HEC-RAS glitches and fixes
+ upcoming course offerings

  Final 2017 Courses

August 2017 newsletter Surface Water Solutions
Upcoming Open Courses

Registrations are now open for our final HEC-RAS courses in 2017:
Some of our previous 2017 courses sold out, so book in soon to reserve your place! In addition to more locations around Australia and New Zealand, we will be holding courses in Europe and North America in 2018. Please pass along the registration of interest form to colleagues or professional contacts.  Referral discounts are available.
Customised In-house Courses

In-house courses can be customised to suit your organisation's needs and can provide better value by focussing your time on topics most relevant to you. Tutorial exercises can be created from your own projects.
In addition to HEC-RAS, we also offer specialised training in dam break, sediment transport, HEC-HMS, GIS interfacing, hydraulic structure design, and other topics. 
HEC-RAS course

Workshop Guide

We are revising our workshop guide document and will distribute the completed document to all previous course attendees. In the meantime, please submit  any comments or suggestions for improvement on the current guide.

Consulting Services
If you have any needs related to review or QA/QC of deliverables, setting up new models, troubleshooting models,  or other items, please contact us

Working holiday?
With $99 fares from Australia to Singapore, why not Scoot
 for a working holiday?

Please subscribe to the RAS Solution blog for further updates relevant to HEC-RAS modelling.
We would love to find out how HEC-RAS 5.0 is being used in Australia and New Zealand, so please contribute your own articles to share on the blog.
Join Our Mailing List





We have recently added some new articles covering workarounds and specialised applications of HEC-RAS:
Disappearing terrain?
Frustrated when your terrain disappears? There's an easier way! Here's the workaround.
  Disappearing Terrain_
Creating rating curves in 2D models
This article covers Workshop #5 from our 2D modelling course, in which we develop rating curves for a gauging station along the river. Here's how to make your own rating curves.
Time series hydrographs
Rating curve
Making Middle Zealand
This article covers Workshop #6 from our NZ course, including terrain manipulation and the introduction of tidal boundary conditions. Follow along with your own model here while we slice New Zealand's North Island in two and leave Northland hanging!
Slicing off Northland
Wormhole culverts
Wormhole culverts can get us around two major limitations of the current version of HEC-RAS. The HEC-RAS manual says it can't be done, but learn how you can introduce internal boundary conditions and incorporate long bridges and culverts while keeping the bridge deck in your terrain data using the wormhole method. 
Wormhole culverts
My HEC-RAS wish list
The HEC Spring 2017 Newsletter includes a preview of what's new in Version 5.1 (see article on Page 20). They'll be adding some handy new features, but here's my HEC-RAS wish list that includes a compilation of suggestions gathered from hundreds of course attendees over the last year and a half since Version 5.0 was released. Let me know if you have any others to add! 

Additional links and resources:

Registrations closing soon for Brisbane Course
Our September course in Brisbane covers both 1D and 2D HEC-RAS topics over 5 days. Flexible attendance options are available to suit all backgrounds. Click on the flyer below for details: 
Brisbane HEC-RAS Course 11-15 Sep
Webinar available for download

Click on the image below to download the video recording of our free HEC-RAS webinar that was held earlier this year:
Click on the video below to learn more about modelling rivers on Mars and more cool things that hydraulic engineers do!
Rivers on Mars_
For previous course attendees who want to know more about the inverted relief on Mars that we cover in our mobile boundary lecture, here's a new video that explains it better than I can. 

If you have previously attended a course and have any additional feedback that was not provided on the paper evaluations, please complete our online survey (be completely candid and stay anonymous if you'd like!)

We would like you to be able to recommend our courses to your friends and colleagues without reservation, so please be assured that we will make every effort to incorporate all of your suggestions as we plan future courses and update course materials.

If you would like to request a course completion certificate for verification of CPD hours, please contact us.