The Leaflet a newsletter for parents and friends of Ashwood Waldorf School

School News
Ashwood Welcomes New Strings Teacher
Please join us in welcoming Sophie Davis to Ashwood's faculty. Ms. Davis will be teaching strings classes to our fourth through seventh grade students as well as offering private lessons to individual students after school. During her interview and practice teaching, Ms. Davis impressed both faculty and students. She is a talented and enthusiastic musician who cares deeply about inspiring students to love music. She sees music as more than just the art itself, but also as a way to cultivate communication skills and bring people together. She expressed interest in integrative projects across subjects, an idea that is deeply rooted in Waldorf pedagogy. 

We cannot give enough thanks to Hannah Miller. As we conducted a summer-long search for just the right teacher, Ms. Miller's commitment to Ashwood's students, its strings program, and to the school have been most evident. We are so grateful to Hannah for starting the year, for providing guidance to our new teacher, and for her willingness to substitute at Ashwood as needed. A special thanks is also due to Monica Kelly, Director of Education, Bay Chamber, and to Maho Hisakawa, parent and first grade aide, both of whom reached out to Ms. Davis on Ashwood's behalf. See below for more on Ms. Davis's background.

Jody Spanglet, School Director

Sophie Davis: A Life in Music
I am honored and excited to join Ashwood's creative and welcoming community! I grew up in Waldoboro, Maine, playing music with friends and mentors and forming musical friendships that have lasted for many years. I am dedicated to teaching music in a way that nurtures a holistic love of music and the arts and am thrilled to be able to share my love of music with the students at Ashwood.

I currently divide my time between musical performance and pedagogy, working as a crew member on tall ships and working for the Pemaquid Oyster Company. In all of my work, I have found myself at the intersection between the musical and environmental communities: two groups that rarely collaborate. It is my goal to bridge this gap by using music and the arts to promote environmental stewardship. 

Sophie Davis, Strings Teacher

Biography: Sophie Davis received degrees in Violin Performance and Environmental Studies from Oberlin College and Conservatory. She is a passionate chamber musician and has participated in the Perlman Chamber Music Workshop, Kneisel Hall Chamber Music Program, as a soloist with Oberlin's Contemporary Music Ensemble, and with her sister on NPR's "From the Top". She has performed at the Kennedy Center, Chicago's Symphony Hall, the Monte Music Festival in India, and with the Jordan National Orchestra (JOrchestra) in Amman, Jordan. 

In 2017, Ms. Davis was awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student Research Grant to spend nine months in the South Pacific island nation of Samoa where she explored the ways in which the arts can raise awareness of climate change. In addition to pursuing research, she taught and performed with the National Orchestra of Samoa, a government initiative established in 2013. 

Homecoming 2018 a Swinging Success
The weather was perfect. The food was delicious. The crowd was friendly. Ashwood's Homecoming 2018 on September 14 was a glorious affair! We picnicked, we greeted new friends and old, we listened and sang along to the amazing voices of the Gawler sisters and Bennett Konesni. A great big shout-out to Tina Lipmanowicz, who had the vision for this gathering, and her crew of hardworking volunteers. 

Visit our website for a gallery of views of the Homecoming Party. Photos by Sarah Ewing and Laura Purdom.

See you at Homecoming 2019!

Laura Purdom, Director of Marketing and Outreach

Vishal (above) and Sofia (below) help out at the Children's Area.

Class 6-7 Volunteers at Common Ground Fair
This year Class 6-7 volunteered at the Common Ground Fair. It was the first time they were old enough for this responsibility. One group volunteered in the children's area, painting faces and helping children make arts and crafts. Another group helped set tables and prepare food in the Common Kitchen which feeds the fair's volunteers. I was proud of the students; they worked willingly and hard, and were invariably pleasant and polite. 
Jeremy Clough, Class 6-7 Teacher

Class 6-7 Students Report
Click here for a word from Class 6-7 about the Rose Ceremony, first grade buddies, and volunteering at the Common Ground Fair.
Class 4-5: Things I Can Write About
In Language Arts, Class 4-5 has been brainstorming topics for future writing projects. Each student has generated a page of ideas to add to throughout the year, and, while they are just getting started, there are quite a few intriguing topics already. Here are a few for your consideration:

I can write about... a family of slugs, tragedy, siblings, daffodils, reptiles, cool stuff, birds, weekends.
I can write about... bugs, a leaf, a water bear, my old cat, gerbils, a Komodo dragon, the forest.
I can write about... two girls, and one of them has to go to the hospital.
I can write about... a detective, a wolf, fruit, sports; a ray, an octopus, some water, and a manatee.
I can write about... a table from the table's point of view.
I can write about... how to fix problems.
I can write about... a bunny in a tree stump, books that come to life,
fishing, school, the jungle, me!
I can write about... mysteries, cupcakes, a little lonely unicorn.
I can write about... the adventures of the Pirate and Parrot.
I can write about... music, sea life, happiness.

