FRWA eNews
January 4, 2019
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Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
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2019 Focus on Change
The Florida Rural Water Association (FRWA) presents the twenty-ninth annual "Focus on Change" Seminar in conjunction with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). These sessions are designed to provide the most current regulatory information available to utilities. FRWA is pleased to announce that the DEP Water, Wastewater, and Operator Certification Sections will be participating.
The two year CEU cycle ends April 30th of this year. This is a great opportunity to get those last minute CEUs. The sessions are located throughout the state so there is bound to be one near you!

This year's agenda includes several timely topics in the General Session and Breakout Sessions.  For your convenience all presentation materials will be made available on our website to download on January 25, 2019.  Watch this site for more information as soon as it becomes available.

We hope you take the time to join us for what we anticipate to be an informative Training Seminar. 

If you would like to register, you may click on the dates and locations on the left. Complete information is located on our website. more
National News
Louisiana Rural Water Locates Mystery Leak Near Hospital, Saves Community Thousands in Repair Costs When a mystery leak started intruding into a drain pipe at the Winn Parish Medical Center in Winnfield, La., the community was faced with thousands of dollars in repair costs from digging around the hospital structures.  more

EPA Runs Out of Money, Set to Furlough 13,705 Employees : Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said in an e-mail that the agency "will initiate orderly shutdown procedures" if new appropriations were not passed by lawmakers by midnight Friday.  While other federal agencies have been closed this week, EPA has stayed open, using leftover funds to keep operations humming.
Reminder About Who Keeps the Public's Water Safe : "The public is the guarantor of the safety of their public drinking water through their local governments.  more

New York's Drinking Water Quality Council Recommends Drinking Water MCLs for PFOA and PFOS: New York state will now have the strictest standards in the country for the two drinking water contaminants approved by a state panel on December 18.  The maximum contaminant levels will be 10 parts per trillion for PFOA and 10 parts per trillion for PFOS. EPA set a non-enforceable health advisory in 2016 for PFOA and PFOS levels in drinking water at a combined 70 parts per trillion.
State News
Low pay, costly storms among problems facing Florida's emergency management department Low pay for state emergency workers, costly storms and speeding up the reimbursements to cities and counties are among the top problems facing Florida's Division of Emergency Management, its chief of staff told an advisory panel to Gov.-elect Ron DeSantis Thursday.  more

Sewage spills would lead to big fines under Sarasota lawmaker's new bill | Herald Tribune  Sen. Joe Gruters proposes $1 fine for each gallon spilled.  more

County approves post-hurricane water system assessment | Panama City News Herald The Bay County Commission approved a $243,070 contract with Carollo Engineers, Inc. of Sarasota to perform the assessment and provide short-term and long-term recovery plans. more

'Sizable' water line break triggers boil water alert in Satellite Beach, South Patrick Shores | Florida Today Beachside Brevard boil water alert remains in effect; crews repair broken water main.  more

Bill fines water polluters; funds Florida springs, Everglades, Indian River Lagoon restoration | TCPalm  A new bill aims to fund environmental restoration projects and fine water polluters. more

Bill cracks down on residential lawn fertilizers; requires bans and buffers near estuaries | TCPalm A new bill aims to fund environmental restoration projects and fine water polluters. more

Septic crackdown aims to reduce water pollution from nitrogen that feeds algal blooms | TCPalm A new bill aims to crack down on water-polluting septic systems. more

Certain flushed materials give JEA big headache | Florida Times Union The fine folks at JEA are a bit too nice to put it so bluntly, but Jacksonville residents need to hear the truth: Stop flushing weird stuff down the toilet.  more

County finalizes water treatment assessment contract | My Panhandle Although our water here at home is safe to drink, the Bay County commission is working to keep it that way after Hurricane Michael took down the system. more

DEP Encourages Floridians to Get Outdoors and Create Healthy Habits  The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is kicking off the new year with a new fitness initiative, Florida Park Fit, promoting outdoor activity in Florida's award-winning state parks.  more

Sarasota senator's bill fines local governments for each gallon of spilled raw sewage | WTSP  State Sen. Joe Gruters says local governments should be held to the same standards as the public. more

Latest wastewater spills earn St. Petersburg a $25,000 fine from the state | Tampa Bay Times  The spills of mostly reclaimed water this fall violated the city's consent order with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. more

FPUA gets $1.9M grant to build water, sewer lines in Fort Pierce | TCPalm Fort Pierce officials received a $1.9 million grant  from the state to pay for extending water and sewer lines along DiGiorgio Road that would help in the expansion of Natalie's Juice company, which city officials say would be a catalyst for economic development to the area. more

Randy Fine seeks $50M to help Indian River Lagoon | Florida Politics Rep. Randy Fine made clear his first priority for the 2019 Legislative Session: Cleaning up the polluted Indian River Lagoon. more

Water main break closes 1 lane of Kennedy Blvd in Tampa | WFLA The water main break happened Friday morning on Kennedy Boulevard and is impacting traffic between North Rome Avenue and North Howard Avenue. more
This Week in Water History
January 1, 1980:  International Decade of Water and Sanitation Begins. "The UN conference on Human Settlements (HABITAT) held in June 1976 at Vancouver, Canada, concluded that nearly two-thirds of the population of the developing world lacked access to safe drinking water and that a larger proportion lacked the means for hygienic human waste disposal. The conference urged governments to give priority to these two areas in their development process. In March 1977, the UN Water Conference, held at Mar del Plata, Argentina, called for establishing the 1980's as the Decade for Drinking Water and Sanitation. The goal would be to bring clean water and sanitation to all peoples in the world by 1990. Since March 1979, four separate UN bodies have passed resolutions supporting the Decade and calling on all governments to support the Decade's goals. The U.S. Government, other OECD member states, and the private sector must combine to make this Decade a success."

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309