Person of the Planet  Email Newsletter 
" Being a voice for the planet, finding solutions person by person."

March 15, 2019 Iss. No 64
Bits & Pieces
By Shanti Moorjani March 15, 2019

A little follow-up to last night's talk with Matt Gough from the Sierra Club. Matt is the Assistant Advancement Director of the Western Division of the Sierra Club. He talked about the about the Resist, Build, Win strategy of the Sierra Club at the local and national level. Matt, an Obama look alike, intelligently shared how they are legally thwarting the attacks on our environment by the Trump administration. He shared the successes of getting many coal fire plants shut down and building up efforts to train working people to clean energy jobs.

In the last two years alone, Sierra Club's membership has almost doubled. This is how the club can work effectively against the many environmental issues we confront. Matt did not once mention joining the Sierra Club (though I am already a member) and yes if you want to support an institution that is out there working hard for the environment, this is a good choice.

Matt expertly answered the many questions that came up at the talk and left us hopeful that there are committed, smart young people actively involved with saving our planet.

I left hopeful with a greater respect for the Sierra Club and their work. 

Thank you Matt Gough!
A Relatively Painless Guide to Cutting Plastic Out of Your Life
Featured article from 

Last year may have been the beginning of the end for plastic. It may have taken a while for the average person to wake up to its dangers, but many were shaken into action by the images and videos of plastic's impact on the natural world that flooded the media in 2018.
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