January 23, 2019
A Reconciling in Christ synod
Praying with our Feet on MLK Day
Judith Roberts, ELCA Program Director for Racial Justice

The third Monday in January is observed in honor of the birthday and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Efforts to designate a day to honor Dr. King began shortly after his assassination on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee. It took an act of Congress to pass the measure– with former President Ronald Reagan signing the bill into law in 1983. Institutions such as banks, schools, post offices and non-essential government offices close in observance of the holiday...

...Building on the dream of Dr. King and the movement makers of the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign; fifty years later the vision was resurrected. The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for a Moral Revival co-chaired by and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharris and Rev. Dr. William Barber II, is a multifaith, multiracial nonviolent coalition of our time. The campaign seeks to hold this nation accountable to the democratic values of liberty, equality and justice. Grassroots activist of the Poor People’s Campaign have picked up the mantel of the Civil Right era. Across this country, community leaders are showing up, speaking out, marching together by “praying with their feet” against the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the nation’s distorted morality.The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s social statement, The Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective, proclaims that “this church is committed to defend human dignity, to stand with poor and powerless people, to advocate justice, to work for peace, and to care for the earth in the processes and structures of contemporary society. Lutherans teach that we are freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor.

Disrupting and resisting the systems that dehumanize and oppress the most vulnerable within society is the work of followers of Christ. Systemic racism and poverty undermine the basic tenets of our democracy and human rights. As we remember the legacy of Dr. King, let us follow the example of Jesus Christ by walking with our neighbors for justice and “praying with our feet.”
2019 Synod Assembly -- May 3-5 -- Embassy Suites, Albuquerque, NM
As the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod we’ve been focused this last year on what it means to be Christ’s Church for the Life of the World. Our attention now turns to what animates our witness and ministry as Christ’s Church by exploring the Spirit’s work within us – individually and communally. Under the theme “Be Transformed” our 2019 Synod Assembly will consider the changes that take place in our hearts, minds, and very being as God’s love in Jesus takes hold of us. 

Assembly Information:

  • An information packet for voting members was recently mailed to congregations. Download the packet HERE.
  • Information regarding Voting Members, Resolutions, Schedules, Elections and Resolutions can also be found on the Assembly Website.
  • Link for The Embassy Suites Hotel Reservations is here. The Group Name is Rocky Mountain Synod-ELCA. The Group Code is RMS.
  • Registration opens February 1.
What's New This Year?
Optional Assembly T-shirts
Proclaim our commitment to our neighbor with this optional assembly t-shirt benefiting ELCA World Hunger. T-shirts must be pre-ordered with assembly registration. Cost: $15

Off-site Excursions and On-site Immersions
In light of our assembly theme of “Be Transformed”, voting members and visitors will be invited to select one topic or conversation for deeper learning and engagement. Sessions will be 2-3 hours of experiential learning. Off-site excursions will include: Campus Ministry, Camino de Vida, a local hike, Hispanic Cultural Center, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, and a Native American Comic Book store. On-site immersions topics include: Leadership development, Worship and Arts, Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery, Generosity, and Anti-Racism. Participants will select their excursion/immersion when registering for the assembly.

Assembly Speakers
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the Neighborhood
Introducing My America
LIRS continues to advocate boldly for our vision of a welcoming America, and we’re excited to expand that work with our newest storytelling campaign: My America. This campaign will lift up the voices of refugees, migrants, and supporters like you, to create a mosaic of stories rooted in hope and resilience.

My called Home
By Selena Besirevic
Home. It takes only four letters to write the word, but for some, it takes a lifetime to find its meaning. The word has caused me, as a former refugee, much pain, confusion, and uncertainty. When I finally found its meaning, I found peace.

ELCA Advocacy: Lutherans in the 116th Congress
Earlier this month, the 116th Congress began and new lawmakers were sworn into office, among them five Lutherans. ELCA Advocacy has a blog post identifying these new members as well as the Lutheran incumbents who were re-elected. Read the full post to learn more.
RMS-ELCA News and Events
Global Church Sunday Feedback Needed!
The Global Mission Committee put together resources for a Global Church Sunday in January and are seeking feedback on the resources.
Please fill out this form and share whether or not you utilized the resources.

