This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Yitro, 26th January, 20 Shvat
7 Habits of Highly Effective Jews with Sepha Kirshblum
Learning about the significance of investing in yourself to develop your personal bank account .
Laws of the Power of Speech with R. Lerner.
 Teaching about the laws of listening to Lashon Horah.
Dvar Torah:
Parshat Yitro
Rabbi Wenglin
Our Chanukat Habayit
which was held on Sunday January 20th
Mr. Moshe Leon, Mayor of Jerusalem, cutting the ribbon to the Beit Medrash
Alumnae Event
Scribal Workshop with Kalman
Paper Cutting with Micol
Tu Bishvat Seudat Ameinim with Rena Coren
Mishmar with R. Dardik
Rachel Wilkes ('17-'18) on her engagement to Joey Gabi Goffstein
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