Laura Purdom, Language Arts Teacher
Michaelmas Pageant and Hike: This Friday!
Our annual Michaelmas pageant and hike will take place this 
Friday, September 28. Parents are encouraged to join us at 8:15 a.m. for coffee by the gazebo in advance of the pageant. 

The festivities begin at 9:00 a.m. in the upper field. All classes will participate in the pageant. 

Following the pageant, there will be challenge games for the students and a picnic lunch. 

After lunch, we will hike to the summit of Mount Battie. 

A bus will depart from Ashwood after the picnic and deliver grade-school students to the Route 52 Carriage Road trailhead. 

Because of very limited parking, we encourage parents who wish to join the hike to arrange carpooling to the trailhead.  

After a snack atop Mt. Battie, we will continue down to the Camden Hills State Park Headquarters, where we will play games until dismissal time, 3:15 p.m. 

All grade school children must be picked up at Camden Hills State Park Headquarters by 3:15 p.m. on Friday, September 28.

Rain plan: If the morning is very rainy, the pageant will be performed in the entry hall of the grade school building. If hiking isn't advisable, we'll sing together and then resume a regular schedule for the rest of the day. Rain cancellation of the hike will be announced by 8:30 a.m. on Friday via email.

Gear for the Hike
For the Michaelmas hike, we encourage parents to send their children to school wearing sturdy footwear and, if possible, a backpack (versus a satchel or sack) containing extra layers of clothing: it is often windy and several degrees cooler at the summit. Be sure to include a
hearty snack and
plenty of water.

Ashwood Faculty

Early Childhood Harvest Festival
It's time for the Early Childhood Harvest Festival! On Friday, September 28 EC parents are warmly invited to join us for this day of celebration. Below is our schedule for the day.

8:30 to 9:00: Drop off for regular class time. Parents are invited to join the Coffee Hour hosted by administrative staff at the gazebo by the school offices.

9:00: We will meet parents and families with children who do not usually attend Fridays outside by the stone wall.

9:00 to 10:00: Grade school Michaelmas pageant (see previous article). Early Childhood class and families as spectators.

10:00 to 10:30: Circle and snack (soup day!) in the backyard of Early Childhood building

10:30 to 11:30 Harvest activities: applesauce making and crafts!

11:30 to 12:00 Woodland walk to the lean-to

12:00 Bring-your-own picnic lunch and social time 

1:00 Dismissal. (Children with families in attendance may leave at any time.)

Let us know if you have any questions. We hope to see you at the festival!

Ms. Morgan and Ms. Jen, Early Childhood Teachers

Michaelmas Morning Coffee Hour
Ashwood's administrative staff cordially invites all Ashwood families to join us for Coffee & Tea at the gazebo on Michaelmas morning, Friday, September 28, starting at 8:05 a.m.

The grade school Michaelmas Pageant and early childhood Harvest Festival begin at 9:00 a.m.

Ashwood Administrative Staff
Fall Service Day: October 3 
Next Wednesday, October 3, is Ashwood's Fall Service Day! Grade school students, teachers, and parent volunteers will spend part of the day volunteering for local nonprofits:

Class 1: Raking Trails at Merryspring
Class 2-3: Singing and visiting at Knox Center for Long-Term Care
Class 4-5: Constructing cat platforms for Pope Memorial Animal Shelter (in the Ashwood woodshop)
Class 6-7: Garden work at Youthlinks and helping Habitat for Humanity (two groups).

Please speak with your class parent if you can help drive or volunteer.

Sarah Ewing, Administrative Assistant/Director of Fundraising

Save a Life: Donate Blood
Ashwood will also be hosting the Red Cross bloodmobile October 3, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Schedule your blood donation appointment here. Recruit a friend and save more lives!

Every two seconds someone in American needs blood, from trauma victims to cancer patients, mothers giving birth to premature babies and more.

