EUMC Update - January 8, 2019
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We are off to a great start with Confirmation this year with 31 teens going through the program. But what I really, really need from the congregation is that I NEED MORE MENTORS! WE HAVE 9 BOYS WITHOUT A MENTOR!

According to my records we do not have a mentor for:

1) Nathan Bayliff
2) Jonathan Copfer
3) Mason Ensor
4) Riley Foy
5) Christian Juram
6) Leo Schrantz
7) James Stevens
8) Samson Tomsic
9) Matthew Wead

Please let's fill these areas by this week! Parents can swap dads!

Men of Epiphany let's do this!

If you are willing to mentor one of our confirmands please let me know ASAP and I will connect you with one of our confirmands. You can contact me at [email protected] or text/call me at (513) 600-4790 if you would like to help. Mentoring is a great way to help disciple one of our confirmands. I will help you with all you need to be a successful mentor!

 Also, if you are already a mentor (and/or parent) I could really use your help on Wednesday nights in the youth room from 6:30-8pm. Please plan on coming to the Confirmation class at least once a month. 31 teens are a large crowd to manage alone! I need your assistance please. Go to this link to sign up to attend one of our classes HERE.

And finally, confirmands do not forget that we have a QUIZ this Wednesday night, January 9, covering 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Matthew 22:35-40. Be prepared!


Check out our NEW & IMPROVED church Instagram! Just look for "EpiphanyUMC_Loveland" and follow us! We are currently doing an Advent Series of pictures to give you a daily thought from the Bible as we head towards Christmas. If you have any pictures that relate to our church and ministries just text your picture to Pastor Scott Russ requesting it be an Instagram post. The number to text to is (513) 600-4790. Let you friends and family know! 


SALT TEAM = Sound, Audio, Lights Team!
The church is in need of more people who would be interested in helping with the sound, lights, slides and LIVE-STREAMING during the weekend services. If you like techie stuff please let me know as there is a lot of need for more help. This would be a great service opportunity and way to get more involved in using your talents for the church. Email ([email protected]) or text me (513-600-4790) if you are interested and I will pass your information on to the S.A.L.T. (sound and light team) people. They will contact you, train you on the equipment in the sanctuary, and get you on board with helping out. 
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