The Global Church Sunday Resources are still available for your use on a Sunday that works for your congregation. View Resources here.
Save the date: ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving 
This Lent, you are once again invited to join fellow members and supporters of ELCA World Hunger to study, reflect and give during  ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving . Journey into Lent as we explore the connections between our faith and our shared ministry to end hunger and poverty. Discover new ways to engage your congregation in the long-standing traditions and practices of Lent with:

  • A devotional calendar offering ideas for how to engage in the Lenten disciplines of self-examination and repentance, prayer and fasting, sacrificial giving and works of love.
  • A weekly study explaining how your gifts to ELCA World Hunger are at work in the world.
  • Additional resources, including a weekly series of inspirational emails and coin-jar wrappers inviting children and families to donate to programs addressing hunger and poverty.

A resource packet with more information is on its way to you, so watch your mailbox! In the meantime, please visit  for more information.
Reconciling in Christ Sunday is January 27
RIC Sunday 2019 Resources are provided by Reconciling Works. This year, they have partnered with The Naming Project. The Naming Project is a summer camp for 14-18 year-olds, or those who have completed 8th-12th grades who are of any sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, who are interested in discussing and understanding sexuality and gender in terms of their own spiritual journey. 

It is by the hearts and minds of these campers, as well as The Naming Project staff, that Reconciling Works is able to provide a worship service to the voice of these LGBTQIA+ Youth and Young Adults. 
For Your Bulletin

Rev. Katie Emery
First Lutheran, Longmont, CO
Sunday, January 27, 4:00 p.m.
Color of the Day: Green
RMS Prayer Cycle

January 2019

 Week of January 27

St. John’s - Thornton, CO
Wes Dunbar

St. Matthew’s Episcopal – Grand Junction, CO
Laura Stephenson

St. Stephen - Northglenn, CO
Paul Carlson (Interim)

United Church of the San Juans - Ridgway, CO
Pam Stofferahn

Zion - Montrose, CO

Zion - Idaho Springs, CO
Terry Schjang
David Brock
Join us in daily prayer:
Download  ELCA Prayer Ventures  for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world. 
Sunday, January 27
Third Sunday after the Epiphany 
Prayer of the Day

Blessed Lord God, you have caused the holy scriptures to be written for the nourishment of your people. Grant that we may hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that, comforted by your promises, we may embrace and forever hold fast to the hope of eternal life, through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

In God's Hands: Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches

27 January - 02 February 2019 Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Western Sahara, Tunisia - Intercessions and Prayers
Around the Synod
James Hersch coming to Holy Love!
Saturday, January 26, 2019 at 7:15 p.m.
Holy Love Lutheran Church
4210 South Chambers Rd, Aurora ( map )

Enjoy an evening of Christian fellowship at Holy Love. James Hersch will sing many of his songs as his music tells a wealth of stories that reach all of us.
Welcoming Prayer
Contemplative Outreach of Colorado
Saturday, Jan 26, 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
The Welcoming Prayer is a practice designed to help us respond, instead of react, when we find our emotional programs triggered. In this simple prayer we learn to surrender to God’s presence and action in our lives so we aren’t so torn apart by anxiety, fears, anger or other afflictive emotions.

For more information and registration go here , or send email .
Finding resilience in a world of anxiety and trauma with Rich Williams
Sunday, February 10, from 10:50 a.m.- noon
Atonement Lutheran Church (chapel)
685 Inca Parkway, Boulder, CO ( map )

Many people experience PTSD, panic disorders and the various kinds of trauma our world can inflict. Rich Williams, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and ordained chaplain, will offer skills and encouragement as people find ways to manage their symptoms and find their resilience. As a survivor himself, he will share some of the current knowledge about trauma and panic, what skills have been found effective in managing them, and what helps us develop our natural resilience. You are invited and we encourage you to invite others. Sponsored by our Mental Health Ministry Team.
For more information send email or call 303-499-4567.
Register NOW for Colorado Lutheran Day at the Legislature
Thursday, February 21, 7:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Join us for Lutheran Day at the Legislature at the Colorado State Capitol! Learn about current issues, gather with other faithful advocates, and meet & lobby your elected officials.

