October 23, 2020
In June, we came together as a community to unite our resolve against racism and amplify the voices of Black students, alumni, parents and staff at our “Standing Together Against Racism” event. That evening, we committed to taking action and creating meaningful change in our community. Our work began with dozens of conversations listening to our community members of their experiences and needs. For most of the summer and into this fall, we proceeded with a schoolwide, in-depth reflection on our practices and identified actions we can take to better support students of color, address racism, and educate for racial competency as part of our Goal 2 Strategic Vision initiative.

With the input and unanimous endorsement of our Board of Trustees, in addition to the comprehensive work of the Leadership Team with members of our faculty and staff, we share with you:
This document demonstrates our continued commitment to our students, families, alumni and faculty/staff that pursuing the ideals of diversity, equity and inclusion is rooted in making us an excellent school.

Head of School