eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
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This weekend my daughter is rounding home when it comes to being a Cadette Girl Scout. For her Silver Award project she is hosting an electronic waste recycling drive at our church.  She has been working on this for a couple months and we are looking forward to knocking it out Saturday.
Vintage Scout Memorabilia Up First In The HF
The biggest issue now is just publicity. So since her dad knows a thing or two about social media we created a YouTube video from her Minute for Mission talk at church.  We are also running a Facebook ad locally to get the word out.  Now if I could just convince her to get on the announcements at her school.
Order of the Arrow Auctions Live on eBay
One of the pieces that the Girl Scout push with their projects is sustainability.  To that end she has created a website that is sharing information on the project and will also host more information about the overall problem with ewaste.  If you want to check it out go to www.ewastedrive.com.
Scouting Auctions Ending Soon on eBay
As she is wrapping up this project things are kinda coming unglued with her Girl Scout troop.  I am pretty sure we will be doing something different next year in the fall but until we get through this summer my wife and I won't know if that involves Scouts BSA or sticking with the Girl Scouts.  We just have to let things play out with camp staff etc. and see what Sophia wants to do.
Patchblanket.com Santeeswapper eBay Store
If anyone getting the Hot Finds is in Charlotte her drive is Saturday May 12 from 9 AM - 3 PM. You can bring anything with a cord (tvs, old computers, broken gadgets etc) and we will sort them on a truck.  A company in the neighboring county will take the items to their facility and recycle the raw materials.
I am sending this newsletter from the desk at my new warehouse!  I've got the computer plugged in and hopefully Wednesday will be the first day I do shipping from here.

Yours in Scouting,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC

In Charlotte, North Carolina I have an antique mall booth that is filled with nothing but Scouting stuff.  I call this location my clearance center because I've marked down everything to move.  A lot of what you will find there are items that are too bulky to easily ship from an Internet store.  The booth is located in The Sleepy Poet which is a well established antique mall on South Blvd in Charlotte.  The mall is open 7-days/week year round.  So the next time you are in the area come check it out.