A weekly newsletter that promotes our core values of
P ersonalization, R isk-Taking, I ntegrity, D iscovery, and E mpowerment
March 18, 2019

Sanborn Regional High School
17 Danville Road
Kingston, New Hampshire 03848
(603) 642-3341

Proud recipient of the 2018
NH Excellence in Education Award
Senior Spotlight: Ben Giles
Note: Each week, we will feature a few seniors with a spotlight article, written by a staff member.
This article was written by Counselor Dianne McCarthy
It’s pretty often that we get to see Ben Giles with one of his twin sisters, an awesome relationship that is not common among siblings, especially those who are so close in age. It says a lot about Ben’s character and his value in relationships with his family and friends. He is fun, outgoing, athletic, smart, and kind and is the well rounded All American teenager. Some of my best days are when I get the “Giles kids” in my office for a family meeting (really just the four of us) because I get to see and feel how much love and compassion these siblings have for each other.  

Ben is a great student and has a dream is to be a physical therapist. With his love of the sciences, his athleticism, and his compassion for others it is a perfect fit for him. He has played football all four years of high school and was captain his senior year, he has played basketball all four years of high school and was has been captain his junior and senior year, and he does track every year as well. He also plays basketball outside of our school sports and has attained many awards in all sports. He is a Key Club member and holds a part time job working weekly with hours varying depending on the season. However, with all of these activities, one of the most impressive accomplishments is earning his Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts. He has been involved since 2007, and he prides himself on giving back to the community; not because volunteering is the thing to do, but because he recognizes that he is making it a better place.  

Coach and teacher Josh White “has had the pleasure of coaching and teaching Ben throughout his 4 years at Sanborn. As a student, Ben is great, he is a very conscientious student with a genuine concern for the quality of his work. As an athlete, Ben is a leader, who leads by example. Ben is capable of accomplishing big things in his adult life, and we are very excited to see what the future holds for him!” Track Coach and teacher Scott Maxwell says “Ben is a great example of what we look for in our student athletes. He has an outstanding work ethic and brings a positive energy and determination to every practice and track meet. We've been lucky to have Ben as a part of our track and field program for the past four years and wish him the best of luck!”

Ben has a paved a great path to success for his future so far and we cannot wait to see him succeed at college. Good luck Ben!

Senior Spotlight: Emylee Cote
Note: Each week, we will feature a few seniors with a spotlight article, written by a staff member.
This article was written by Teacher Jerry Wolbert
I first met Emylee when she joined the Girls Varsity Tennis team as a Sophomore. It was a competitive team with a large number of returning Freshmen. Emylee was a beginner and struggled, but always showed up with a smile on her face and a positive attitude. Her Junior year was a completely different story; she still had the smile and positive attitude but added skill! She accomplished that by working hard during that first season and all through the off season and the result of her hard work put her in contention for a starting spot her Junior year. Emylee’s positive attitude and drive to succeed were also evident in the classroom and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead in her future.  

During Emylee’s tenure here at Sanborn she has been actively involved in Key Club and other community service; has maintained honors or high honors grades and was recognized and accepted into the National Honor Society.  Emylee has received acceptance letters from the University of Maine, UMass Lowell, Western New England University, and University of New Hampshire and is planning on majoring in Civil Engineering. 
Here’s what some of Emylee’s other teachers had to say about her, you will notice a theme!  Ms. Graham: “Emylee is a kind soul! She's friendly and always willing to help. It was a delight having her in my class last year”!  Ms. Richardson: “Emylee is a kind, caring and compassionate person who has a heart of gold and is very gentle when dealing with all types of people. Dr. Young: “Luckily I don’t have to face-off against Emylee across a net, but I have had the honor of knowing this enthusiastic, positive, energetic young lady for three years of advanced math and science classes. I just WikiPedia’ed “awesome student” and they had a picture of Emylee… no lie! Even when the going is tough in AP Calculus, Emylee enters the room with a smile and a chipper greeting. Though it might be a little creepy, a room full of Emylees would be a dream class”.  
Senior Spotlight: Lucas Pitkin
Note: Each week, we will feature a few seniors with a spotlight article, written by a staff member.
This article was written by teacher Bari Boisvert
One of the unique benefits of teaching underclassmen is the opportunity to watch them grow academically as well as personally. One of the first papers I have sophomores write, is about what it is like to be a sophomore and how they feel they fit in at school and in their world. Lucas Pitkin said in his paper, “...another way high school has given me wisdom would be that I have to balance absolutely everything in my life...high school has left me with the idea that I should help others in any situation or time that I can. This is practice builds a very good trait in people called selflessness…” These are pretty incredible realizations for a fifteen year old, but when I remember that Lucas wrote this, it’s not that shocking at all. Lucas is respectful, insightful, and a great leader.

