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 CPI News Brief     Volume 8 Issue 1 * January 2019

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Working with Justice-Involved Individuals with Mental Illness - First of a Series of Modules is Now Available

FACT: Going to jail or prison demands a massive adjustment in a person's outlook and behavior

FACT: The coping skills developed in jail or prison are often difficult to give up when a person leaves those settings

FACT: It's important for providers working with justice-involved individuals to understand the culture of incarceration

FACT: It's important for providers to recognize the challenges faced by these individuals when leaving incarceration environments and arriving at community clinical settings

The SPECTRM (Sensitizing Providers to the Effects of Correctional Incarceration on Treatment and Risk Management) module was designed specifically for providers working with this important population. Using videos, case studies and interactive exercises, this module helps providers to:
  • Describe how the culture of incarceration can impact a client's ability to adjust to a community behavioral health setting,
  • Identify learned behaviors that incarcerated individuals may adopt to stay safe in a prison or jail setting, and
  • Describe strategies providers can use to engage new clients who are coming from a prison or jail
This module was developed by the CUCS Academy for Justice-Informed Practice and CPI and funded and developed by the NYS Office of Mental Health, and the Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene in cooperation with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Continuing education credits for completion of this module are available to social workers, licensed mental health counselors, and CASACs. 

This is the first of a series of modules for providers working with justice-involved individuals with mental illness.  Additional modules will become available later in 2019.
To access this module:
  • Log into the Learning Community using your username and password at: https://rfmh.csod.com/client/rfmh/default.aspx
  • Click on "Browse for training"
  • Click on "Justice-Involved Individuals"
  • Click on "Open curriculum player" for "Sensitizing Providers..."
  • Click on "Launch"
PLEASE NOTE:  This training is also offered through the  CUCS Academy for Justice-Informed Practice , where it is part of a larger certificate bearing program.  This program, referred to as the CUCS  Behavioral Health/Criminal Justice Certificate Program , is comprised of 8 training modules.  If you are interested in obtaining this certificate, please DO NOT take this online course through CPI's s Learning Community.  Instead, take this course through the  CUCS Learning Management System .    Completion of this online course through CPI is not transferrable and will not count toward the certificate program.