ELCA Southwest California Synod Constitution Work Group
Let all things be done decently and in order.
(1 Corinthians 14:40)
Many of you may have participated, at one time or another, in a review of the constitution and bylaws of your local congregation. This is often seen as a tedious and thankless task, but our constitutions play a key role of the organization of our church. The constitutions and bylaws of the ELCA, its synods and congregations reflect the theology and governance of the church as it organizes itself to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, share the sacraments, and share the good news and the love of God in the world. This is especially important in a time of transformation in our society and within our church. Our ability to adapt and thrive in a changing culture will depend, not only on our personal commitment, but on the strength of our collective organization.
The Synod Council authorized a Synod Constitution Work Group, comprised of Pastor Pamela Challis, Pastor Kurt Christenson, Mr. Paul Muller and Mr. Randall Foster. This Group was charged with reviewing the Synod Constitution, identifying bylaws and continuing resolutions that required updating and ensuring that all language is in keeping with the ELCA 2016 Constitutional amendments. We have also addressed any requirements that may be inconsistent with our current practices, and we have recommended language to resolve these and other related variances.
The Group began its work in October 2017 and we have continued our efforts up to the present by electronic communication and committee meetings. We have solicited input from our attorneys, our Synod Parliamentarian, our Synod Council and the Conference Deans. We have also invited suggestions from all members of our Southwest California Synod and considered those we have received.
Ultimately, the revisions we have recommended must be presented to the 2019 Synod Assembly for approval. We hope you will consider this prayerfully so that our Synod may be best equipped to move confidently into the future.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paul H. Muller
Trinity Lutheran, Ventura
Member - Synod Constitution Work Group