I have many great memories of Lucas in Sophomore English, AP Literature, and in the hallways of our school. I have always found him to be respectful of the adults in the building and his classmates, but also forthright in his thoughts, no matter how people may react. I am thinking of one particular day in AP when his classmates were grousing about the amount of work they had to do and what they felt to be not enough time. I remember Lucas coming right out and saying to the class, “What you put into this class is what you get out of it. If you don’t do the extra work on your own time, you aren’t going to do well. Complaining isn’t going to get you anywhere in life or in the classes you take.” Lucas should be happy to know that I have quoted him numerous times since then in all of my classes. His fortitude is what makes him a stand out student and a rising leader in his class.

Guidance counselor, Michele Farrar, says of Lucas that she has known him since the fifth grade and has always been the most respectful, kind, hardworking and driven student. He has never ever been in any sort of discipline issue, is always thoughtful of his peers and is a true leader who will make positive changes in the world! 

According to science teacher, Liz. Richardson, Lucas truly embraces his role as the president of the National Honor Society. He has been the organizer for all of the community service events in the community during the beginning of the year. She said she would have struggled to keep the wheels of this project going without his help. Lucas is very respectful and she has heard back from many of the community members he visited that they would love for him to return in the future! Thank you, Lucas, for being an exemplary member of NHS!

Science teacher, Heather Wheeler said, ‘Lucas is a genuine, good-natured, bright and an easy-going kid. He is a pleasure to have in any class and is always a leader when it comes to attitude and participation. At an age where following tends to be the norm, Lucas is an independent thinker who follows his own conscience and understanding of right and wrong. I'll miss him at Sanborn.”

Business teacher Jeff Adams said of Lucas, “ Lucas is the student that every teacher wants in their class. I had Lucas his Junior year and I was impressed not only at his work ethic, but more importantly on how well he interacts with other students and teachers. I rank Lucas as one of my top ten students in my eighteen years of teaching at Sanborn...... I wish him all the best.”

Finally, wellness teacher, Josh White said, “Lucas is a standout student and an even better person. Having Lucas as a student in the classroom and an athlete on my basketball team, I had the opportunity to get to know him on many different levels. Lucas will be missed here at Sanborn, but we have no worries that Lucas will accomplish great things after graduation.”

We could go on and on about Lucas Pitkin. When he leaves Sanborn and heads off to school, there is no doubt in my mind that he will be successful. It’s not so much his drive, his academic accomplishments, or even those leadership skills. What will make Lucas successful in college and in life is that he is truly a good person. We need a lot of more of these in our world. People like Lucas Pitkin will definitely make a difference.
Senior Spotlight: Trenton Leek
Note: Each week, we will feature a few seniors with a spotlight article, written by a staff member.
This article was written by Teacher Meghan Petruzzi
If it’s Friday or Monday, then you can bet Trenton is talking football. Trenton appreciates the combination of mental tenacity and raw skill in the sport. Trenton is drawn to the strategic nature of the game, how “every play is planned out to try to maximize success, and yet the most important moments happen when the plan goes wrong and the players have to improvise.” His favorite team is the Packers, but you shouldn’t hold that against him. Or maybe you should? His favorite player is Frank Gore because of his ability, despite his age, to continue to defy the odds as a running back.

In Chemistry, while discussing the Lewis Structure of Ozone (O3), Ms Petruzzi narrated as she drew O, O, O on the board and, without skipping a beat, Trenton and his lab partner began singing, “... Its magic, you know.”  

In his mathematics and science classes with Dr Young, Trenton was always a happy grin and a funny comment. There was plenty of hard work and learning to be done, but that didn’t stop Trenton from laughing at a bad joke or a terrible pun. And... there is always that classic quote from “ Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2.”

You may be wondering how Trenton keeps his grades up with all his “outside” interests, and the answer is CAFFEINE Squared! Trenton is also one of the most grounded students we have ever met. He knows the importance of each day, and lives to make the most of them. Trenton is an avid hiker, a passion he shares with his family. Trenton hikes for the scenery and environment but also to clear his mind with the outdoor tranquility. His favorite part about hiking is summiting a mountain peak, looking back at the trail, and and realizing his accomplishment. Trenton has two major hiking goals; one is to through-hike the Appalachian Trail and the other is to summit all of the New England 4000 footers. He does plan on continuing his education at UNH after he accomplishes some hiking goals. Hike on!
Senior Spotlight: Nick Phillips
Note: Each week, we will feature a few seniors with a spotlight article, written by a staff member.
This article was written by Teacher Liz Richardson
Nick Phillips has grown into a respectful young man during his years at Sanborn. As a sophomore, he knew he wanted to attend SST since he was interested in working on cars, so he applied for and was accepted into the Auto Technology program at SST. After his two years in the Auto program, Nick has realized that his true passion lies with electrical work. He is glad to have learned how to maintain his car, but is looking forward to new challenges in his future.

