I'm here.
Two little words that sparked a movement...
and now a conference.
"Simple human presence is the cornerstone of caregiving...
presence is the foundation of our humanity"
-Marcus Engel,  author  
 "I'm Here: Compassionate Communication in Patient Care"

2019 I'm Here Movement Conference 
presented by
Custom Learning Systems and the
I'm Here Movement
February 11-13
St. Pete Beach, Florida

I'm Here. 

If you're a healthcare professional, you already know the comfort you can give to your patients with your presence and those two words. Join Marcus Engel and special guests for the first ever I'm Here Movement Conference in conjunction with the Healthcare Service Excellence Conference to be informed and inspired how you can provide even greater care.
And, if you've read, "I'm Here", "The Other End of the Stethoscope" or you've heard Marcus Engel's acclaimed keynote presentation, you'll likely remember Barb and Jennifer. These two caregivers will come to life at the I'm Here Movement Conference! Seriously, both Barb and Jennifer will be on a panel discussion with Marcus' wife, Marvelyne (AKA The Hotness.) For the first time ever, you'll get three different perspectives from three of Marcus' favorite people!
Marcus will also lead two breakout sessions in addition to his keynote. First, "Presence" helps healthcare professionals use mindfulness and meditation to increase empathy and compassion; for patients, families and colleagues. Second, "Narrative Nursing" is a writing workshop which teaches nurses how to utilize journaling as a reflective and therapeutic practice.
Finally, the I'm Here Movement Conference will finish with, "Assembly Line Compassion", presented by Lt. Col. Drew Aycock, USAF, RN. In times of high census, natural or manmade disaster, how can those at the bedside practice personalism and presence when healthcare becomes an assembly line process? Proven techniques from military operations combine with humanism to help insure those who are suffering receive comforting care... even in the midst of the intensity of battle.

All of this is in addition to the regular line up of incredible speakers at the conference! 

Yes! Twenty percent savings!

This is an incredible time to recharge your
soul and revitalize your practice.

Barb DeWalle, RN
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Jenny Aycock, MSN, RN, CCRN
Assistant Chief Nursing Officer
TriStar Centennial Med Center
Lt. Col. Drew Aycock, 
Chief of Clinical Operations
US Transportation Command
Scott AFB, IL