Monday, January 7, 2019
Welcome to the first edition of Idaho State Today , a weekly campus employee newsletter where we share our successes and tell you about the news you need to know during your workweek. This newsletter will replace News and Notes, and will be sent to faculty and staff every Monday.

To submit a story, fill out our online form by Friday at noon.

The J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation announced a gift of $2 million to the Idaho State University College of Technology capital campaign that will be used for the renovation of the ISU William M. and Karin A. Eames Advanced Technical Education and Innovations Complex. Read More

Angela Pierce is the kind of person who gets things done. Just ask her professors at Idaho State University and the residents of the southwest Idaho community of Marsing where construction will begin this spring on a ticket booth at the entrance to the high school football field. Read More

The Idaho State Board of Education approved a new Idaho State University Faculty Constitution at their regular board meeting in December. Idaho State University faculty voted on Oct. 23 and 24 to ratify the new constitution, and ISU President Kevin Satterlee approved the document Nov. 1. The faculty senate vote was 274 in favor and 6 opposed . Read More
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