Where there’s hope, there’s life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again.
- Anne Frank
Stay Connected on Instagram
Follow us on Instagram to:

  • get the latest news and updates from CSSA
  • learn about self-care resources
  • participate in weekly challenges
  • learn about ways to stay involved from home
  • read motivational pieces and get links to TED Talks
  • hear from our featured students about service in the Center for Service and Social Action! 

Follow  @jcu_cssa  on  Instagram   now!
Reflection of the Week
Challenge of the Week
Video record yourself reading a children's story! Be sure to show the pictures, or use the video recording to show the book as you read aloud. Email with your video and we will post it on our YouTube Channel and invite our community partners to share with the parents of their students!

Our weekly challenges provide a way for you to stay involved with the community from home. Start your challenge now!
TED Talk of the Week
Watch the TED Talk HERE
Every Kid Needs a Champion
Rita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years, once heard a colleague say, "They don't pay me to like the kids." Her response: "Kids don't learn from people they don't like.'" A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human, personal level.

This video shows the power of connection and relationships that can be built through tutoring.
Questions for Reflection:

What message would you like to share with the students you worked with in service (share in an email or video).

Who has been a champion in your life?

Share a story of a connection you made in service.

Share a story of a connection you had as a student.

Pick a question (or two!) and email your reflection to
Tips to Stay Healthy
From Dr. Mike Martin's messaging to students
Don't be TOO inactive (thanks to Dr. Jackie Zera, Exercise Science)
Staying healthy during this time is central to our mission of reducing the spread of COVID-19. As such, it is important to remember that your immune system is significantly affected by diet, stress, sleep, and exercise. While we want you to be relatively "socially" inactive, it is very beneficial to keep your body moving to boost your immune system and reduce stress. The relationship between exercise and immunity is what we call a J-curve. On one end of the spectrum, being sedentary makes you vulnerable to infections like colds and flus, including the coronavirus. On the other end of the spectrum, running yourself down too much with too much high intensity exercise, stress, lack of sleep, etc., can make you vulnerable as well. However, exercising moderately, getting our 150 minutes of moderate to high physical activity a week that can be done in as little as ten minute bouts, will reduce your risk for these infections.

Therefore, over the next few weeks, as we transition our classes to an online format, remember to make time to get up and move your body every day. One important thing to keep in mind, given the recommendations to implement social distancing and avoid crowds, is WHERE you should be exercising. While you may be used to spending your winter and early spring months at the gym for exercise, consider getting outside and going for a walk, taking a bike ride, or trading the treadmill for the track. The combination of exercise, sunshine (optimistic, we know...), and fresh air can boost your immune system, combat stress, improve your mood and give you more positive energy to embrace this new challenge.

Mental health concerns:
Mental health concerns are important. The document provided from the Counseling Center outlines their availability and programming. In-person and phone consultations with counselors are available.

  • Dimitrios Tsatiris (BS ‘06-JCU, MD ‘10-Toledo), a psychiatrist, has offered thoughtful advice on how to cope with anxiety from the Coronavirus in his blog HERE

Student Food Pantry (Thanks to Sr. Katherine Feely)
The JCU Student Food Pantry will remain open M-F 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and available for any student who needs it. Stop in to Residence Life for the key and they will be happy to provide it.
Intern this summer for the Center for Service and Social Action!

The Center for Service and Social Action has one paid internship opportunity available: 

  • Summer 2020 Intern (1 position)
  • Assist with summer orientation resource fairs, service projects, and special events such as planning the annual Fatima Fun Day and the Community Partner Meeting.
  • 10-15 hours per week.

Applications are due March 22, 2020.
Questions? Contact us at
The Varsity Team Service Award
The Varsity Team Service Award  recognizes and celebrates those Varsity Teams who engaged in significant service activities in the community as a team. Each team is eligible to be recognized at the Gold, Silver, or Bronze level based on their team's engagement and commitment to being men and women with and for others.

Criteria for Recognition Include:
  • Breadth of Service - the extent to which each member on the team is involved in one or more service activities.
  • Depth of Service - the extent to which teams committed to cultivating relationships and addressing the needs of a particular organization, deepening the experience over time.
  • Universality - the extent to which all or most members of the team participate and actively engage.
  • Longevity - the extent to which the team culture embraces and sustains a commitment to community engagement as a team over time, year after year.

The winning team will be announced during DIII week in April and will receive a Team Certificate and their name on two perpetual plaques – one to be displayed in the CSSA office and one in the Athletics hallway.

Applications are due on March 31, 2020.

For more information and to submit your team's application, click HERE
Our #MYSERVICESTORY for the week comes from Alana Okuley, a sophomore Psychology major with minors in Spanish and Leadership from Sylvania, OH!
Fun Fact! I went skydiving this past summer and it was AMAZING!!! Would highly recommend for anyone interested!

At which service sites / community partners have you served or been a student liaison?
I have served at Carroll Reads Tutoring at Marion Sterling Elementary School, Julie Billiart School, and Rainbow Connects at University Hospitals.

"Before coming to John Carroll, I don't think that I had an accurate representation of the actual meaning behind service. I have always enjoyed participating in service, but I absolutely love how CSSA makes it possible for service to become a HUGE part of my weekly routine. Yeah sure it's great to say that you participate in weekly "service," but I often ask myself who is actually serving who. Through participating in Rainbow Connects, a program where we meet with patients and help assess their needs in order to partner them with resources in the community that can help fulfill some basic needs that they may be lacking, I feel so fortunate to have met some amazing individuals. As students, it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, that we sometimes forget to take a deep breath. Through all of the hurt that many of these patients are experiencing, they constantly remind me of all of the good in the world and to never stop seeking it out. One mom that I spoke to the other day told me to "never hide a smile, because you never know who may need it." This quick comment that was just an everyday norm to her, meant so much to me. I think that my new favorite definition of service is best explained by the joy in a simple smile, and that of which comes from interacting with others to learn more about who they truly are."
Each week  we feature stories of students who have made service a cornerstone of their JCU experience. Complete the form below to show us how you #ServeCLE!
We’ll share your story  on social media and in our weekly e-newsletter. If you’re a CSSA student liaison, you’ll earn points for your mentor group!

Submit your service story at
Sr. Katherine Feely  |  Director |    | 216.397.1966
Maryellen Callanan  |  Associate Director |   |  216.397.2022
Heather Craigie |  Assistant Director, Student Development & Logistics|  |216.397.6233
Lisa Morde |  Assistant Director, Student Engagement & Data Mgmt |  | 216.397.6227
John Jackson  |  Assistant Director, Community Partnerships |   |  216.397.1662
Carolina Kane |  Administrative Assistant & Marketing Specialist |  | 216.397.2024
Josefina Moreno '18, '21G  |  Graduate Assistant |  | 216.397.6283
Blake Yoho '22G  |  Graduate Assistant |  | 216.397.6283
JCU Center for Service and Social Action
Administration Building | AD-32
Monday-Thursday, 8 am - 8 pm | Friday 8 am - 5 pm
216.397.4698 |  (f) 216.397.1661

Stay Connected!