CUB News

Technology is wonderful...when it works. Where it rarely works is when an organization uses it as a quick fix to improve a poor customer and/or employee experience. Many times adding technology simply makes a bad situation worse. BTC's recent posts discuss how to examine the current experience offered and look at technology as an enhancement, not a cure.

The latest episode of Branding the Experience discusses how technology can be a plus to customer service in Integrating Technology into the Experience. The newest podcast of Cool Culture Corner talks about enhancing the employee experience in A Culture of Technology. And I also share an article based on an interview I did with Dave DeFazio of StrategyCorps on why Experience Trumps Service.
I hope this selection of content provides you with some great ideas integrate technology into the quality experience you are already offering. If you find the employee and customer experience isn't where you would like it to be BTC can help! Contact us today at [email protected] or 714-681-2821 to find out why our clients who implement the B+C+S Formula grow their business by 17% and their net income by 124% on average.
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