Before 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, please submit a witness slip SUPPORTING SB1594. This bill would repeal the Parental Notification of Abortion Act, an act which requires a healthcare provider to notify an adult family member at least 48 hours prior to performing an abortion for a patient under age 18.


The minority of teens who cannot tell a parent about an unplanned pregnancy usually have good reasons for not doing so. They fear
  • physical or emotional abuse
  • the loss of shelter or financial support
  • being forced to have a child against their will
In addition, some have parents who are seriously ill or imprisoned.
Since a judicial bypass law went into effect in 2013, 99.5% of the requests were granted because judges believed minors, with the input of their health care provider, were mature enough to make this decision independently.
Please file a slip as a PROPONENT and ask your friends and family in Illinois to do the same. There is no age limit on who can file a witness slip - any Illinois resident of any age can file one - and you do not have to be a US citizen either.
This is consistent with the LWVUS position that we protect the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices.

  1. Click HERE and file the slip as a PROPONENT OF SB1594. 
  2. Identification section: Fill out the identification section with your information. In the 'Firm/Business or Agency' and 'Title' fields, write self.
  3. Representation section: Fill in NA or self.
  4. Position section: Select PROPONENT.
  5. Testimony section: Check the 'Record of Appearance Only' box. This will make your position on the piece of legislation known without having to physically appear.
  6. Check the box next to 'I Agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.'
  7. Click Create

Thank you for fighting the good fight,

Bonnie Cox , President 
Jean Pierce and Allyson Haut, Issues Co-Chairs 
Margaret O'Hara and Janet CraftReproductive Health Specialists

League of Women Voters of Illinois
332 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 634, Chicago, IL  60604
Phone: (312) 939-5935  | Email:  [email protected]  | website:
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