Monday Events
Out for Lunch
Hosted by LGBT Resource Center
Monday, April 23 | 12-2pm | Library Walk
Come eat your lunch at OUT for Lunch to kick off Out and Proud Week!
Intergenerational Dialogue
Hosted by QSUN (Queer Sixers UNited)
Monday, April 23 | 2-3pm | LGBT Resource Center Conference Room
A chance to interact with other generations of the LGBT community of UCSD.
"Adding a Bit More Color To Your Rainbow: Why Examining the Needs of Queer Students of Color Matter"
Out and Proud Week Keynote speaker- Dr. JonPaul Higgins
Hosted by LGBT Resource Center
Monday, April 23 | 4-6pm | Red Shoe Room, PC West
Dr. Higgins is a speaker, writer and social justice defender. He currently serves as Campus Pride's Curriculum Educator, is a Lambda Literary writing fellow and a regular contributor to Presence.IO.
His work has been included on sites like Efniks, INTOMORE, Blavity, The Root, Pride, Talkspace, SYFY and more notably, Them. Dr. Higgins is committed to using his voice to highlight and bring focus to the issues that affect both the Black and LGBTQ community.
Stonewall: The People. The Rebellion. The Queer Liberation
Hosted by Muir Residential Life Office
Monday, April 23 | 6-8PM |Muir College-Mariposa Room
We will be covering the history of Stonewall Riots and the impact and repercussions it has had on LGBTQIA + community.
Apimeda Family Lip Sync Battle
Monday, April 23 | 8:30-11PM | Main Gym UCSD
APIMEDA and the LGBT Resource Center are back with our APIMEDA family event for Out and Proud!! This time we're are hosting an APIMEDA Family... BATTLE where everyone can LIP SYNC THEIR HEART OUT in a friendly competition where everyone wins!!
We will be playing songs and y'all can act out the songs like the true stars of the stage that you are! Not sure about performing? It's okay! You can perform with a friend! Never done a lip sync performance? No worries!! This is your space to have fun with it and shine!! Want to just come support? Cheer with us during the performances!
Tuesday Events
Community Quilting
Hosted by LGBTQIA+ LLC
Tuesday, April 24 | 2-4pm | LGBT Resource Center Conference Room
Originally hosted by the LGBTQIA+ LLC in Muir Fall Quarter 2017, this program is coming to Out and Proud Week! There will be materials for you to make your own quilt square that will be put together into a Community Quilt that will be donated to the RC!
Trans Positive
Hosted by The T-Spot, Inc.
Tuesday, April 24 | 5 -6:30 PM |UC San Diego AntiViral Research Center (AVRC) conference room
Breaking down stigmas and uplifting our community focused on Trans, HIV and Positivity!
QTPOC Talk presents: Queering Professionalism
Hosted by Raza Resource Centro
Tuesday, April 24 | 5-7 PM | Raza Resource Centro- Library
A panel discussion with full time professionals on their experiences being unapologetically queer, trans, people of color in a white, cisgender, heteronormative, patriarchal society. (Open space)
Hosted by QTPOC
Tuesday April 24 | 5-7 PM | LGBT Resource Center
Come join QTPOC for some ice-cream and community building!!
Gayme Night
Hosted by HDH Connect
Tuesday, April 24 | 7-9 PM | Mesa Nueva Graduate Student Housing: CA-A192A
Connect with your community members and allies for game night, socializing, and snacks! The first hour will focus on team trivia about queer history and popular culture, and the second hour will allow folks to choose from a wide array of board and group games.
Queernections Café
Hosted by LGBTRC
Tuesday, April 24 | 7-9 PM | Multipurpose Room
An event for queer and trans folx to engage and connect with each other in a fun and inclusive space. Connections can be platonic, romantic, etc. We will have refreshments and giveaways.
Wednesday Events
FREE Anonymous HIV testing
Hosted by In The Mix and Family Health Centers of San Diego
Wednesday, April 25 |11am-4pm |LGBTRC Heritage Room
We will be providing FREE Oral Rapid HIV testing. That means no needles and your results are ready in 20 minutes. Testing is provided on a first come, first serve basis
Drag Evolution: Past, Present, and Future
Hosted by LGBTQIA+ LLC
Wednesday, April 25 |1-3 PM | LGBT RC Conference Room
Let's talk about where the art of drag is headed by reflecting on the past, present, and possible future of drag.
