Dear Friends and Supporters,

The Board of Camino Nuevo Charter Academy (CNCA) is pleased to announce that it has formally appointed Tammy Stanton as CNCA's Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective January 31.

As previously announced, Dr. Ana Ponce is stepping down from her role as CEO to become the new Executive Director of Great Public Schools Now. While we are sad to see Dr. Ponce move on, we are grateful for her dedicated service and excited that she will play a larger role in helping even more students and families have access to a high-quality public education.

During this period of transition, we are confident that Tammy will provide steady leadership and ensure that CNCA continues to operate smoothly while the search for a permanent leader moves forward.

Tammy is the best choice for this interim role because she is highly experienced and is deeply familiar with CNCA schools. For the past 13 years, Tammy has overseen the financial operations and fiscal health of the organization, working closely with Dr. Ponce, co-founder Dr. Philip Lance, school leaders, and the members of both governing boards. She currently serves as CNCA's Chief Financial Officer. You can read more about her here .
We, and our fellow Board members, are passionate about the mission of CNCA and are deeply committed to its success. Our goal in the search process is to be fair, equitable, and transparent. To that end, we will conduct an extensive search for qualified candidates, both internal and external, and take input from multiple stakeholders. We have hired KOYA Leadership Partners to support us in the search and expect to name a new CEO before the next school year begins.

Thank you for your commitment to our students, our families and our community, and for believing passionately in our mission: to educate students in a college preparatory program to be literate, critical thinkers and independent problem solvers who are agents of social justice with a sensitivity towards the world around them.

3435 W. Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026 

Phone: (213) 417-3400 | Fax: (323) 663-3132