For more information and to register, go here:
Ken Caryl Concerts of St. Philip Lutheran presents "An Afternoon in Paris"
Sunday, March 3, 2019 at 2:00 p.m.
Ken Caryl Concerts of St. Philip Lutheran Church is gearing up for its first concert of the season,  "An Afternoon in Paris," which will be presented in the sanctuary of St. Philip and will feature Steinway artist, Katie Mahan performing Claude Debussy’s  Suite Bergamasque  and her own arrangement of George Gershwin’s  An American in Paris.

This concert is free of charge and open to all ages, with refreshments following the performance. Donations will be accepted to support the concert series as well as the Katie Mahan Foundation Music for a Bright Tomorrow , whose objective is to promote classical music and to inspire giving through music.
Ken Caryl Concerts was created by a group of St. Philip musicians as an outreach mission of the church in the hopes to entertain, educate, inspire and extend a warm welcome to
the community.
The Colorado School of Celtic Consciousness Retreat with Theologian John Philip Newell at Shambhala Mountain Center, Red Feather Lakes, CO
Tuesday, May 14, 2019 through Thursday, May 16, 2019
In 2016, John Philip Newell founded the School of Celtic Consciousness. He did so in the belief that Celtic wisdom is needed at this moment in time, urgently. It is a spiritual tradition in the Christian household that can nurture vision of mind, strength of soul, and compassion of action.

For more information, go here.
Synod Assembly Opportunities!
Synod Assembly is coming to Albuquerque which brings some unique opportunities for local folks this year!

  • Local Visitor Option: Area folks are invited to join the assembly on Saturday afternoon/evening which includes: Afternoon excursion/immersion, dinner, and evening worship. Cost: $50.
  • Saturday evening worship: Area congregations are invited to join our evening worship on Saturday, May 4.
  • Election Volunteer: We are looking for one person to serve on the election team for the next two years. Contact Deacon Erin Power for more information.
Benefit Concerts for Luther House
Friday, February 1 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, February 3 at 2:00 p.m.
TOMMY & SAUNDRA O’SULLIVAN, from Dingle, Ireland. Irish music and Tales to Benefit Lutheran Campus Ministry & ELCA World Hunger.

Friday, February 1
Concert 7:00 p.m. with reception following. Christ Lutheran Church, 1701 Arroyo Chamiso Road, Santa Fe, NM ( map )

Sunday, February 3
Community Tailgate Meal 12:30 p.m. followed by Concert at 2:00 p.m.  St. Luke Lutheran Church, 9100 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM ( map )

Enjoy beautiful Irish music and support two worthy organizations! Tickets are $20, $10 for students and seniors, and kids under 12 are free. Buy online at, or by calling 505-633-5564, or at the door. For more information about Tommy and Saundra and to listen to their music, visit
Bishop's Legislative Luncheon & Issues Briefing
Wednesday, February 6, begins 8:45 a.m.
You are invited and urged to save the date and attend! 

The morning Issues Briefing will be at 8:45 a.m. at the United Church, 1804 Arroyo Chamiso in Santa Fe ( map )

Registration and refreshments will begin at 8:45 am. The Bishop's Legislative Luncheon will be at 12:30 p.m. La Fonda Hotel, 100 East San Francisco ( map ).
The cost for the luncheon is $35 per person. That cost is reduced to $30 when four or more people attend from your congregation or group. If you are only able to attend the morning Issues Briefing, the cost is $10. 

REGISTER for these events here!
Faith & Poverty Day at the Capitol
Thursday, January 31, 2019 10:00 a.m. to noon
CORC (Collation of Religious Communities) Faith Leaders will be talking with our state representatives about issues that impact the most vulnerable in our communities: housing, taxation on food, health care, childhood homelessness and more.

We will meet first in the Auditorium in the State Office Building immediately behind the Capitol. Bishop Gonia is one of the featured guest speakers along with Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes, Executive Regional Minister, Central Rocky Mountain Region, Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ), USA and Canada and Rabbi Samuel L. Spector of Congregation Kol Ami. For more information contact Pastor Christine Higueria-Street.

