January 11, 2019
A Note from the Acting Head of School...
New Year, New Schedules, New Title

Welcome back and Happy New Year! January always provides an opportunity to start fresh and inspires change and renewed inspiration. It is the same at Crossroads. In many ways, this school year has been an opportunity to re-dedicate ourselves to our core mission. We have taken advantage of our size reduction to revisit the way we operate and determine the best path to grow enrollment and continue our 41-year tradition of providing specialized learning for our students.

Change, even if it is positive, can be challenging. Our students returned to school to new Spring Semester class schedules. Some new ancillary classes were added, some homeroom assignments were adjusted and some teachers even added new classes to their routine. All of these changes were made after careful thought and with the intention of positive outcomes. Nonetheless, our students desire consistency. This is a hidden opportunity for us to help our students practice the life-skill of adjusting to change. We have no doubt that the “new” will quickly become the “routine.”

A more subtle change on campus is that of Mr. Justin’s job title, previously called the “Head of Educational Development” Mr. (that does not roll off the tongue easily!). Justin is now the Principal of Crossroads School. He is a key member of the Leadership Team and is responsible for the academic and scheduling decisions. Our schedule change affords him more time to supervise and mentor other faculty and assures that our program continues to meet the standards of excellence we desire.

The Leadership Team model allows us to utilize the wisdom of key staff members in our school governance. We continue to define roles and nurture a culture of collaboration.

Crossroads Leadership Team
Debi Mishael
Board Chair & Acting Head of School
(713) 977-1221 x101
Spirit Week ...
Ugly Sweaters and Career Day were fun!
Pictures from Main Event -Last Day Before Winter Break
Main Event was closed to the public for the first couple of hours and the students and faculty at Crossroads had a lot of fun exploring the bowling, games, laser tag, and more.
Ms. Azmae and a student brave the gravity ropes high overhead!
The best part of the event was being there with friends.
Coat Drive Success

Two guest speakers from The Alliance center came to campus to collect a large box of coats that school families donated in the month of December.

The mission of the Alliance Center is to create opportunities for refugees, immigrants, and under-served residents to achieve their goals for self-sufficiency and improve their quality of life.
Ms. Suzanne
Begins Maternity Leave

Friday is Ms. Suzanne's last day on campus before her maternity leave begins. Students and staff are excited for her and wish her a healthy and easy transition as she and her husband become first-time parents. We all look forward to meeting her new little girl.

Ms. Katie has been in the elementary classroom with Ms. Suzanne since the end of November and we are confident that this overlap will help smooth the transition for the students. (Katie has a B.A. in Psychology and is a certified EC-12th Special Education teacher.)
Community Events TONIGHT!
Dr. Ham earned a Ph.D. in Psychology, specializing in autism, from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. She has worked with individuals with autism and their families in the United States, United Kingdom, Nigeria, and Australia. In 2006 she envisioned a community where individuals with autism could develop a sense of belonging and find their purpose. Spectrum Fusion works to improve the possibilities for individuals with autism.
Partnering with universities, organizations, parents, employers, innovators, entrepreneurs and business experts, they seek to positively change the lives of adults with autism. Through innovative opportunities, they seek to help individuals with autism use their skills, interests, and strengths to reach their full potential. For more information, visit Spectrum Fusion’s website at  https://www.spectrumfusion.org .
Contributions can be mailed to the school address or donate online at: www.paypal.me/CrossroadsHouston
Crossroads School Events & Reminders

School Closed: MLK Day January 21, 2019
Early Dismissal for Parent Conferences: January 28-31, 2019

5822 Dolores St.
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 977-1221