Registration is OPEN!
Join Dr. Hallowell, Sue, Rob, Marise and fellow families sharing similar trials and successes. Learn how to raise kids who are spirited, sensitive, or strong willed. You’ll get access to inspirational ideas and practical tools to teach kids to handle their feelings, make friends, and do their best. You will be revived, inspired, and empowered with tools to help your family stay connected!
ADHD and Parenting

Calm and Connected: Parenting Kids with ADHD/Executive Function Challenges © - Now in our 10th year, this workshop is the first step for a parent upon learning their child is diagnosed with ADHD or struggling with Executive Function development, behavior or performance challenges.  Workshops are ongoing...
In person at: the NYC Hallowell Center - Register at  or by calling 212.799.7777 and via live webinars .
Dr. Hallowell is one of 30 leading experts on this free online summit. If you have a bright child with Autism/Aspergers, ADHD, anxiety, learning differences or other “quirks” it’s worth signing up to attend/watch for free within 24 hours of the actual presentation. Click  HERE  to reserve your FREE spot today.

Parenting Video and Coaching
Dr. Hallowell and ImpactADHD join in these priceless video with coaching, designed to empower families who have children with ADHD.
Get discounted version here .

ADHD and Students

MA - CORE Coaching and EARS (by phone, Skype or in person) MS, HS and college students - conquer the challenges associated with ADHD or Executive Dysfunction. 

January 17, 10am-12pm
Learn effective organizational techniques, confront motivation, independence, and work ethic issues, learn to support your child without enabling them, tackle the challenges that students and parents face in managing homework and schoolwo rk. Register at  or by calling 212.799.7777
ADHD and Coaching

Are you a therapist or life coach who would like to add ADHD coaching to your practice? A Hallowell Certified ADHD Coach offers a 12 week practical course covering all aspects of building a successful ADHD Coaching business. For more information, please call Christine L. Robinson, M.Ed., 617-842-0634 or - and tell her we sent you! :) Learn more here .
ADHD and Adults

Ongoing... Thursdays 6-7:30 PM
Biweekly Adult ADHD Support Group led by Dr. Hallowell - Meets every other Thursday. Dr. Hallowell provides his world-renowned expertise and insight in an informal setting.

Jan 15, 2019 to Feb 19, 2019, 6:30-8:00 PM
Train and strengthen your mind. Learn ADHD friendly mindfulness tools and techniques that increase focus and the ability to center, calm inner chaos, and improve your interpersonal effectiveness. Experience an increased engagement in all aspects of your life and manage daily stress better.
Ongoing... One-on-one Mindfulness sessions available too. Register at or by calling 212.799.7777
ADHD and Relationships

Learn how to improve your ADHD-impacted relationship my registering for the ADHD Marriage Live Couples Seminar . It starts in one week - on JANUARY 15T H! Sessions are given by conference call, which can be accessed by phone or computer, anywhere in the world.

Thanks for subscribing to my newsletter! Our goal is to provide the highest quality care. Please contact us to explore the many services we offer.
Warm wishes,
Edward (Ned) Hallowell, M.D.  

A referral is the best compliment received . Thank you!

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