Ashwood is excited to partner with the American Red Cross on Oct. 3rd to launch our second (and hopefully annual) blood drive. 

The blood mobile will roll onto campus in the morning, park in front of our handwork building, and accept donations between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. You can support this program by donating blood, recruiting other donors, or volunteering. 

Schedule your blood donation appointment here or by going to and searching by our zip code: 04856.

Every two seconds someone in American needs blood, from trauma victims to cancer patients, mothers giving birth to premature babies and more. If you would like to volunteer or have questions, please contact Sarah in the office. Thank you!

Sarah Ewing, Administrative Assistant/Director of Fundraising

All Hallows' Eve Walk: 
Friday, October 26
5:00-6:30 p.m.
At the foot of the misty mountains of West Rockport, the folks who put the "hallows" in All Hallows' Eve are 
busy imagining woodland scenes, watering their pumpkin patches, shaking out costumes, and dusting off their fairytale books. 

Each year, Ashwood offers All Hallows' Eve Walk as a gift to the young and young-at-heart of midcoast Maine. This magical 
festival is an alternative to traditional trick-or-treat activities, giving tots and school-aged children an enchanted evening of twinkling lights and woodland surprises, as Ashwood's campus is transformed into a place of where fluting fairies dance in treetops, and the Owl and the Pussycat sing under the moon.

Please note that the mood is festive, not scary (although visitors may encounter a large spider at walk's end!). Everyone is encouraged to come in costume; please avoid frightening masks or costumes. There will be two guided walks during the evening: at 5:10 and 5:45 p.m. Between the first and second walks, there will be story times for younger children and for those ages 9-14 years. Music and a bonfire round out the evening. To preserve the enchanted mood of the event we kindly ask that there be no flash photography, flashlights, or cell phones. Hard rain or thunder cancels.

Volunteers Needed
We heartily invite alumni, parents, and friends to get involved in this well-loved event. Working behind-the-scenes or in a scene  is a rewarding way to give back to our community. We are looking for characters along the path, trail tenders, parking attendants, storytellers, and entertainers. If you'd like to pose in the woods as a character, we can help with costuming.

Please contact Laura Purdom if you'd like to help make this gift to our community a success!

Laura Purdom, Director of Marketing and Outreach

Ashwood Parent Community (APC) News
APC September Meeting Minutes
The Ashwood Parent Community (APC) supports and educates Ashwood's parents and helps connect parents to all aspects of the life of the school. The APC works in tandem with the faculty and the board of trustees to help create a healthy school community.

All parents at Ashwood are considered to be members of the Ashwood Parent Community (APC) and are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings, which alternate between morning and evening sessions to accommodate all schedules. 

To keep up with APC activities, download the September APC meeting minutes.
The Ashwood Parent Community

It's the Michaelmas Stay-and-Play Picnic!
The Ashwood Parent Community (APC) invites you to a stay-and-play picnic in the pavilion at Camden Hills State Park after the Michaelmas hike on Friday, September 28. Come join other Ashwood families for popcorn and cider, and time to catch up with friends. There's plenty of space to run and play, or just sit and visit! Pack a picnic for those hungry hikers if you plan to stay for dinner! The pavilion is in the picnic area across from the Mt. Battie entrance to the park. Gates to this area close at 5:00 p.m., but the pavilion is available until 7:00 p.m. if you park your vehicle across the street. Come join the fun, rain or shine! We hope to see you there.

The Ashwood Parent Community

APC Rhymes with Coffee & Tea
The Ashwood Parent Community (APC) will be sponsoring a coffee and tea table at Friday Assemblies ( download the assembly schedule here). On assembly days, please join us for warm conversation and a hot "cuppa" right after morning drop-off (8:15-8:30 a.m.) in the garden level hallway. 

The Ashwood Parent Community

Hooray for Pizza Fridays!
Class 6-7 will begin delivering Flatbread pizza to students in their classrooms who have pre-ordered on Friday, October 5 . Forms will be coming home with your child, or downloaded here. You can also pick up a form in the office. Please make sure to fill out the form and send it, or drop it off, with your payment to the school office before October 3 . Thank you for supporting this delicious Class 6-7 fundraising effort!

