Volume 6 Issue 31 | March
You are cordially invited to attend Sabre Hockey Association's 46th Anniversary Awards Ceremony on Saturday, April 7th from 1-4pm at the historic Rialto Theatre in Downtown Joliet. Click HERE for parking information.
Sabre Hockey's Award Ceremony is a celebration of our Fall 2017/2018 season where we recognize our teams, coaches and players, from Mites to Midgets, for their achievements during the season both on and off the ice. Players wear their Sabre Jerseys and sit together as a team for this great end-of-season event. Each family will receive a Yearbook at the Ceremony. If you know that your family will not be able to attend the Award Ceremony, please advise your manager. Can't wait to see you there!
Doors open at 12:00pm, seating will begin at 12:30pm and ceremony starts promptly at 1pm
. This is a FREE Sabre family event and NO tickets are required. There will be snacks and refreshments available for purchase. Thank you, and
Dear Sabre Families,
I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our experiences of another hockey season together. Once again, our club gave us much to be proud of both on and off the ice. We had many teams post tremendous regular season records in all of our representative leagues, the CSDHL, NIHL, CUHL, and the NWHL. Two of our NIHL teams, our SQA6 and Girls 14U, were crowned President Cups Champions, and Squirt 4 were the Divisional Champs in the NWHL.
Our teams also made noise in the post season. In the NIHL Blackhawk Cup, our Girls 19U won the Gold A Championships, and the SQA1 team had an incredible late comeback to take home the 10U Gold A championship. Our SQA6 team did not rest on their regular season success as they went to the 10U Bronze Championship and won their final game to add to their banner collection. The PeeWee 3 team are NWHL Champions. We also had 5 teams lose in the finals to finish 2nd, Squirt 5, PeeWee 2, Girls 14U, and CUHL 2 & CUHL 3, and we had five 3rd place finishes from Squirt A3, Squirt A4, PeeWee A1, PeeWee A3, and Bantam A1.
Sabre teams were also well represented in the Final 8 of the State Championships with 14 teams appearing in the round robin portion of the tournament including 5 Squirt teams, 2 Pee Wee teams, 1 Bantam team, 2 Midget teams, and all 4 of our Girls teams. The Sabres will be bringing home 2 State Championship banners this year. Our Squirt A4 team were crowned State Champs beating Squirt A3 in the final, and our Girls 19U team beat their rival the Admirals 4-0 in their final. In addition, our Girls 14U finished 2nd in State, and our CSDHL PeeWee Minor team capped a successful year with a 3rd place finish.
Our young boys and girls also made important impacts while outside of arenas. I commend and congratulate all our scholars that have achieved academic excellence during the school year. Maintaining a high standard of academics while dedicating time to a passion is always a difficult balancing act and those that can do it should deserve special recognition.
What is also worthy of recognition are the many great instances of sportsmanship and comradery often displayed by our skaters throughout this hockey season. They were not to be out done by the many parents that showed tremendous compassion and empathy when our club faced adversity and tragedy this year. Witnessing these acts of kindness was humbling and inspirational.
Our success as a club requires contributions from many, so I would like to take a moment to acknowledge and thank our key relationships and cherished partnerships. Our rink partners, All Seasons, Rocket Ice, and Downers Grove all provided us with a welcoming presence and tremendous service. A special thanks to B&R, in particular, John Merola as he went above and beyond the call of duty to service our Club this season. I also want to take a moment to recognize Jim Arhontas who continues to be a bedrock of our organization and provides invaluable help in managing the complexities of our large community. Jim is one of the special people involved in youth sports, he is a fixture at many rinks, and I feel fortunate to call him one of our own.
Although it was my second year at the helm, the many challenges we face throughout the year did not seem to be any less daunting. I have many people to thank for the successes we have had this year as a club and a community. I am fortunate to be surrounded by a Board of committed and dedicated people all striving to provide the most fulfilling experience for our kids. I am also grateful to those volunteers that consistently choose to step up to offer time and help when needed.
No season is ever complete without taking the time to thank our kids. Their enthusiasm for the game is contagious and a constant source of energy.
Each year as I reflect back, there are certain moments that stick out and provide motivation for the season to come, and I will share a few my favorite from this season. As many of you may know, I coached one of our teams this season. Prior to each game our boys would do a Sabre chant to get ready to perform. During a tournament, one of our players, Anthony, was injured and broke his wrist so he could not play the last game. As we got ready to play the final game without him, one of our boys intervened before our "Sabres on Three Chant", and suggested, "Anthony on Three". While we did not win many games this past season, there was no way we were going to lose that game.
