James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)
CNS News & Views:
January 2019
Kim poses at the construction site of a modernized steel casting workshop. Image from Rodong Sinum
Tracking DPRK Leadership Visits Reveals Missile Production Facilities

By tracking twelve site visits by North Korean leadership, East Asia Program Director Jeffrey Lewis and his team gleaned new insight into the DPRK missile program. 

Their report, released January 17, includes details about each of the six sites visited by Kim Jong Un (and, before him, Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung), and offers observations about why the DPRK chose to obscure the sites' locations and identities. The insights reinforce the assessment that the DPRK is focused on domestically producing these weapon systems.

The New York Times ran an exclusive look at the report. 
(L-R): Nodar Nadirashviliv, Bill Potter, Laura Rockwood, Ionel Balan, Margarita Kalinina-Pohl
CNS Presents Innovative Methodology to Locate Orphaned Radioactive Sources at IAEA

At the recent IAEA Conference on the Security of Radioactive Material, CNS sponsored an expert panel on "Innovative Approaches to Locating Orphaned Radioactive Sources" as a way to inform relevant national regulatory bodies and other stakeholders about an innovative methodology CNS developed to help governments locate and recover orphaned radioactive sources. 

So far, CNS has worked with government partners in Moldova, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan to implement this methodology, which utilizes social media, network analysis, and other new technologies. In Vienna, representatives from these states joined CNS Director Bill Potter and Senior Program Manager Margarita Kalinina-Pohl to discuss the project's implementation and its results, and to encourage other states- -particularly from developing countries-- to consider employing the methodology in their own nuclear security efforts.

On January 14, Iran launched multiple space launch vehicles (SLVs), which Secretary of State Pompeo claimed had "virtually (the) same technology" as intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). 

Writing for Foreign Policy Research Institute, Senior Research Associate Dave Schmerler discussed how the CNS team monitored the launch site weeks in advance and identified the model of the SLV being tested. He also discusses how Pompeo's equating of the SLV with an ICBM "is neither entirely true, nor entirely false."

Anne Pellegrino
Welcome to Novaya Zemlya! Surveying Russia's Underground Nuclear Test Site

Seismic data on nuclear tests can provide "pretty good" information on Russia's nuclear testing past, but it isn't completely accurate. And if Russia is to ever resume nuclear testing, it is important to have as accurate an understanding of its testing facilities as possible. 

With new tools and technologies at their disposal, Program Director Jeffrey Lewis and Research Associate Anne Pellegrino took a deep dive into the Soviet Union's underground nuclear test site at Novaya Zemlya. 

Information flows to different drone types
Swarming Destruction: Drone Swarms and CBRN Weapons

Drone swarms--multiple unmanned systems capable of coordinating their actions to accomplish shared objectives--have major implications for the future of warfare. In the newest issue of the Nonproliferation Review, CNS Fellow Philipp Bleek and coauthor Zachary Kallenborn explore this drone-swarm technology and how it may complement, challenge, or substitute for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear warfighting. 
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