LGBTRC x CAPS Peer Educators: Mindful Education
Wednesday, April 25 | 5-7 PM | LGBT Resource Center Conference Room
Join the LGBT Resource Center and CAPS Peer Educators for our mental health workshop! The workshop will include discussion on how to live a healthy life with mental illness. We'll also discuss ways to support others with mental illness.
Moonlight Screening + Discussion
Hosted by Black Resource Center
Wednesday, April 25 | 6pm Screening | 8pm Discussion/Q&A | The Loft
This will be a collaborative event with the Black Men's Collective where we will screening Moonlight following with a discussion between the intersections of Blackness, sexuality, and positionality within society. The discussion will be centered on queer topics that are lived and shown through the film. Food will be provided!
Queer Quiz Bowl
oSTEM and QSUN Collaboration
Wednesday, April 25 | 7-9 PM | LGBT Resource Center
Do you and your friends know a lot about queer pop culture? Sign your group up for Queer Quiz Bowl to test your knowledge, compete against others, eat some snacks, and win a special prize!
Thursday Events
Dining Out for Life
Thursday, April 26 | 7AM-11 PM | locations throughout San Diego
On Thursday, April 26, 2018, dozens of participating restaurants, bars, coffeehouses and nightclubs in San Diego will donate a minimum of 25% of sales for the San Diego LGBT Community Center's HIV/AIDS services and prevention programs. Grab your colleagues and friends and make plans to Dine Out and Fight AIDS for breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, and more!
See the full list of restaurants at For questions, call Megan Meek at 619.692.2077 x255 or email
Learning and Lumpia
Hosted by QTPOC and Kamalayan Kollective
Thursday, April 26 |12- 2:30 PM | Marshall College Room
Come join Kamalayan Kollective and QTPOC for some dialogue centered around the queer pinoy/pinay experience! We will be serving Filipino food and looking at passages from Melinda de Jesus' Pinay Power.
This space is closed to those who identify as trans, queer, and/or questioning PoC.
LGBTQ Health Disparities Panel Discussion
Hosted by UCSD Library co-sponsored with LGBT Resource Center
Thursday, April 26 |12:30 PM- 1:30 PM | Seuss Room, Geisel Library
The UC San Diego Library and the LGBT Resource Center invite you to hear from UC San Diego health care providers about their experiences serving our community, and issues relating to disparities in LGBTQ health service.
MIAC Rainbow Art Space
Hosted by Multi-Identity Art Collective
Thursday, April 26 | 4- 6PM |LGBT Resource Center Conference Room
Come join the Multi-Identity Art Collective for our Out and Proud artspace! Come be around fellow art lovers and amateurs as we reflect on and express our feelings on identity and pride. New to art? Don't worry! We love new faces and we'll be doing painting walkthroughs for those less confident or those who aren't sure what to draw!
Hosted by QSUN (Queer Sixers UNited)
Thursday, April 26 | 7-8:30 PM |LGBT Resource Center Conference Room
Karaoke for the LGBTQIA community.
Friday Events
Fly with Pride
Hosted by Revelle Residence Life
Friday, April 27 | 3-5PM | Revelle Conference Rooms
The program will have glitter chocolate DIY, shirt decorating, and DIY rainbow butterflies! We will also have pride themed music videos showing, so come jam with us and let your pride shine!
Queer Movie and Mingle
Hosted by UCSD Women's Center
Friday, April 27 | 3:30 PM | UCSD Women's Center
In honor of Out and Proud week, we are hosting a social event for queer community. Join us for some snacks, a cute queer movie, and meet new pals.
Semi-Formal Social
Hosted by Queer Students United (QSUN)
Friday, April 27 | 7-11 PM | The Forum at PC East
Need an excuse to dress up, dance, or eat some free food just hang out with the community? Come on out to our celebration and capstone to Out and Proud!
LGBTQ Movie Night: Paris is Burning
Friday, April 27 | 7:30-9PM | Rita 4th Floor Community Room
Join us for a movie showing of Paris is Burning!
Other Out and Proud Week events this quarter!
Queer Dance Part II
Muir Residential Life Office & LGBT RC
Fri | May 4 | 9PM- 12AM | Muir College-11th Floor of Tioga
May the 4th be with you! Feel free to hangout or dance your heart away! DJ, photo booth, refreshments and community will be present. Be you and join in on the fun and awesome music!