Newsletter                                                                       July  2017
In This Issue
LASP Delivers Hope
Ready to Help Victims of Abuse
Organizational alliances help create a stronger  safety net for victims of abuse

Ms. T sought safety from an abusive partner and filed a PFA. But "unfortunately the PFA was only the tip of the iceberg," says Walter Weinrich, a family law attorney who volunteers with LASP. 

"She was jobless and homeless, and needed to support three children. But through LASP, and with the Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County and Delaware County Women Against Rape, we were able to address some of those issues for her, help resolve custody issues and get her temporary shelter."

Your donation to LASP brings hope -  and real solutions -- to people who cannot afford an attorney. You are helping people facing life changing legal problems. 

Thank you!
Donate Now
*Name has been changed, but the story is real. 
Visit Our New Website!

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website! Lasp.org provides a clear message of who we are, what we do, and how to find legal help, and features new and updated information and improved navigation and mobile responsiveness.

We hope you'll take a few minutes to look through the site. You'll find information about the kinds of cases we handle; our clients' stories; a section spotlighting some of the talented pro bono attorneys who work with us; a section on Domestic Violence and how to get help in each of the counties that we serve, and much more.

Please visit soon! 
New Report From Legal Services Corp. on Justice Gap 

T he Legal Services Corporation (LSC) presented its new report:   "The Justice Gap: Measuring the Unmet Civil Legal Needs of Low-Income Americans  during a congressional briefing in Washington, D.C. The report updates and expands LSC's 2009 study of the "justice gap" in the United States -- the difference between the civil legal needs of low-income Americans and the resources available to help them. 

The study reports in the past year, 71 percent of low-income households experienced at least one civil legal problem, such as an eviction notice, wrongly denied benefits, or a family court suit resulting from domestic violence. Of the Americans facing such problems, 86 percent received inadequate or no legal help because they couldn't afford it
Highlights from the Counties
Bucks County

This   story  from  The Bucks County Courier Times discusses the unmet legal  n eed s of the poor, focusing on Bucks and Montgomery counties. The article looks at t he ongoing efforts of LASP to address the increasing needs of the population in the face of diminishing resources.
Photo credit: Bill Fraser
Bucks County Courier Times June 7, 2017
Chester County

The 13th Annual Trial Run 5k Run/Walk on June 10 raised over $19,000 to support LASP Chester County Divisions' work to meet the civil legal needs of those who cannot afford an attorney. Since its inception in 2005, the race has raised $218,000. 

LASP is grateful for the generous support of the event sponsors, MacElree Harvey, Ltd, Fox Rothschild, LLP, Unruh, Turner, Burke and Frees, Gawthrop Greenwood PC, Barley Snyder, Bailey & Ehrenberg and all of the other sponsors, participants and supporters. 

LASP Pro Bono Director Chris Zaccarelli and her daughter Jess who got up at 6 a.m. to help set up the race!

Runners set off on the Struble Trail in Downingtown.
Montgomery County

Mike Kelley, Montgomery County Managing Attorney, represented LASP at
Rep. Mary Jo Daley's  Senior Fair at Colonial Elementary School in Plymouth Meeting. The fair provided seniors and their families with an opportunity to learn about a variety of services including legal aid. LASP can help seniors with wills, powers of attorney, benefits and a variety of other concerns.