I had the opportunity to attend a State Playoff game between two Sabre Squirt teams shortly after the passing of Mike Paukstis. Prior to the game the two teams stood in a circle together and had a touching tribute to Coach Mike. The moment was emblematic of the true spirit of our club.
On a lighter note, Jack Malm all season long has single handedly tried to bring back the hockey mullet. During practice the flow of his hair would make Ron Duguay envious. Those were a few of my favorite Sabre moments. Feel free to share yours at #Sabremoments.
Thank you to all our members. We appreciate the trust you put in the Board, and we thank you for your loyalty to our club. We are grateful for the many friendships and the community we have created together. Congratulations on a successful season, and we hope to see you at the rink again soon.
Go Sabres!
Michael O'Neill
The Secretary of the Bolingbrook Police Benevolent Society is organizing a fundraiser for the Alexander family. They assist members and their dependents after a death or significant life changing event and have determined that due to their father Steve's death in December 2017, Trinity and Savannah, Sabre Hockey players, are in financial need. Their organization has planned a Benefit for the girls at t
he Bolingbrook Golf Club on Thursday, April 26th from 6-11pm. The event will have a live DJ, raffle, Silent
Auction, T-Shirt sales and food and drinks.
The USA Hockey Disabled Hockey Festival will be hosted this year in Chicago during two consecutive weekends in April, April 5-8 and April 12-15. The event is planned to be the largest ever with over 1500 players and 125 teams from the United States, Canada and even Europe. To help show our support for this great event I am asking each of you to see if your team is interested in supporting through volunteer activities, donations etc...
CLICK HERE for information on how your team can get involved with this years Disabled Hockey Festival that will be held at the Leaf Center in West Dundee.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - To sign up for specific shifts, click on the links below for Sign Up Genius. Scroll right through the tabs on the top for specific tasks. This is a huge event and volunteers are needed from area clubs to fill these spots. I will be leading the registration table at Leafs Ice Centre both weekends, while Sheleagh Bishop will be doing the same at Fox Valley. Need volunteer hours? There many opportunities for teens to sign up as well.
Thank you for your consideration.
Angela Paravola
Congratulations to the 9 Sabre Midget Alumni
who represented the University of Illinois in the ACHA D1 National Championship game last tonight. The
9 Former Sabres rostered on the team:
Hatton, and
Congratulations to Sabre Midget Alumni, Jack Hatton.
Jack finished up his Midget Major year with the Sabres two years ago and headed out to St. Louis and Shreveport where he played juniors to pursue his dream of playing in the NCAA. The Sabre Family just got word that Jack Hatton has commited to St. Marys University to play NCAA D3 hockey for the 2018-2019 season.
We are proud of the great accomplishments of our Midget program alumni.
Coaches Corner: End of the Season
Congratulation to all players, coaches, and parents in yet another successful season of youth hockey. Yes, it is a long one but a fun one to say the least. As the season ends it is important to realize, reflect, and celebrate all of your accomplishments and successes. Hockey is a game of development both on and off the ice and it truly is amazing to see how far skaters have come along this season.
Go ahead and look back at a video of an earlier game in the season and you will literally see the enormous amount of progression over the season. As many teams conclude the season with a yearend party or event, do take time to personally highlight these successes in development as they are the foundations of what we do as coaches and players.
Many players continue into the spring season as it is a good way to acclimate yourself perhaps to a new age group or a chance to meet some new skaters from other teams. Do remember it is also good to take time and step off the ice as well. Many players play another sport or participate in another activity. Playing multiple sports is a great way to develop the overall athletic progression. Don't think that just time on the ice is the only way to develop as a hockey player. Sports are sports and those experiences will carry on through any sport you play. I have found skaters that love to play hockey for the team aspect of the game and then wrestle in the offseason as it is a great way for individual development both physically and mentally. These athletes come back to the ice a much more improved player because of their diversity in sports.
But as the season ends we will all soon miss being at the rink. We will miss the hustle and bustle of the season and the time with teammates and friends. Do take time to remember, reflect, and appreciated all that happened this season. Enjoy the spring and we will see you back on the ice soon!
Playing Multiple Sports
Hello Goalies!
