Volume 9, Issue #4 - January 24, 2019
In the name of Christ, we embrace all people to be nourished and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the world.
Our Annual Parish Meeting
convened last Sunday, January 20, at 11:52 a.m. and adjourned at 12:42 p.m. Various reports were given, questions asked and answered, and new vestry persons and convention deputies were elected by acclamation. Many thanks to all those who provided the wonderful potluck dishes!
New vestry members are Tim Agne, Todd Elliott,
Zachary Horn
, and
David Hurt
. Officers of the Vestry are: Senior Warden -
Leah MacSwords
Junior Warden -
James King
Clerk -
Ron Gruzesky
Treasurer - Mike Oder; Assistant Treasurer -
Laura Napier Buffenmyer
; and
Chancellor -
Iris Skidmore
Our Annual Vestry/Clergy Retreat
is being held this weekend at Transfiguration Spirituality Center in Cincinnati, so you will notice a number of absences on Sunday. Please pray for our leaders as they focus on steering Ascension through the coming year and beyond.
The 123
Convention of the Diocese of Lexington
will be held on Saturday, March 2, at Georgetown College Conference Center in Georgetown. Our Deputies are
Laura Napier Buffenmyer
Shannon Lancaster
Leah MacSwords
, and
Pauline Van Horn
; Alternate Deputies are
James King
Jim Kimbrough
2018 Donation Statements
(which may be used for tax purposes) are now available!
Check the box on the hallway table and take your envelope, please, to help save on the cost of postage. Statements not picked up will be mailed next week via U.S. Postal Service.
If you have any questions about donations or pledges, please contact Mona Proctor in the parish office: call 502-223-0557 or email
- 01/06/19 - $5,129
- 01/13/19 - $5,988
- 01/20/19 - $5,798
February 10-14, 2019
The monks will create a World Peace Sand Mandala at the library, and will offer a Tibetan yoga class and a children’s art workshop at other downtown locations. Tibetan goods will be for sale at the Mandala site, including prayer flags, prayer beads, singing bowls, clothes, bags, jewelry and more.
Tuesday, February 12:
“History of Tibet and Tashi Kyil Monastery”
6:00-7:30 p.m. at Church of the Ascension
Suggested donation $10.
Wednesday, February 13:
“Tibetan Cooking Class” and
“Traditional Tibetan Dinner & Interfaith Gathering”
at Church of the Ascension
Cooking Class:
1:00-5:00 p.m.
$45 includes dinner ticket.
Pre-registration required – call 502-229-5113.
6:00-8:00 p.m.
$20 tickets available at The Light Clinic or Poor Richard’s Books.
Tickets at the door subject to availability.
To learn more about the Tibetan Buddhist Monks,
or contact Charlie Pearl at 502-330-1201.
Simon House Invites You to
in Ascension’s parish hall on
Friday, February 15, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
It’s murder with side-splitting laughs, performed by the Murder & Merriment Theatre Troupe, served with a delicious dinner!
Those who can help solve “Who dunnit?” will compete to win a valuable prize!
Tickets are $40 per person, available from Ron Gruzesky, Jim King, and John Martin,
or contact Simon House at 502-223-2138.
All proceeds benefit Simon House, providing services to women with children
and other low-income clients.
will meet next on February 2, 2019, (every other Saturday) in the parish library at 10:00 a.m. This group endeavors to bring men and youth to Christ through the three-fold disciplines of Prayer, Study and Service. Contact William Legg (
) for details.
, every Saturday morning, 10:00 - 10:30. All are invited and welcome to come and explore this ancient technique, meeting
in the main church. For more information, contact Scott Kimbel,
for more information.
Check out public service and activity schedules on the online church calendar at
Find the Diocese of Lexington online at
Schedules & Teams:
UPDATED! January 27 - April 28
as of 1/24/19
January 27, 2019
Daily Office Lectionary
Week of 3 Epiphany, Year One - BCP 944
- BREAKFAST begins at 8:50 a.m. - free of charge to those in need; others may pay a small amount as able.
- ADULTS gather at 9:15 a.m. in the library for "The Preacher's Forum."
- CHILDREN & YOUTH: Christian Formation/Sunday School: Godly Play classes for age 2 through fourth grade will resume on September 9. Please gather in the parish hall to go upstairs together as a group. Latecomers must be escorted by a parent to the upstairs classroom.. Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend all church services; a nursery is available for younger children starting at 9:15 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - Rite I
- Subdeacon & Lector: Sue Kurtz
- Chalice Bearer: Will McKee
- Prayers of the People: Frances Kirchhoff
- Acolyte: Angela Goetter
10:30 a.m. - Rite II
- Subdeacon & Lector: Sue Kurtz
- Chalice Bearer: Joyce Taylor
- Acolytes:
- C: Henry Pinkerton
- T: Ian Pinkerton & Jordan Masters
- Ushers: Scott & Kathy Kimbel
- Altar Guild: T3 - Michal Smith-Mello, Scott & Kathy Kimbel
- Men's Club: T3: Roy Upshaw, Jack Bates, Fred Kirchoff
TWO needed
Charlie Caudill
Reimbursable pickup - Charlie Caudill
- Jan Stevens is our Hospitality Coordinator - contact her by email at jstevens5@aol.com to discuss Coffee Hour questions, needs and procedures. If you can bring treats but need a helper, or vice versa, Jan can help you team up!
Intercessions for the Church:
St. Peter’s Church, Paris.
Recently in need of prayers:
Angela; Barbara; Donnie; the Duncan Family; Faye & Steve; Geoff; Jim & Fonda; Lillian; Philip; Polly; Rebecca; Theresa; Vic; and Vivian.
Continuing concern:
Anna; Betty; Bob; Carolina; Collin; Darlene; David; Dillard; Doris & Charlie; Harry; Holly; Isaiah; James; Janet; Jean; Jim & Debbie; Jinks; John; Julia; Lee; Linda; Mac; Marilyn; Mary; Mildred; Natalie; Penny; Rose; Scott & Kathy; Sherri; and Willie. We also pray for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Nick, Seth, and Tanner; and for Susan Kurtz,
Candidate for Holy Orders.
1/27 – Marsha McNamara; 1/28 – John Patrick Hulette; 2/2 – Polly Coblin.
- Prelude: Elegy - Christopher Maxim
- Opening Hymn - Hymn 409 - The spacious firmament on high - Creation
- Gloria: S 280 - Glory to God in the highest
- Gradual Psalm: LEVAS 277, Psalm 19 - Caeli enarrant
- Gospel Acclamation: S 155
- Offertory Hymn: City called heaven - Hall Johnson (Dr. Caroline Gibson, soprano)
- Sanctus: S 129 - Holy, holy, holy
- The Great Amen
- Fraction Anthem: S 154
- Communion Hymn: Hymn 513 - Like the murmur of the dove’s song - Bridegroom
- Closing Hymn: Hymnal 632 - O Christ, the Word Incarnate - Munich
- Postlude
Clergy and Staff
- The Rev. William Jessee Neat, Rector
- The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Assisting Priest (Retired)
- The Rev. Nancy S. Farley, Assisting Priest (Retired)
- The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
- Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
- Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish & Financial Administrator
- Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton
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