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March is here and the "madness" is already in full swing! This month is chalk full of exciting events, including the start of the 2019 NCAA Tournament, the long-awaited first day of spring, Opening Day... and tickets for the 85th NBC World Series, powered by Westar Energy, going on sale!!

To celebrate our 85th year of the NBC World Series, we are offering a special "85 for 85" package... the "Hap Pass"! For just $85, you can reserve your seat for every game of the 15-day tournament. We are also offering good deals on our Flex Packs and Individual Tickets, so make sure to purchase yours before they're gone!

Want to help support the National Baseball Congress but don't know a way to do so? We may have a solution for you! NBC is now a part of Amazon Smile, a website run by Amazon with the same products, prices and shopping features. When you shop Amazon using our charity link, 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products will go to the NBC! Click here to start shopping!

For the fourth year, NBC is pairing up with Major League Baseball to host Pitch Hit and Run events this spring. Pitch Hit and Run provides youth across the country, ages 7 to 14, with an opportunity to participate in an exciting baseball/softball skills competition. Winners will have a chance to compete during MLB All-Star Week in Cleveland, Ohio. Sign up your youngster today!
For more news, follow us on social media...
Pitch, Hit & Run is going to Rose Hill on Saturday, April 13 and Valley Center on Saturday, April 27th and they're looking for ambitious young lads and lassies to compete for a chance to show off their talent at a Major League Ballpark!

It is completely free for all participants ages 7-14!

Rose Hill - April 13, 2019 - 12pm
Valley Center - April 27, 2019 - 12pm

We will be announcing more events in upcoming weeks. Follow us on social media for all of the latest updates on future Pitch, Hit & Run events!
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NBC is a proud partner of the 17th Annual Wichita Arkansas River Trash Roundup! Join us and 900 of your closest friends to clean up the Arkansas River from 9 am to noon on Saturday, May 4, 2019.

Registration is at 8:30 am at 151 N. Waco. Wear sturdy shoes and clothes that can get dirty. Sunscreen, a hat and bug spray are a good idea too. After you fill a few bags, enjoy a post-cleanup cookout with the City of Wichita, Cargill, and Ducks Unlimited back at check-in.

Speed up check-in by filling out the Registration Form early and bring it with you.
- Individual Registration Form: Click Here!
- Group Registration Form: Click Here!

For more information about the River Trash Roundup, contact Charles Anderson at 316-350-3386 or email at
NBC in the Community in the Past Month:
Tuesday, February 26 -- Wichita State Sport Career Fair
Tuesday, March 5 -- Director of Partnerships, David Kirk, talks to a Sport Marketing class at Wichita State


July 27th - August 10th, 2019
Eck Stadium - Wichita State University

N BC has partnered with Amazon Smile and every purchase you make through Amazon Smile will give money back to the NBC Baseball Foundation. 

You must click on the link below and see the wording below the search box saying "Supporting NBC Baseball Foundation" in order for Amazon to give back to the NBC. 

Thank you and Happy Shopping!!


Jason Ybarra
Director of Operations
National Baseball Congress Foundation
(316) 977-9400