November 2017

ALI Coalition Spotlight: John Conley (2014) is accelerating economic and social impact through entrepreneurship. As COO of Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll), Mr. Conley is helping entrepreneurs launch their ideas in mid-sized cities across Massachusetts. Learn more about the impact of his work in our featured video.
Program News

The 2017 Final Symposium and Coalition Gathering is just over one week away! The 2017 Fellows have evolved their thinking, discovered new project ideas, advanced existing ideas, and are ready to present to the full ALI Coalition.  Coalition members will actively engage each other on their work in women's empowerment, media, infrastructure and other important areas.

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Fello ws News

Sutapa Banerjee (2015) believes that when it comes to gender equity, policies must change behavior before they change beliefs. Ms. Banerjee recently authored a piece in The Economic Times outlining critical steps to keep women in the workforce.
Patricia López Aufranc (2015) says that we have to address root causes to keep women in positions of leadership. In an article for Juriste International, Ms. López Aufranc details how stereotypes and biases against women continue to be pervasive in our collective consciousness.
Judy Perry Martinez (2015) recently earned the New Orleans Bar Association's Presidents' Award. Ms. Perry Martinez received the association's highest level of recognition for her "leadership, service, and concern for the well-being of all."
Lauren States (2015) is helping develop the next generation of women engineers. Ms. States has been an active mentor in the Women's International Leadership program at International House and was featured in the organization's most recent newsletter.
Jeff Dunn (2014) and Sesame Workshop continue to earn national attention for their groundbreaking work. Sesame Workshop received the American Ingenuity Award for social progress for introducing the Muppet character Julia to explain autism to children.
Gillian Sorensen (2014) shared her insights on a career in diplomacy with the International Women's Forum. Ms. Sorensen was a conference speaker at the 2017 World Cornerstone Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, and reflected on her time at the UN in an interview with the IWF.
Donna Wing (2012) is using theatre to restore and maintain historic sites in the United States. Dr. Wing's " Candlelight Theatre" helps to showcase the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site with innovative performances throughout the year.
Tony Barash (2010) is using memoir writing to mitigate gang violence in Cook County Jail. Mr. Barash has expanded his ConTextos program to Chicago, helping violent pre-trial detainees reflect and take ownership of their stories.
Ray Jetson (2010) is bringing organizations together to train mentors for black boys and teens in Baton Rouge. Rev. Jetson is working to create a network of organizations mentoring youth, recruiting new mentors, and leading efforts to train and deploy these new mentors.
Doug Rauch (2010) continues to be a champion in the fight against food waste. Mr. Rauch was profiled in a documentary film, Wasted, and spoke in a panel for audience members following the film's premier at the GlobeDocs Film Festival in Boston. 

Fall in Cambridge means time for ALI's Final Symposium!
Faculty News

Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBS) says that the #MeToo movement should not ignore the micro-insults that harm women's careers. In a recent op-ed for Working Knowledge, Professor Kanter praises #MeToo but cautions that it takes more to create a positive work environment for women.

Professor Iris Bohnet (HKS) is tackling the ' thin file' that prevents promotions. In The New York Times, Professor Bohnet argues that there is significantly increased diversity at the entry level, but very little change at the top of organizations.

Professor Fernando Reimers (HGSE) is improving education on a global scale. Professor Reimers was featured in the Harvard Gazette for his work to launch the International Education Policy Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
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