CRGC News Broadcast
January 22, 2019
2019 Updates to Solid Tumor Rules Available

The 2018 Solid Tumor Rules were published June 2018 without prior beta testing. As a result, registrars using the rules identified issues. Based on questions and suggestions received since release of the 2018 rules, SEER added clarifications, additional notes and examples, and in a few sites, rules. A comprehensive change log has also been posted for reference. These revisions do not  require you to review and or re-abstract 2018 cases.
IMPORTANT: SEER added clarifications and specific criteria that must be met to code a histology identified only by ambiguous terminology. This information is in the Histology rules section of each revised site.

The updated rules published January 2019 apply to the following sites only:
*              Breast
*              Colon/Rectum
*              Head & Neck
*              Lung
*              Kidney
*              Malignant CNS
*              Non-malignant CNS
*              Urinary

The 2018 Solid Tumor are now available in a consolidated PDF file and can be accessed at the following site:
Revision status for remaining 2007 Multiple Primary and Histology site rules:
SEER is currently working on revisions to the remaining two MP/H site groups. Release date of the final sites has not yet been determined. Based on the recent WHO 4th Edition Tumors of Skin, SEER does not expect major changes to the cutaneous melanoma rules.
Other sites:
SEER identified the need to separate select sites into individual modules. These site-specific rules may be individual sections within the Other sites rules, or free-standing module. Revisions will be based on the following 4th Edition WHO Blue Books:

Tumors of Endocrine Organs
Female Reproductive Organs
Tumors of Soft Tissue & Bone
Tumors of Male Genital Organs (included in the Tumors of Urinary System Blue Book)
The Solid Tumor module will be added to SEER*Educate soon. We will notify the registrar community when the module is available. Additional educational modules will be developed and available through NCRA free of charge.
If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the content of this CRGC News Broadcast please contact me .   

Mignon Dryden, CTR
Director, E-Reporting
Cancer Registry of Greater California