Fresh Focus Challenge January 14th-March 14th

During this time of year it seems wherever we turn the phrase "New Year, New YOU" is surrounding us. Whether it is on social media, in a magazine, on the television, or on the radio it is THERE... in full force... being repeated over and over and even for me it is a little TOO MUCH. I'm finding that this phrase can have a negative effect on people even though it is meant to motivate us.

What I mean by that is if you haven't quite yet got back into a fitness routine now that the holidays are over, or you aren't sure what exactly you want your "resolution(s)" to be, OR if you just plain don't believe in New Year's Resolutions...whatever the case may be, hearing "NEW YEAR, NEW YOU" may not exactly make you feel GOOD inside. 

Now don't get me wrong, I am ALL for the excitement surrounding a new year, a fresh start, a clean slate - as long as it brings upon a positive attitude and helps you make positive life changes. What I am not for is another "thing" stressing us out or making us feel like we aren't doing enough.

Last year we launched our Fresh Focus Challenge and the tag line as you can see above is "New Year. Best You." It was my most favorite challenge of the year and we are doing it again!

To me, this challenge reminds me that I have 365 days to set and accomplish goals.

It means that I get to decide WHERE I want this year to take me.

It means that I get work on being a better ME than I was last year- because lets face it, we can always do better right? This doesn't mean we aren't already GREAT, it just means there is always something new to learn, new to try, new risks to take, new places to go, new people to meet. Isn't that the great thing about this life we get to live? :) 

I believe we all deserve "me" time and we should not feel guilty for taking it. 

We deserve to feel empowered. 

We deserve to feel like we are ENOUGH. 

We deserve to do great things and have great things happen to us-AND we shouldn't feel guilty about celebrating these victories. 

As a mom I have heard "it takes a village" more times than I can count. Well, w e are here to be YOUR VILLAGE- whether you are a mom or not :) 

Our Fresh Focus Challenge is an 60 day program that will help you focus on setting and achieving goals that promote the whole health of your mind, body and soul. We will focus on achieving mental clarity, physical strength and emotional balance. 

We will help you cleanse your body and overcome unhealthy cravings as well as to help you develop a positive relationship with food. 

We will help you rejuvenate and refresh your life while shifting your attitude to one of gratitude. 

We will help you create a positive path towards being healthy all year long, not just for two months.

It sometimes "takes a village" and that is let's do this together!

I can't wait to meet you, sweat with you, stretch with you and dig deep into helping you accomplish everything you hope to throughout this challenge.

Cheers to an amazing 2019!


{do something good for our} 

SWEAT {everyday}
  • Take 2 or more classes per week. These classes can be completed either at our studios, in the comfort of your home (via our live virtual classes) or a combination of both!
  • On the days you do not take class we aim to get in 10 (or more!) minutes of sweat. We will help you out with this one ;) don't worry!
STRETCH {everyday}
  • Stretching is something I find many of my clients don't do nearly enough and I myself don't do enough either! I grew up dancing and doing gymnastics- stretching was part of my everyday life. I can't believe over the last 8 years how much I have lacked in my stretching regime. I'm ready to bring that BACK and I want you to as well! 
SOUL {searching everyday}
  • We are going to dig deep into our soul to find what makes us the most happy. What we want more of. What we want to "get rid of" and everything in between. No better way to do this than with a village of like minded people. 

Each Fresh Focus Challenger will receive:

-Access to our private online forum via Facebook where weekly focuses will be posted, and any LIVE Q+A sessions with Tanya will take place. We will also post tips and tricks so that you have the greatest success with this program.

-A new 10 minute workout video will be shared with you each week created by a B9 Master Instructor. These can be used to supplement your in studio or virtual workouts, because let's face it snow days this time of year are inevitable. 

-Nutritional tips and guidance to help you overcome unhealthy cravings and fill your life with good, wholesome food. 

-A 10% discount on any 5, 10 or 20 class packages purchased post challenge until April 15, 2019. Not applicable to monthly autopay memberships, bridal, or new moms bounce back package. Sorry!

-2 free guest passes: bring two friends who have never been to a barre n9ne or rhythm + stride class before during the challenge. 

We have THREE challenge pricing options available. 

1. 18 classes (2x per week) = $230. Purchase NOW!

2. If your goal is to attend class 3, 4 or more times per week receive 60 classes for $330. Purchase NOW!

3. Become an elite member now and SAVE! 
{3 month min commitment required)

Month 1: $139.50 (reg. $155)
Month 2 and Month 3: $155/month
Email us to get started!

Additional details: 
  • If you are an existing member email us to sign up!
  • With any package you may take a mix of barre, treadmill, and virtual classes to participate!
  • Fresh Focus Challengers may attend classes at ALL 4 barre n9ne studio locations!
  • 18 class package and 60 class package expire on 3/14/19. If you choose to withdraw from the challenge or do not finish up the classes we cannot extend the expiration date. These packages are use or lose :) More motivation to get as many classes in as you can!
  • Upon purchasing the Fresh Focus Challenge you will receive an email within 24 hours from us with additional challenge information and a link to our private group!

Questions before purchasing? Ask us!