A court in France has banned Roundup Pro 360, a widely-used weed killer that has glyphosate as its active ingredient.
David Hannaford with the top honour won at the Australian International Olive Oil Awards.
Congratulations to David and John Hannaford, who, for the second time, have won a Gold Medal at the recent Australian International Olive Oil Awards.
More great press for our local growers - and proof that awards have great ‘shelf-life’ in terms of brand promotion!
Help improve ABS survey processes
Deakin University is undertaking research on behalf of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to provide advice on the improved collection of agricultural information. Of particular interest is an understanding of farm owner’s/manager’s experience in the completion of the 2016 ABS Agricultural Census and more recent ABS surveys.
This research aims to improve the relevance and quality of agricultural data and reduce the burden on farm businesses completing the ABS Agriculture Census and surveys. Results from the research will influence the development of the 2021 Agricultural Census program.
Grower input involves a private telephone interview with researchers from Deakin University at a time that suits you.
Dr Joanna McMillan's recommendations on managing diabetes with EVOO
Join ADEA (Australian Diabetes Educator Association) host Jan Alford and Dr Joanna McMillan to explore the benefits of extra virgin olive oil in diabetes management. ADEA is the key health professional association for Australian diabetes educators - nurses or dietitians who specialise in diabetes education. Listen to this informative podcast
Dijana needs a 500L tank, so she’s gone directly to her target market
Got something to sell, or want to buy? You can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertise your unwanted equipment, extra oil - or even your grove. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates – like Dijana, who’s currently looking to buy a
500 litre stainless steel conical tank.
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
A lot has changed on the labour front since last harvest. Rob Hayes, Victorian State Manager of the National Harvest Labour Information Service (NHLIS) provides an update on changes to labour law, labour-hire licensing and visa flexibility and a word of advice to growers to take care they know and comply with newly-introduced laws.
Comprehensive and important information for growers using harvest labour.
Sign up to AOA Export Register
The AOA Export Register has been set up to facilitate a targeted means of communication for those interested in specific export markets.
If that’s you, email your name, business name, email address, phone number and specific export market interest (eg China, India) to
secretariat@australianolives.com.au and you will be notified when the AOA receives specific information about these markets and any associated inquiries.
Not long until WA IPDM Field Days: register NOW and protect YOUR grove.
The AOA’s program of IPDM Field Days has been a huge success, with enthusiastic feedback about the wealth of information shared – the practical take-homes in terms of pest and disease identification in particular. Registration has now closed for next week’s Victorian Field Days, but you can still register for the final two events, being held in mid-February in Western Australia. Details are:
Western Australia
- Friday, February 15 - New Norcia: New Norcia Benedictine Community, New Norcia. Click here to see the program and register.
- Sunday, February 17 - Margaret River: Olio Bello Olive Grove, Cowaramup. Click here to see program and to register.
The Field Days are part of the national program in the olive levy-funded project:
An integrated pest and disease management extension program for the olive industry (OL17001). Organized by the AOA in conjunction with Western Sydney University, the sessions explore IPDM extension services, focused particularly on black scale, olive lace bug and anthracnose management.
Vital information from industry experts combines with the opportunity to share issues and experiences with other grove owners, making these “must do” events for EVERY GROWER.
The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization has officially recognized the millenary olive trees in the Spanish territory of Sénia as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS). They are being recognized for their cultivation along with the trade of their olives and oils.
A meeting was held at IOC headquarters in Madrid with the recently-formed group of experts on the nutritional properties of olives and olive products … The aim of the group is to co-ordinate research in the sector, and to propose new research projects and events in order to foster and strengthen networks of academics working in the field.
Helping curb the rising tide of non-Italian olive oil sold as an Italian product is proving to be a slippery matter, according to a new report from Coldiretti, Italy's national farmers' union.
Turkish troops and pro-Turkey Syrian fighters are alleged to have looted olives Credit: AP Photo, File.
A Swiss MP has accused the Turkish government of passing off olive oil plundered from Syria as Turkish in order to sell it in European Union countries, including Spain.
10-Jan-2019 By Flora Southey
Recommendations for healthy eating based on sustainable food choices have been published by the World Health Organization (WHO): “Food manufacturers have a big role at all levels,” says the director of nutrition for health and development.
A volunteer places three small plastic cups in front of each audience member. The vessels are filled halfway, each with a different type and quality of extra-virgin olive oil. Two of the oils are produced by the University of California (UC) Davis Olive Center; the other is an inexpensive grocery-store find.
An overview of the UC Davis Olive Center and its work, and an interesting read.
European Union olive oil producers fared poorly this year. Spain, the notable exception, is well poised to make up the difference in the export market.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
With the new year now upon us,
Friday Olive Extracts
(FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,
you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at
editor@olivegrower.com.au - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!
Olive trees are one of the oldest living and most precious trees on earth. An olive tree can live up to 1,000 years, giving the best quality olives. The olive groves in Balıkesir's Ayvalık district, which house nearly 2 million olive trees, are protected against thieves and animals by mounted guards 24/7.
If you are determined to avoid New Year’s diets or hitting the gym in January, then one of the capital’s top Italian restaurants has given you another reason to get out and about. And it’s one with a bit of a twist, because Roberto’s Abu Dhabi has announced a month-long menu dedicated to celebrating the versatility and just all-round loveliness of extra virgin olive oil.
Let’s hope this is a growing trend.
Galpagro, a pioneering company focused on high yield olive groves, and IBM Spain have joined forces on an initiative that uses blockchain technology to trace all stages of extra virgin olive oil production and distribution, from the olive tree to the consumer.
1 February
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Wangaratta region, Vic
3 February
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Mornington Peninsula, Vic
15 February
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – New Norcia, WA
17 February
AOA Integrated Pest & Disease Management Field Day – Margaret River, WA
17-21 February - FIAL at Gulfood - Dubai, UAE
18-26 March
Olives New Zealand Focus Grove Project Field Days – various regions, NZ
23 March - Olives New Zealand 2019 Annual General Meeting – Carterton
25 March 25
Closing date for entries, 2019 Olive Japan International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition – Tokyo, Japan
1 April
Closing date for entries, Oil China Competition 2019 - Beijing China
5-10 May – New York International Olive Oil Competition – New York, USA
11-14 May
1st China Training Course of Olive Oil Tasters - Shanghai China
14-16 May
Oil China Expo 2019 + Summit Forum - Shanghai China
16-19 October
2019 National Olive Industry Conference & Trade Exhibition – Albury, NSW
9-12 February
World Congress on Oils & Fats – Sydney, Australia
Friday Olive Extracts is Published by:
Olivegrower Communications:
Olivegrower & Processor
December Issue
Australian and New Zealand
Olive Industry Directory