As Christians we understand God’s word, “As I have loved you, love one another.” John 13:34 As Lutherans we understand speaking for the marginalized is our civic duty. “As a public church, we have a responsibility to address issues that affect our neighbors in communities throughout the world.” ( ELCA’s Being Public Church)
Our Life Together
Episcopal Communicators
“The Building Blocks of Communications: The Perpetual Challenge”'
April 29-May, 2019
The annual conference of The Episcopal Communicators, an organization of communications professionals in the Episcopal Church, will take place in Denver at the Curtis Hotel, April 29 - May 3, and on behalf of our 330 members, I'd like to invite communicators from the Rocky Mountain Synod to join us.
Information about the event and registration is on our website. The deadline for discounted registration is Jan. 25.
You will note there are registration prices for Episcopal Communicators members and non-members, and because of the full communion partnership between the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ELCA communicators are eligible (and welcome!) to join for 2019 and take advantage of the reduced rate.

We are delighted that Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber will be our keynote speaker - so perhaps this is the year of a TEC-ELCA communications partnership in Denver!
This comes with my gratitude for the communications ministry that we share.

-- From Melodie Woerman, President, Episcopal Communicators
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Webinar: Legal Checklist for Congregations
Congregations can be vulnerable to legal issues and liabilities related to corporate status, taxes, property, insurance and abuse prevention. Many of these problems can be avoided by using an ELCA-prepared checklist of key issues for congregations to address. In a free webinar at 12 p.m. (CST) on Thursday, Feb. 21, the ELCA legal staff will discuss this checklist and best legal practices for congregations. The webinar should be of particular interest to rostered ministers and lay congregational leaders and staff, including congregation council members and officers, church administrators, and pastors and deacons. Register by Feb. 15
Here's your Stewardship Toolkit for FEBRUARY 2019!
The February 2019 "Stewardship Toolkit " has a newsletter article, and RCL-based "Stewardship Snippets" for Sunday bulletins, and links to explore. February's theme is "Stewardship of Loving Relationships."
Employment Opportunities
All Non-Rostered Positions 
Faith Formation Director of Youth
Bethany Lutheran Church - Cherry Hills Village, CO

Preschool Director
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church - Littleton, CO

Vacation Bible School Coordinator
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church - Broomfield, CO

Music Leader (part-time)
Ascension Lutheran Church - Cheyenne, WY
Office of the Bishop This Week
  Bishop Jim Gonia
  • Staff Retreat
  • Executive Committee
  • Advent, Westminster, CO
  • Trinity, Boulder, CO
  • Installation of Rev. Katie Emery, First, Longmont, CO
  • South Metro/Northern Colorado Conference Retreat

Pastor Matt Barnhouse
  • Staff Retreat
  • In-office Appointments, Denver
  • Christ, Cheyenne, WY

Ruth Hoffman
  • Staff meeting
  • Legislative Session
  • United Church of Santa Fe

Tina Kvitek
  • Staff Retreat
  • 1-1 Meetings
  • Lord of the Mountains, Dillon, CO
Pastor Sarah Moening
  • Staff Retreat
  • In-office appointments
  • Immanuel, Greeley, CO

Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
  • Lutheran Center Administration
  • Staff Retreat
  • In-office appointments

Deacon Erin Power
  • Staff Retreat
  • RMS Communications
  • Word & Service Summit, PLTS Berkeley, CA
Peter Severson
  • Staff Retreat
  • CO Social Legislation Committee
  • Faithful Tuesdays
  • Vision 2020 Policy Committee

Pastor Leslie Welton
  • Staff Retreat
  • Western Mission Cluster, Phoenix, AZ
  • Word & Service Summit, PLTS
Quick Links
Share the News
Erin Power ,   Assistant to the Bishop
You are welcome to directly contact Andrew Nakatan i , Communications Assistant, with questions, comments, or concerns you may have about eConnection or our website!

Rocky Mountain Synod  
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744

Submissions are due noon Monday each week and will run for about two weeks.
Past issues of eConnection may be found here .