The end of the regular season has passed and now spring is about to begin! Congratulations to all the teams on their success and development over the course of the entire season! With the change of weather comes the change of sports. Many of you will now switch to baseball, basketball, soccer, football and many more. The benefits of playing multiple sports are tremendous. Encouraging multiple sports will help the athlete's overall sports IQ, decrease injury from strain of joints and muscles, lessen chance of athletic burnout, and helps transfer movements from one sport to another, increasing body control and strengthening foundation. In today's athletics, many children have begun in specializing on a single sport thinking it is the best way to achieve success. The individual will excel quickly when specializing but too many negatives will arise with long term affects. I always encourage players to step away once hockey has ended. Give yourself time to unwind from a busy, demanding season especially hockey because of the physical demand it has over many other sports. Your body will benefit greatly by staying active in a variety of sports. For example, tennis increases lateral movement and hand eye coordination. Dominik Hasek and Tuuka Rask are regular tennis players during the summer. It goes hand in hand when training goalies during the off season. Many professional and elite camps spend time competing in other sports during off ice. It keeps them using a variety of movements and challenges their sports IQ having to come up with different ways of accomplishing the same goal as a team. Soccer is great for foot work and conditioning along with player awareness. Each position in baseball, basketball and football have different benefits for hockey players as well. Go out and enjoy meeting new teammates and playing different sports, and remember the one reason you started in the first place, to have fun!
Coach Petrak
Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Separation in Hockey Players and Treatment for the Respected Injury
Grades 4-6: Very similar to 3 where all ligaments are torn. Differ in the displacement of the clavicle and involvement of other associated ligaments.
Signs and Symptoms of the Injury
- Tenderness over the AC joint
- Pain with shoulder mobility, greatest with cross body reaching
- Increased joint spacing between the clavicle and acromion (seen in image below)
- Piano key sign (when placing pressure over the end of the clavicle it will depress then rebound once released.)
Treatment for grades 1-2
- pt. can be treated with mild pain medication, a sling, and/or physical therapy
- Slings should not be worn more than 7-10 days without completing light exercises (pendulums)
- Therapy will focus on increasing ROM to normal and eliminating pain
- Prognosis varies from person to person and severity. Typically it is 2-12 weeks
- Treatment for grade 3
- Grade 3s are the most controversial on wither to treat conservatively (therapy) or with surgery.
- Research suggest completing conservative management initially, but if chronic pain and weakness continue surgery will be needed
- Treatment for grade 4-6
- Surgery is inevitable with these cases
- After surgery individuals typically are placed in a sling for the first 6 weeks
- Prognosis for return to play is a minimal of 4 moths of therapy
- Injury Prevention
- Based on the nature of the game there are limited preventative measures
- Upper extremity (UE) strengthening
- UE flexibility
- Wearing properly fit equipment
- Learning and utilizing proper technique
- Endurance training. Majority of injuries happen in the 2nd period
- Once an injury occurs additional protective equipment, as displayed below, can be placed under the pads to decrease aggravation of issues.
If there are any questions regarding this topic or topics of interest for the following month, please reach out to me at mpietran92@gmail.com
Catholic Sports Camp will hold their hockey camp at Darien Sportsplex on July 16-19.
To see their flyer
click here. To see a video about the camp
click here.
Check out All Seasons' Ice Rinks Developmental Hockey Classes, Leagues, One on One and Small Group lessons. All Seasons' experienced instructors will provide a family friendly atmosphere where sportsmanship and fun are essential in the growth of your child! Please contact us anytime. For more info, please click here.
-- Please check out some of our training sessions for this upcoming spring and summer. For more information, click here.
Not q
uite ready for a demanding schedule? One practice on Saturday, one game on Sunday, the rest of the week
is yours to keep! Play out of one rink with set times! A true in-house with experienced instructors. Click here for more information.
Registration is now open for summer 3 on 3 and 4 on 4. Largest summer pond hockey league in
Midwest. Go to All Seasons website to register:
New and exciting styles available for women and girls. Naperville Spirit Wear custom makes all orders.
Show your Sabre Spirit proudly! Order a Wayne Harvey Sabre Hockey Yard Sign or Medal Hanger today! Wayne Harvey donates $5 per purchase back to Sabre Hockey.
Check out the End of Season Sales on Sabres online apparel store, hosted by B & R. To shop online click SHOP NOW, or go to the Sabre website, then Sabre Store tab.
Surprise your favorite skater with a Sabre Hockey Fathead to decorate their room! Contact
Suzuka Hetterich
to purchase.
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