Hey Nick, what was your favorite class in high school? “Junior English with Ms. Graham.” He says it was just something about how engaging she made it and how useful the feedback was that she provided that helped him understand the values of reading and writing and learning better communication skills. He also voiced that high school was challenging at times, but not an obstacle that he couldn’t overcome. I had the privilege of teaching Nick in Biology and Forensics. In class, Nick speaks up when other students hesitate to ask the questions that are stirring in his mind and is willing to do what is needed to get the work done. I will miss his genuine curiosity and ability to get the whole class thinking!   

In his free time, Nick enjoys shooting hoops and hanging out with his friends. He played basketball his freshman and sophomore year, but changed his schedule junior year to accomodate for work. Getting his driver’s license was a major determinant in getting a job and making money. He loves being able to drive around and visit friends and family.

Nick wants to start his post-secondary education by becoming an apprentice to a lineman in New Hampshire or a neighboring state. He dreams of working on telephone poles and helping to keep the system up and running during storms or other issues. I know that Nick will succeed because this is a field where he will find many ways to keep his mind challenged and continue to learn new skills. Good luck Nick!
Looking For Community Help For Senior Success Day
Looking For Donations To Support SAFE SANBORN SENIOR Event
This week, Sanborn Regional High School received a $500.00 grant from Keith Antifonario of New York Life Insurance Company. The grant will be used by the School Counseling team in our efforts to be a grief sensitive school that can respond to student needs as they present themselves. Thank you to Keith for your efforts to work with our school on this important initiative!
Looking For Donations To Support SAFE SANBORN SENIOR Event
Dear Business Leaders and Sanborn Community Members,

Sanborn Regional High School’s Senior Class of 2019 and the SRHS PTO group are working collaboratively to solicit donations to offset the cost of the end-of-year senior class celebration event. This year, the students have opted for a potluck dinner/games/DJ and dancing here at the school and then a moonlight cruise around Boston Harbor to celebrate their graduation. The event will take place Friday, May 31, the last day of regular classes for Seniors, to kick off their graduation celebration. This class celebratory event is designed to give all interested seniors a fun, safe end of school event to create lasting memories together. 
Our fundraising goal is to offset the transportation cost for the bus as well as the dinner/games/DJ event from 7-9pm, prior to the students leaving for the Boston Cruise. 

Cash/check donations can be made payable to Sanborn Regional High School PTO or Sanborn Regional High School with a memo of Senior Trip donation. The tax ID number for tax write off purposes for SRHS is 02-0269682. Check can be mailed to SRHS, 17 Danville Rd, Kingston, NH 03848, Attention Brian Stack.

In addition, if you or other fellow co-workers are interested in volunteering to assist with the dinner/pre-party on May 31st, we would love to have you part of the event. You can email our PTO contact, Tammy Gluck,, to be part of that planning process. 

Thank you in advance for supporting our “SAFE SANBORN SENIORS” end of school year celebration 

Graduation Has Been Set for June 7, 2019
A Message From Principal Brian M. Stack
Dear Students in the Class of 2019:

