IPUL's Social Media Recap: March 15, 2019
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
Idaho Parents Unlimited will be out of our office next week at Parent Leadership Development
The week of March 18-22, IPUL staff will be out of the office and not available to reach via our phones while we are attending our annual Parent Leadership Development training.

If you need to reach us, the best way to do that will be via email.

You can expect that any phone messages left us either on our personal extensions or on our intake line won't be responded to until the following Monday, March 25th.
Social Skills Apps for Kids With Special Needs
We started off this week by sharing this list of apps to assist children who have special needs in developing better social skills:

" Social and emotional learning is critical for all kids to lead healthy and fulfilling lives both in and out of school, but it's a particularly important area of focus for those with special needs. Whether they read a story about friendship, practice meditation techniques, or learn about body language, students can benefit from tools that teach emotional intelligence and mindfulness. The apps and sites on this list will help kids express themselves, interact with others, identify and manage emotions, and develop meaningful relationships.  "

Portneuf Library Announces their 4th Annual "EggCessible Easter Egg Hunt"
Easter Egg art  showing three eggs
An Easter Egg Hunt for children and adults with special needs and their families. Free event, but ticket required. Tickets will be available beginning March 25 at the library, or at various schools and therapy agencies.

Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM

5210 Stuart Ave, Chubbuck, Idaho 83202
Homeless prevention grant for Boise School District keeps families housed during hard times
"The Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Grant helps families with children in Boise schools who face eviction from missed rent or utilities payments. The one-time assistance helps keep Boise families housed, especially as rent prices continue to climb.

Approved for another year by Boise Mayor Dave Bieter and Boise City Council, a sum of $100,000 will go toward the overall program this fiscal year, with $35,000 going toward the Boise School District to support 35 households through the grant, including providing case management for recipients."

Help to Develop Better Information With Our Partner, The Western States Regional Genetics Network

In 2003, parents asked the Western States Region to create fact sheets for the disorders on the newborn screening panel. They wanted information from a trusted source that could help explain the disorder after their pediatrician first calls to get them to go to the specialist for further evaluation. In recent years, parents have been telling us that they prefer watching videos in addition to written information. We are starting to develop the videos for each of the disorders that we have a fact sheet for on our website

This is our first video. We want parents to pretend that their pediatrician just told them that their baby's newborn screening test showed that he/she possibly has X-ALD and gave them an appointment to see the specialist. After the call, you go on the computer to search for information and find this video.

Please help us by reviewing the video and answering questions about it 
after you view the video.

*The link to the video is:*

*After you watch the video, please complete the survey at:* 
Legislative Agenda Information
We've pinned this post to the top of our Facebook page:

There are a lot of things happening at the Idaho Legislature each day that they are in session (typically from January through March.) Did you know that you can access the daily agendas on their website? You can also listen into the committee hearings that stream live. Idaho Parents Unlimited pays close attention to the House and Senate Health and Welfare and Education committees but you may interested in hearing about agencies, proposed rule changes, and other legislative action as well. With busy schedules and proximity - not everyone lives in the Treasure Valley - shocking! - this is a great way to stay on top of things no matter where you are. Daily agendas are found here:

Live streaming of hearings are found here:
We want you to update your preferences!
the words update profile are highlighted  you can find this at the bottom of this page
You can now tune your email preferences! We want to be sure you are getting the mail from us that matters to you.

Currently if you are on our mailing list (and if you are reading this, you are) you are getting everything we send out... However we know that not everyone wants to see everything we send out, so we are making it easy to tune your preferences.

If you scroll to the very bottom of this mailing you will find a link that says "update profile" clicking this will launch a page where you can update your information, and choose what mailings you will receive from us in the future.

You will be able to deselect or select to be on the newsletter list, the social media update list, or the announcements list.

If you are happy with getting everything, then you don't have to do anything, you are all set. But should you want to adjust what we send you, that is now possible.
IPUL's upcoming statewide trainings:
Next statewide training:
April Statewide Training: 
Success With the IEP
Broadcast Live from the Boise office and interactive statewide via webinar platform.
Success With the IEP 
Wednesday, March 10, 2019, 5:30 - 7:00 pm MT

This training will provide information and resources on special education and related services. This interactive workshop will give parents the tools needed to understand the IEP process from eligibility to transition to adulthood and effectively advocate for their child.

Again, we welcome people who want to attend the training in person at our Boise office. (Please plan to be in the office at least by 5:20 p.m.)  People attending remotely via our simulcast webinar will only need to have a modern web browser to attend. (And you can do that via computer, smartphone, or tablet) 

You will receive a confirmation email that will have a link to the livestream.
IPUL's Webinar Library:
Just a reminder that we have changed how we present our webinars - rather than a live webinar, will be releasing a series of shorter, prerecorded modules on the same topic as our statewide training. The idea being that once we put them up, they will remain available for anyone to register to see and watch at their leisure.

You can find them here on our website:

Our next topic will be Getting and Keeping the First Job, anticipated to be available on or before 3/28/19