Jeremy Clough, Class 6-7 Teacher

Association of Waldorf Schools of North America
In the news this month: the 100th anniversary of Waldorf education, Waldorf of Storycorps, the Waldorf school postcard exchange, community engagement projects, and biodynamics in the  September issue of AWSNA's E-News.
Don't Forget Daily Tick Checks!
As you may have noticed,  ticks are out in numbers  during early autumn days. Please, check for ticks daily.  Look for helpful information at the following websites:

Information and resources; led by Ashwood parent, Heather Hearst

If you would like to test a tick for pathogens

See which insect repellent is right for your family

Pamphlet about tick-born diseases and how to identify tick species

The Last Word
In This Issue
Important Dates
Friday, September 28
Michaelmas Coffee Hour
8:05 a.m. at the gazebo

Michaelmas Festival & Hike
EC Harvest Festival 
beginning at 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, October 3
Grade School Service Learning Day
11:00 a.m.-3:15 p.m.

Red Cross Blood Drive at Ashwood
11:00 am.-4:00 p.m.

Friday, October 5
APC Coffee & Tea
8:15-8:40 a.m.

Friday Assembly with Class 2-3 
8:40-9:00 a.m.

Monday, October 8
Holiday - no school

Tuesday, October 9
Class 6-7 Parent Evening
6:00-8:00 p.m.

Friday, October 12
All-School Games - No assembly
8:40-9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, October 17
School Tour
Registration required; all are welcome!
8:15-10:30 a.m.

Thursday, October 18
Class 2-3 Parent Evening
6:00-7:30 p.m.

Friday, October 19
APC Coffee & Tea
8:15-8:40 a.m.

Friday Assembly with Class 4-5 
8:40-9:00 a.m.

Friday, October 26
APC Coffee & Tea
8:15-8:40 a.m.

Friday Assembly Halloween Singalong and Story
8:40-9:00 a.m.

All Hallows' Eve Walk
5:00-6:30 p.m.
Community Classifieds
Biodynamic Beekeeping
Maine Coast Waldorf School and co-sponsors  Avena Botanicals  and  Wolfe's Neck Center for Agriculture & the Environment  are pleased to present biodynamic beekeeper Gunther Hauk for a public talk and workshop in October. His talk,  The Honeybee Crisis: Real Causes and Solutions, will be held on Friday, October 12, 7:00 p.m.  and his  Biodynamic Beekeeping Workshop, on Saturday, October 13, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m . There is a $10 suggested donation at the door for the talk. The workshop is $60/person and requires preregistration and pre-payment. Details for both events 
A Course in Theosophy
Space is limited to 12, but there are still a couple of places!  This class will meet six Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m., September 27-November 1 in the Michaelmas Library at the entrance of the Ashwood Waldorf School campus.   The class will be about reading Steiner's words, with presentations toward explication of the text and discussion. The goal is to explore, clarify, and to relate the content of Theosophy to life's journey.  Bill Laurita has been a student of Anthroposophy for the past 30 years. He was a Waldorf teacher and administrator prior to his current position as president of the Swans Island Company. He holds a BA from UVM and a Masters from UNH. Tuition is $120. Please register through  Studies in Anthroposophy  or send an  email
Christian Community Gathering
Christian Community Gathering
There will be a Christian Community gathering with the Reverend Lisa Hildreth at Ashwood (lower level, grade school building) the weekend of October 5-6. Please join us! Download details here.

Beautiful One-bedroom, First-floor Belfast Apartment
Quiet, central location. A vailable Oct./Nov. 2018 (exact date TBD). Brand new--well-designed kitchen, bathroom, heating, walk-in closets, shared laundry--with  many "old" touches:  fir floors, high ceilings, p retty mantel, many windows: lots of  light, all day.  $925/ month includes laundry, snow removal, lawn care. Heat, electric not included.  Please call Andrew at (207) 329-3637, before  8 p.m .

We publish community-service announcements from and for Ashwood community members at no charge (50-words max.). Send to: Laura Purdom. 
Support Our Sponsors
Be a Sponsor
Display or text ads appear here, in the right column of the Leaflet, and link to your website. The cost is $5/edition for a square ad (170 x 170 pixels) and $10/edition for a long ad (170 x 340 pixels). Discounts are available for long-term ads. The Leaflet appears every other week except in July. For more information, email   Laura Purdom.
Do you have a story to tell about Ashwood? A review of a book or an event? A reflection on Waldorf education? Photos you've taken?
A question about the Leaflet?
Send us an email! We would love to hear from you. The next Leaflet will be published on Wednesday, October 10. Deadline for submissions is MONDAY, October 8, at 9:00 a.m.
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