It is hard to believe your time at Sanborn is almost over! This is an exciting time of year with many events and activities culminating with graduation set for Friday, June 7, 2019. Congratulations to all seniors on your many accomplishments.
If weather permits, we will hold graduation on the library lawn. In the event of poor weather, we may have to hold graduation in the gymnasium. If this is the case all attendees will need a ticket to enter the gym. The week of graduation you will receive eight (8) admission tickets for the gymnasium ceremony. That same week, we will also hold a lottery to distribute any extra tickets that we can to families that need more than 8 tickets. Due to fire code regulations, we may not be able to accommodate all requests for additional tickets. You are encouraged to ask your classmates if they have extra tickets they could give you if you need more than eight.
The following is a list of senior activities for the remainder of the school year. Seniors who are on the “probationary” graduation list are not permitted to participate in senior activities and should speak to their counselor to find out what they need to do to be removed from probation. Please note the mandatory activities and graduation practices on June 6 and 7. Please also remember that all students must have their $50 class dues ($20 senior dues) paid in order to participate in the graduation ceremonies. 
April 9 Senior Success Day ( MANDATORY)
May 7        Spring Band Concert – 6:30pm in the Auditorium
May 13       Drama Dinner and Awards Night – 5:30pm in the cafeteria
May 14       Spring Choral Concert – 6:30pm in the Auditorium
May 18       Prom – 4:30pm Promenade at SRHS, 6:00pm event at DiBurro’s, Haverhill, MA 
May 20       Senior Recognition Banquet (By Invitation Only) – 5:00pm in the cafeteria
May 20       Scholarship and Academic Awards Night for Seniors – 7:00PM in the auditorium
May 30        Yearbook Dedication – 8:45am in the auditorium ( MANDATORY)
May 31       Last day of regular classes for seniors
May 31 Choral Pops Concert - 5:30pm in the auditorium
May 31 Senior Cruise in Boston - 5:30pm - 2:00am (depart for Boston at 7:30PM)
June 3       Reassessment Day 1 – Students only come to school as needed.
June 3       Spring Sports Awards – 5:30pm in the cafeteria / auditorium
June 4       Reassessment Day 2 – Students only come to school as needed.
June 4        Music Dinner and Awards Night – 5:30pm in the cafeteria
June 5       Reassessment Day 3 – Students only come to school as needed.
June 5        Senior Sports Awards – 6:00pm at DiBurro’s in Haverhill
June 6       Graduation Practice – 9:00am to 11:00am in the gym ( MANDATORY)
             Baccalaureate, 7pm ceremony at Kingston Congregational Church (cap/gown)
June 7       Elementary School Walk – Report at 8:45am to SRHS (cap/gown) ( MANDATORY)
             Class Day – 11:00am on the library lawn or the gym (cap/gown) ( MANDATORY)
             Senior Luncheon – 12:00 in the cafeteria ( MANDATORY)
             Senior Video – 1:00pm in the auditorium ( MANDATORY)
             Graduation – 6:00pm on library lawn or gym (grads must report at 5:00pm in cap/gown)
The decision to hold graduation outside or inside is made 24 hours before the event. If it is outside, seating is unlimited. If it has to be inside, each graduate will only be given eight tickets to distribute to family members for the event. I will also make available an opportunity for a lottery to distribute any remaining tickets I have for the gym event on Thursday, June 6.
Sanborn Students Will Be Asked To Give Feedback on Hope Survey
Dear Parents / Guardians of Sanborn Regional High School Students,

On Monday, March 18, 2019, during our Advisory period, students will have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in a confidential 46-question survey that Sanborn students and teachers have developed. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and will measure student feelings and attitudes towards hope, engagement, belongingness, goal-orientation, and autonomy. Results will be used to help the school improve in its ability to meet student needs.

The survey is adapted from this website: Data will be collected in a Sanborn-controlled Google-Form and will not be shared externally. Students will not be asked to provide their name and their participation in the survey will be completely voluntary.

If you would rather your child not participate in the survey or if you have any other questions about the survey (or would like to preview the questions in advance), please send an email to Principal Brian M. Stack at before March 18.
Class of 2020: Join Our Summer College Boot Camp
Athletic Booster Update
Please check out the Athletic Booster Club website as the signup genius for concessions has been updated (a button is below)

Reminder Winter Sports Banquet the Monday after vacation 3-4-2019 start time 5:45 then we move to the auditorium for 6:30 for the awards. 

Mark your calendar for Spring Sports Awards Monday June 3rd.
SST Offers Tech Fun Night March 22 For Grades 5-9
Summer 2019 Enrichment Camps
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: Sanborn Schools are offering a variety of week-long summer enrichment camps. These camps are open to both Sanborn and non-Sanborn students. Space is limited, so ACT FAST to secure your spot in one of these camps today by submitting a registration using this button:
Come To The Next PTO Meeting!
The mission of the Sanborn Regional High School Parent Teacher Organization is to enhance and support the Sanborn Regional High School learning community of students, staff, and families of Fremont, Kingston, and Newton.

This is accomplished through the following endeavors: Community Outreach, Teacher Involvement, Educational Programs, Civic Cooperation, Volunteer Programs, and Fundraising.

When we all help a little it is amazing how much we accomplish as an organization.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 20th at 6pm in Room 137 at the school. We normally meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6pm.

If you have any questions or information you would like to share with our organization, please contact Barbara Munroe, PTO President, at or Tammy Gluck, PTO Vice President, at 
An Update From Southern Rockingham Coalition for Youth (SoROCK)

Charlotte Scott
SoRock Coalition for Healthy Youth

An Important Message From School Administrators:
PTO Clothing Donation Bins
When you drop your unwanted clothing off in these bins, the SRHS PTO gets paid based on the weight of the clothing! This is a really easy way to help our school. All PTO proceeds go directly back to programming and scholarships that directly benefit our students. 

Did you know? From April of 2015 - May 2017, this fundraiser has helped us raise nearly $2400.00 for the PTO. Help us double that number by sharing this opportunity with your friends, your family, and your neighbors!

* Not Sponsored by the Sanborn Regional School District